
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

APA Member Interview: Mary-kate Boyle

By: Sabrina D. MisirHiralall — June 30th 2023 at 12:00
Mary-kate Boyle is an undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She is currently interested in ethics, German idealism, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. Mary-kate organizes and directs an after-school philosophy program for students of Lincoln Northwest High School. Please email her directly for her independent work in philosophy. What are you most proud of […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Design Milk

Raw and Refined: Inside a Renovated Brutalist Apartment in Rome

By: Caroline Williamson — June 29th 2023 at 16:00

Raw and Refined: Inside a Renovated Brutalist Apartment in Rome

A Brutalist-inspired apartment in the suburbs of Rome in Tor de’ Cenci recently received a complete renovation by STUDIOTAMAT. Designed for a lawyer couple, the project consisted of renovating the 120-square-meter apartment, along with a coveted 40-square-meter terrace. The Casa Rude residence overlooks the Castelporziano Nature Reserve offering both wooded and sea views, an ideal locale after years of living in small apartments in the heart of the city. Now, their space is filled with natural light, original character, and modern conveniences.

angled view of modern home seating area with built-in sofa with rust colored fabric

“What guided us in the design was the desire to enhance the distinctive features of the unique terraced building, dating back to the 1980s, which houses the apartment. We wanted to restore fluidity to the spaces, encourage the opening, and the discovery of pre-existing materials and details, on which to set a new vision,” says STUDIOTAMAT co-founder Tommaso Amato.

interior view through dining room into brutalist kitchen

The main living area is designed much like a open plan loft with unfinished walls and the support structure’s exposed concrete visually connecting the spaces.

partial view of monotone kitchen

partial interior view of modern kitchen looking through island

Paired with the original Brutalist details are a variety of tones, textures, and materials that add up to a visually enticing space. The roughness of the terracotta tiles on the oval island and concrete pillars are juxtaposed with the smooth Patagonia marble countertops that connect the two.

partial interior view of modern kitchen with rounded island

angled interior view of modern dining room and kitchen with rounded island

A custom dining table with a Shou sugi treated wood top rests on a black base and a glossy red ceramic leg for a sleek look.

modern interior with view of big builtin wood storage cabinet

A large, multifunctional birch wood cube is built to hide the pantry, hold coats, provide storage, and house a TV.

angled modern interior with view of big built-in wood storage cabinet open

angled interior view of modern dining room and kitchen with rounded island

modern home office view with unique design held up but red circular disc

A wall of perforated bricks separates the living room and home office allowing natural light to pass through. A custom desk extends out from the built-in shelves and is held up by a circular red wheel, complementing the dining table’s leg a few feet away. The wheel allows the desk to roll along on a track to a new position.

view down hallway of modern home with sliding screen door

A pivoting door visually separates the public areas from the sleeping area, which houses a main bedroom with ensuite bathroom, and a guest room.

side view of modern bedroom with peach bedding and sliding glass doors opening up to the bathroom

In the primary bedroom, sliding ribbed glass doors offer privacy to those in the bathroom while allowing light in.

side view of modern bedroom with peach bedding and sliding glass doors opening up to the bathroom

modern bedroom bathroom with cylindrical stone sink flanked by sliding glass doors hiding bathroom

side view of modern bedroom with peach bedding

partial view of modern bed with peach and green bedding

partial view behind sliding glass door into bathroom

view into modern bathroom with green marble on walls and round floating bathtub

angled view of bathroom sink

exterior view on apartment patio with seating areas and plants

The large terrace features an outdoor kitchen, seating areas, dining space, and outdoor shower, all of which benefit from sunset views.

exterior porch view with outdoor shower

two men standing behind one woman with white shirt

STUDIOTAMAT \\\ Photo: Flavia Rossi

Photography by Serena Eller Vainicher.

