
☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.2.2 (Insider build)

By: liam — April 4th 2023 at 14:29

Released April 4, 2023


  • Bookmarks: Supports middle-click to open bookmarks in a new tab.
  • Bookmarks: Hover preview now only shows the current heading for bookmarked headings.

No longer broken

  • Fixed bug causing broken links to be created when renaming a file break when renaming files without display text.
  • Hotkeys: Fixed bug causing custom hotkeys to not be displayed even when they match the current filter selection.
  • Bookmarks: Fixed drag and drop sometimes dropping items in the wrong position.
  • Bookmarks: Fixed dragging and dropping multiple items causing the item order to change.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.2.1 (Insider build)

By: liam — March 31st 2023 at 19:05

Released March 31, 2023


  • Publish: The “Manage included folders” and “Manage excluded folders” options will now filter out already selected folders.
  • Bookmarks: Updated drag and drop behavior to create a bookmarked folder when dragging a folder from the File Explorer to the Bookmarks view.
  • Bookmarks: Added page preview support on hover.
  • Editor: Renaming files will now rename the file alias if it matches the file name.
  • App: Added “Close others in tab group” command to close all tabs in the tab group except the current one.
  • App: Added “Make copy of current file” command.

No longer broken

  • App: “Export to PDF” will now respect when a custom font is configured.
  • Search: Sort order is now properly restored on workspace load.
  • Tags: Fixed tags not being sorted when changing the sort option in the Tag view.
  • Tags: Fixed tags not preserving their fold
  • Hotkeys: Fixed hotkeys not always applying filter.
  • Hotkeys: Can no longer set hotkeys to be Shift + A-Z.
  • Hotkeys: Hotkeys that use Space will now be displayed correctly.
  • Bookmarks: Fixed drag and drop behavior where items could be moved to the wrong position.
  • Bookmarks: Drag and drop is now easier to drag items between two folders.
  • Bookmarks: Improved migration from Starred so that stale files that no longer exist and mismatched Starred file titles won’t be migrated over.
  • Starred: Fixed view not being scrollable.
  • Starred: Fixed items missing hover styling.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.2.0 (Insider build)

By: liam — March 29th 2023 at 15:58

Released March 29, 2023

Shiny new things

  • Added new Bookmarks core plugin.


  • Search: New UI for toggling search options.
  • Hotkey Settings: Added menu to filter hotkeys by assigned, unassigned. Added button to filter by hotkey.
  • Added Editor setting to open new tabs in the background.
  • Links with folder paths will now automatically insert an alias to the base filename (e.g. [[folder/file]] will expand to [[folder/file|file]])
  • Added “Close tab group” command.
  • Suggest modals now support “page down” and “page up” as well as “home” and “end” keys for faster keyboard navigation.

No longer broken

  • Canvas: Fixed query blocks not rendering in text cards.
  • Export to PDF will now always export in “light mode.”
  • Fixed slider tooltip overlapping with cursor.
  • macOS: Fixed Export to PDF rendering the wrong font.
  • Fixed folding arrows being misaligned on list items.
  • macOS: double-clicking the sidebar close buttons in the window frame will no longer trigger the window getting fullscreened.
  • Fixed “Fold more” command not folding the current line if the cursor is on top of a heading.



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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.1.15

By: liam — February 22nd 2023 at 16:01

Released February 22, 2023

This update primarily focuses on Canvas improvements and overall bug fixes within the app.

  • Canvas improvements — Canvas settings, readonly mode, global search results, and more.
  • Bugfixes — fixes for Export to PDF, mermaid graph colors, and list numbering.

Canvas Improvements

We’ve made a lot of improvements to Canvas since its initial release.

Arranging Cards

Arranging cards on your canvas is now easier than ever. You can now resize multiple cards at once by dragging from the selection box. You can also nudge selected cards in any direction by pressing the arrow keys.


