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Michigan State Professor Was Teaching Class When Gunman Started Shooting

By: Julie Bosman and Jesus Jiménez — February 17th 2023 at 02:41
A professor recalls: “It looked like a robot, not someone human, covered with a mask and a cap.”
☐ ☆ ✇ NYT > Education

At Michigan State, Balancing Freedom and Safety in the Wake of Tragedy

By: Julie Bosman · Jesus Jiménez and James C. McKinley Jr. — February 16th 2023 at 01:57
While elementary, middle and high schools have adopted new safety technology to try to deter gun violence, the same changes have not come to the more open campuses of colleges and universities.
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Tiroteo en Míchigan: los estudiantes no son ajenos a la violencia armada

By: Julie Bosman · Sophia Lada · Tracey Tully and Patricia Mazzei — February 16th 2023 at 01:45
Para una generación de jóvenes estadounidenses, los tiroteos masivos en centros de enseñanza se han convertido en una rutina tan dolorosa que algunos de ellos ya han vivido más de uno.