☐ ☆ ✇ Platypus

A Failure in Capture: An Experiment in Multimodal Interactive Ethnography where ‘Nothing Happens’

By: Kara White — June 29th 2023 at 06:00

The video below this text is interactive.[1] To view, click play and follow the instructions you see on the screen. As you watch, look for areas that you can click with a mouse (or tap with your finger, if on a mobile device)[2] or see what appears when you mouse over different areas of the image at different times. What do you see?[3]


[1] This multimodal content, due to technological limitations, may not be accessible to all. If the multimodal experience is not accessible to you, please visit the text based version for visual and audio descriptions and full-text transcription or listen to the audio narration:

Audio Narration by Kara White

[2] On mobile devices, we suggest viewing the page in landscape mode and selecting “Distraction Free Reading” in the top-right corner.

[3] This is an interactive video. This video is designed to get the viewer or reader to “search” the image for interactive buttons. To navigate by keyboard, you can use the tab key to switch between objects. Press enter to click on each object. The text is revealed by interacting with objects that appear at various times during the video. As each object appears, the video will pause, and you will be instructed to click or press enter for the text to appear. When you’re ready to continue, click the play button object or press enter.


Ballestero, Andrea, and Brit Ross Winthereik, eds. 2021. Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis. Experimental Futures: Technological Lives, Scientific Arts, Anthropological Voices. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Ingold, Tim. 2018. Anthropology: Why It Matters. Medford: Polity Press.

Law, John. 2004. After Method: Mess in Social Science Research. International Library of Sociology. London ; New York: Routledge.

☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Meet the APA: Lucy Santerre

By: Erin Shepherd — June 26th 2023 at 12:00
Lucy Santerre is the APA’s Program Assistant for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s grant to support diversity institutes in philosophy. Introduction I am proud to say that joining the APA in 2018 was the start of my professional career. After graduating from Boston College in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, I completed a […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

APA Member Interview: Ian MacDonald

By: Sabrina D. MisirHiralall — June 23rd 2023 at 12:00
Ian MacDonald is an educator and writer at the University of Waterloo who investigates the interrelations between inquiry, meaning, and methods. He focuses on the writings of Peirce, Clifford, and Welby and defended his dissertation, Communal Inferentialism: Charles S. Peirce’s Critique of Epistemic Individualism, in 2019. What’s your favorite quote?  “We have created a Star […]
☐ ☆ ✇ The Scholarly Kitchen

Guest Post — A Year of Jxiv – Warming the Preprints Stone

By: Matthew Salter — June 12th 2023 at 09:30

Is there value to be found in national, or language based preprint servers? Matthew Salter discusses lessons learned from the first year of Japan's Jxiv.

The post Guest Post — A Year of Jxiv – Warming the Preprints Stone appeared first on The Scholarly Kitchen.

☐ ☆ ✇ Political Violence at a Glance

The Responsibility to Protect Palestinians

By: Michael Barnett — June 2nd 2023 at 12:00

By Michael Barnett

A recent headline from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz describes a familiar event: “West Bank Palestinian Village Residents Flee Amid Ongoing Settler Violence.” In many respects, this is old news. Settlers have been terrorizing Palestinian residents for decades, and 2023 appears to be a particularly horrific year. In response to these criminal acts, the Israeli army and government have tended to look the other way. The military is often slow to react or a no-show when settlers take to the streets and rampage through Palestinian villages or uproot olive trees. The Israeli government rarely attempts to arrest or punish the offenders, often citing a lack of evidence or persuasive identification of suspected perpetrator, but the dominant reasons range from ideological sympathies with the settlers to the indirect benefits of keeping Palestinians in fear.

The international community has developed a moral register and set of possible responses for such situations: a responsibility to protect. The general claim is that when the state fails in its responsibility to protect its citizens and civilians, then the international community inherits this duty. The original formulation applied to situations of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, but it has expanded over the years to include less severe events and apartheid. These and other state-sponsored or state-enabled actions now sometimes go by the name atrocity crimes. Additionally, the United Nations and other international bodies have a protection of civilian mandate, as do many humanitarian and human rights agencies.

These various protection discourses and mandates were built for situations like the territories. Israel has routinely violated international law, including that related to refugees, human rights, and occupation. In addition, it has demonstrated an unwillingness to provide protections for Palestinians from the growing number of settlers. But the international community—specifically the West—has failed to act for two major reasons. It tolerated these abuses and arbitrary rules in the name of the peace process. The peace process led Western states to hold their tongues, creating something of a human shield for Israel. Relatedly, the US, for reasons owing to the peace process and domestic politics, played the role of protector of last resort in various international bodies and, most visibly, in the UN Security Council, where it reflexively vetoes any resolution that is critical of Israel. Only in the last days of the Obama administration did it find the “courage” to abstain. The US has been Israel’s “get out of jail free” card.