Readonly mode

Once you have your cards arranged exactly how you like them, you can use the new readonly mode to lock your canvas content in place. While in readonly mode, a canvas and its contents cannot be modified.

Canvas Settings

There is now a settings page for Canvas with the following configuration options:
- Default location for new canvas files.
- Use scroll wheel zoom instead of pan.
- Options to hide the card labels.
- Global setting for “snap to grid” and “snap to objects.”
- Configurable zoom threshold for when cards switch from showing their content to just showing the card title.
- Configurable behavior of Ctrl/Command + Drag.

Global Search support

Content from text cards will now appear as search results in the global search view.

Background images for Canvas groups

Canvas groups can now have a background image associated with them. With a group selected, press the new “set background” button and choose an image from your vault.

The image can be set to cover the entire group or be used as a repeating pattern.

Jump to group

The new “Jump to group” command allows you to search for groups in your open Canvas by name. Selecting a group will quickly pan the viewport to that group.
Some other notable improvements to Canvas:

Narrow to block

Similarly to the “Narrow to heading…” feature, there is now a “narrow to block” menu item for file cards in the Canvas. Just right-click on a file card and choose “Narrow to block…” to see a list of all blocks in the given file. Selecting a block from the list will change the card to only display the contents of that block.


  • Deleting a file now closes its tab if there are other tabs in the tab group.
  • Obsidian Sync’s settings page will now warn you if your vault is in Dropbox, iCloud, or OneDrive. Using multiple sync providers can lead to data conflicts.
  • “Follow link under cursor” commands will now create a new canvas file if the linked canvas (i.e. [[dashboard.canvas]]) doesn’t exist. Previously a markdown file called dashboard.canvas would get created.
  • Removed the redundant :link: icon from the tab header for linked tabs.
  • Fixed LaTeX syntax highlighting.
  • Fixed Mermaid gitgraph colors.
  • Fixed bug where embeds and code blocks in Live Preview were not properly unloaded when switching files.
  • Fixed context menu position when using “Show context menu under cursor” command while “native menus” is enabled.
  • Fixed bug with “fold less” command not unfolding content on the selected line.
  • File BOM will now automatically be stripped when Obsidian reads a file.
  • When editing at the bottom of the window, the view will now scroll to have enough room to show the current line of text above the status bar.
  • Fixed an issue where dragging tabs around the workspace sometimes causes an image in your clipboard to get pasted into the open editor.
  • Color inputs now have a focus state when selected via the keyboard.
  • Improved Mermaid text colors.
  • The vim Codemirror extension has been updated to include all the latest upstream fixes and patches.
  • Code blocks in Live Preview now show a copy icon if there is no language set.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.1.15 (Insider build)

By: liam — February 22nd 2023 at 15:59

Released February 22, 2023

No longer broken

  • Canvas: Fixed canvas settings not showing previously saved new file path.
  • Search: Fixed file: operator not working for canvas files.
  • Fixed export to PDF not inheriting cssclass in frontmatter.
  • Fixed export to PDF error out when downscaling too much.
  • The “excluded files” selector no longer allows you to accidentally add an empty entry.
  • Fixed some more color issues for mermaid graphs.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Mobile v1.4.2, Build 93 (Insider build)

By: liam — February 16th 2023 at 17:33


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.1.14.


  • iOS: Allow pasting images directly into the editor.
  • The “Set heading” button in the mobile toolbar will now show a basic menu instead of an autocomplete menu. Fixed bug where pressing the button again would cause additional menus to appear.

No longer broken

  • Fixed bug where opening vault via URI causes the vault switcher to always switch back.
  • Fixed bug where using the URI to open another vault fails if the app is already running in the background.
  • iOS: fixed bug where sharing a screenshot with Obsidian would add the file to the vault without a file extension.
  • iOS: fixed bug where using the spacebar trackpad to navigate around would sometimes jump to the title.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.1.14 (Insider build)

By: liam — February 16th 2023 at 17:22

Released February 16, 2023

No longer broken

  • Fixed issue where searching with an operator (e.g. “tag:”) would cause all canvas files to show in search results.
  • Canvas: Fixed selection box appearing behind a Canvas group’s background image.
  • Canvas: Fixed issue where clicking a link in a canvas would sometimes fail and cause an error message to be shown.
  • Canvas: The placeholder image no longer flashes on screen when opening or closing a canvas file.
  • Canvas: Fixed group background images not appearing if the file path contained parentheses.
  • Canvas: Fixed issue where embedded web pages could access privacy-related APIs like microphone or send desktop notifications.
  • Code blocks in Live Preview now show a copy icon if there is no language set.
  • macOS: Fixed issue where scrollbars would sometimes appear when using “print to PDF.”
  • macOS: “Print to PDF” will now use Inter by default to fix the issue where copying and pasting text in the generated PDF would appear reversed.
  • Fixed an issue where dragging tabs around the workspace sometimes causes an image in your clipboard to get pasted into the open editor.
  • Color inputs now have a focus state when selected via the keyboard.
  • Improved Mermaid text colors.
  • The vim Codemirror extension has been updated to include all the latest upstream fixes and patches.


  • The lucide icon library has been upgrade to v0.114.0 meaning there are new icons available to be used.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Announcements - Obsidian Forum

Obsidian Release v1.1.13 (Insider build)

By: liam — February 13th 2023 at 18:11

Released February 13, 2023

Shiny new things

  • Canvas: content from text cards will now appear as results in global searches.
  • Canvas: Added support for resizing multiple cards at once.
  • Canvas: Added “Readonly” mode for canvases. While in readonly mode, a canvas and its contents cannot be modified.
  • Canvas: Groups can now have a background image.


  • Canvas: Added support for YouTube timestamped links.
  • Canvas: Added “convert to file” command to the command palette.
  • Canvas: Added new setting to specify the default canvas file location.
  • Added a short delay before showing tooltips in the app.
  • Canvas: Alignment menu is now shown when a group is selected.
  • Canvas: Cards can be resized regardless of zoom level.
  • Canvas: recent files and recent attachments are now kept track of separately, so the attachments modal should be filled with more useful options.
  • Canvas: improved the behavior of macOS “Smart zoom.” Now double tapping the trackpad will always zoom to the node under the cursor.
  • When editing at the bottom of the window, the view will now scroll to have enough room to show the current line of text above the status bar.

No longer broken

  • Fixed bug where linking to blocks would autocomplete the full file path even when “shortest path when possible” is set.
  • Fixed bug where linking to a heading in the current file would sometimes insert the full path.
  • Markdown lists will now properly be renumbered when pressing Enter twice to escape a sublist.
  • Canvas: Fixed bug where opening a card in its on tab would not scroll to the correct block or heading.
  • Canvas: slightly improved “Export as image” so that it waits for content to be loaded before capturing the image.
  • Canvas: Fixed bug where dragging a note into canvas would not properly give focus to the canvas view.
  • Canvas: Allow dragging multiple folders from the file explorer into a canvas.
  • Obsidian Sync: Added a warning if you keep your vault in a folder that is managed by iCloud that Obsidian Sync and iCloud may conflict with one another.
  • “Follow link under cursor” commands will now create a new canvas file if the linked canvas (i.e. [[dashboard.canvas]]) doesn’t exist. Previously a markdown file called dashboard.canvas would get created.
  • Removed the redundant :link: icon from the tab header for linked tabs.
  • Fixed LaTeX syntax highlighting.
  • Fixed Mermaid gitgraph colors.
  • File explorer: ensure that leading and trailing spaces are always stripped when renaming a file.
  • Fixed but with “fold less” command not unfolding content on the selected line.
  • File BOM will now automatically be stripped when Obsidian reads a file.

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