The peace process has been dead for at least a decade and there is now a “one-state reality” from the river to the sea. In this one-state reality, Palestinians have few rights or protections and Jewish privilege is enshrined in various laws and rules that systematically discriminate against Palestinians, providing strong evidence for claims that Israel is now an apartheid state.

The question is: what is the US and the international community prepared to do to stop these mass violations of human rights? The recent history of efforts by the international community and the UN to protect civilians gives little reason for optimism. Where the international community has intervened, it has usually been in cases of active war, which does not currently apply to Israel. There is much less success with lower levels of violence. Without enforcement mechanisms, human rights law has little effect.  That said, human rights monitors do have a record of compelling better behavior from those in power. Humanitarian agencies attempt to protect civilians through provision of life-saving resources such as food, water, medical care, and shelter, but have little ability to stop combatants that are determined to harm and terrorize civilians. States, meanwhile, often hide behind sovereignty to deny access to those who want to protect populations at risk. Israel has played this card, even though it has control but not sovereignty over these territories.

The best thing the US and others who have protected Israel can do is change their role from an enabler of the oppression of the Palestinians to an erstwhile guardian. The US should stop reaching for the veto every time a resolution on Israel and its violations of international law comes to the Security Council. Israeli actions should cease being called an “obstacle to peace” and instead be labeled as violations of international law. The US should consider suspending or reducing its aid package, and scrupulously ensure that its financial assistance does benefit Israeli hold over the territories. The international community might consider a role for human rights monitors or using drone and satellite technology to monitor Israeli actions in the territories, and make public their observations and findings. There are many American-born settlers, and if they are involved in violence in the territories they should be prosecuted in a court of law alongside other American-born terrorists. The West might consider placing smart sanctions on Israel and leaders that benefit from Israel’s hold over the territories, or introducing trade restrictions. The European Union and other countries that provide fast-track visas for Israeli citizens should remove this highly desired perk.

Sticks like sanctions often do not work in deterring or compelling action. They often do not hurt enough because the targeted state can often escape them by developing other arrangements and alliances.  Alternatively, for states like Israel that might see their cause as integral to the existential identity or security, then they are likely to absorb the pain of the sanctions. But sanctions and other kinds of discursive condemnations can have important symbolic effects. Israel likes to present itself as part of the West and having shared values with the US and other Western countries. Western countries can stop propping up the idea of a “special relationship” built on shared values, now that Israel ceases to share them. It can expel Israel from the Western bloc in the UN and other international bodies.

The international community has developed a range of options for attempting to deter states that trample on the rights of civilians. Few of them have the necessary impact and they often have unintended consequences. But even a serious conversation by the US and the West would be a momentous moment and possibly cause Israel to recognize that its policies have a cost.

☐ ☆ ✇ Daily Nous

APA Election Results

By: Justin Weinberg — May 26th 2023 at 12:26

The American Philosophical Association (APA) has announced the results of its recent elections.

The new office holders are listed below:

Board of Officers

Gwen Bradford (Rice University)

Central Division

Vice President
Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado Boulder)

Executive Committee Member-at-Large
Julia Staffel (University of Colorado Boulder)

Nominating Committee Members
Anthony Kelley (Louisiana State University)
Eileen Nutting (University of Kansas)
Sarah Robins (University of Kansas)
Raul Saucedo (University of Colorado Boulder)

Eastern Division

Vice President
Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia University)

Executive Committee Members-at-Large
Lucy Allais (Johns Hopkins University and the University of the Witwatersrand)
Ned Hall (Harvard University)
Quill R Kukla (Georgetown University) (elected to a two-year term, 2023–2025, filling a seat on the committee that is currently vacant)

Nominating Committee Members
Ásta (Duke University)
Jennifer Saul (University of Waterloo)

Pacific Division

Vice President
Amy Kind (Claremont McKenna College)

Executive Committee Member-at-Large
José Jorge Mendoza (University of Washington)

Board Representative
Clair Morrissey
(Occidental College)

Graduate Student Council

Aatif Abbas (Syracuse University), 2023–2025
Rachel Keith (University of Southern California), 2023–2025

The terms of most of these positions begin July 1st.

The post APA Election Results first appeared on Daily Nous.

☐ ☆ ✇ NYT - Education

Asked to Delete References to Racism From Her Book, an Author Refused

By: Alexandra Alter and Elizabeth A. Harris — May 11th 2023 at 21:19
The case, involving Scholastic, led to an outcry among authors and became an example of how the culture wars behind a surge in book banning in schools has reached publishers.

Maggie Tokuda-Hall declined Scholastic’s offer to license her book, “Love in the Library,” on the condition that she edit her author’s note to remove a description of past and present instances of racism.
☐ ☆ ✇ An Inkophile's Blog

Old Friends From My Stash

By: inkophile — May 3rd 2023 at 00:41
It was a dark and gloomy weekend. Not really. Sunny and comfortable but evenings at my desk were uninspired until I put together paper, pen and ink that haven’t seen the light of day in ages. To my delight the Rhodia No 13 pad, Sailor Sapporo fine nib and Diamine Mediterranean Blue ink were made […]


☐ ☆ ✇ The Well-Appointed Desk

Notebook Review: Nakabayashi Logical Prime B5 Notebooks

By: Ana — April 7th 2023 at 15:00

Another pen show find is the Nakabayashi Logical Prime notebooks. These are softcover notebooks are stitch bound with a bookbinding tape over the stitches to reinforce.

There are a variety of interior paper options (Point, Graph, 7mm Lined and 6mm Lined) and the notebooks can be found around the internet in a variety of sizes. Yoseka Stationery stocks the Logical Prime notebooks in A5 size ($6 each).

The more unusual B5 size (6.9″ x 9.8″ or 176 x 250mm) was picked up from a vendor at a pen show. Which show? Maybe the California Pen Show. Which vendor? Taccia but they don’t list these notebooks on their web site.

B5 Logical Prime notebook with a standard Midori MD A5 notebook on top for size comparison.

According to the Nakabayashi Global web site, the Logical Prime notebooks are only available in A5 and B5 sizes though in the US market, you are more likely to find an A5 notebook than the larger B5.

All the internal rulings are in a fine dark green line. At the top or each page is a space for writing a title or description and date.

What’s really interesting about these notebooks is the unusual ruling options (I didn’t get one of the standard grid notebooks because after seeing the Point and Lined, the graph was just ho-hum). The Ruled options, both 6mm and 7mm actually feature two additional light dotted lines between each solid rule creating guides for much smaller increments. There are also dotted vertical lines at the same interval as the ruling so the paper can be used as graph if you want or need it to do so. The multiple horizontal lines would be great if you want to practice your handwriting or calligraphy.

At the top and bottom of the page are dots and tick marks indicating the center of the page, 1/3, 1/4 and so on. If you were wanting to grid something out on a page, these marks will help you maintain consistency from page to page. If you were to use these notebooks for bullet journaling, this would help to divide the page for week-on-two-pages, making a monthly overview calendar, etc.

Reverse side of the writing sample on the Logical Prime 6mm Lined

The paper is a soft cream ivory color, not bright white.

Reverse side of the 7mm lined page. No bleed through or show through.

There is not a huge difference, obviously, between the 6mm and 7mm lined paper but I know folks have clear preferences. When I was testing the paper, I thought I preferred the 7mm lined because I had a little more space but I was really jumping between the margins in a weird way so I think the 6mm is a bit better for my tiny handwriting.

Then there was the Point style which has dots spaced really far apart. On the back cover it says “12x15pt” which I think is 12mm dot grid (approx 9/16″) or thereabouts. That’s some pretty big grid!

Reverse side of the Point notebook.

I feel like a grid of this scale is a good compromise for someone who might want blank but needs a little guidance.

Did I mention that this paper shows sheen? Probably should have mentioned that sooner. So, good quality paper, unusual ruling options, and its affordable? You should probably stock up now. I don’t think you’ll regret it.

The post Notebook Review: Nakabayashi Logical Prime B5 Notebooks appeared first on The Well-Appointed Desk.

☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

APA Member Interview: Trevor Adams

By: Sabrina D. MisirHiralall — April 7th 2023 at 12:00
Trevor Adams is a PhD candidate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His primary research interests are epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion. His dissertation is focused on the nature and rationality of hope. What excites you about philosophy? Since philosophy is both an individual and group activity I think there are really two […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Inside the APA: Applying for APA Grants

By: Amy Ferrer — April 6th 2023 at 12:00
One of the many ways the APA supports philosophers and helps address issues in the field is through grants. If you’re an APA member, you’re eligible to apply for an APA grant, and in this post I’ll share a bit about each of the types of grants the APA offers and how they work. To […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Back to the Warm Home, Good Relationships, and Philosophy

By: Sidra Shahid, Katherine Cassese & · Jeremy Bendik-Keymer — March 31st 2023 at 19:00
Three years in, we stay true to the pulse underlying our philosophical work. Coming from memorable personal relationships, we end with free correspondence.
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

APA Member Interview: Rebeccah Leiby

By: Sabrina D. MisirHiralall — March 31st 2023 at 12:00
Rebeccah Leiby is the Hoffberger Ethics Fellow at the University of Baltimore’s Hoffberger Center for Ethical Engagement (previously, the Hoffberger Center for Professional Ethics). She completed her Ph.D. in 2022 at Boston University, where she defended a dissertation entitled “Towards a Contractualist Theory of Transitional Justice.” What are you working on right now?  In addition […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report

Immersive Content and Usability

By: L. Jeffrey Zeldman — March 30th 2023 at 17:25
So little time, so many wonderful, evergreen titles. The A Book Apart library for people who design, write, and code ... in coffee mug format.

As the lines between our physical and digital surroundings continue to blur, it’s more important than ever to design usable and accessible content for our ever-expanding array of contexts.

In 2021, A Book Apart and I were delighted to bring you Preston So’s Voice Content and Usability, the definitive book on voice content, and A Book Apart’s first voice title.

Now, in 2023, we’re thrilled to present Preston’s brilliant follow-up, Immersive Content and Usability, coming April 18.

Armed with this book, you’ll create incisive and inclusive user-centered experiences across augmented, extended, and virtual realities, transforming the physical world into an exciting new canvas for content.

Pre-order now!

The post Immersive Content and Usability appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Sports Ethicist

IAPS @ Pacific APA 2023: Bernard Suits’s Utopian Legacy

By: sportsethicist — March 27th 2023 at 18:05
IAPS is hosting a session at this year’s Pacific APA. The Pacific APA is being held in San Francisco, April 5-8, 2023. The session is Friday April 7, 2023, 7-9 pm Topic: Bernard Suits’s Utopian Legacy Chair: Shawn E. Klein … Continue reading


☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

What It’s Like to be a Philosopher

By: Sabrina D. MisirHiralall — March 24th 2023 at 12:00
The APA blog is working with Cliff Sosis of What is it Like to Be a Philosopher? in publishing advance excerpts from Cliff’s long-form interviews with philosophers. The following is an edited excerpt from the interview with David Pearce.  [interviewer: Cliff Sosis] In this interview, independent philosopher David Pearce talks about his grandparents who took in refugees from Kindertransport, […]
☐ ☆ ✇ The Paris Review


By: Sophie Kemp — March 22nd 2023 at 14:00

Photograph by Sophie Kemp.

I was trying on brassieres at Azaleas, the one next to the Ukrainian National Home on Second Avenue. All the brassieres looked terrible on me. This is because I have very small breasts (which is okay, because I have absolutely fabulous areolas). I picked out one that was a very pale blush pink, and paid seventy dollars for it. Then my phone rang. It was my roommate. There were bumps all over her body. “They are very itchy,” she said, and asked me if I had them, too. I did not. When I got back to our apartment in South Brooklyn, I stripped my sheets off my bed. There was a large brown bug sunbathing on my mattress. I poked it with a pen. It made a movement that seemed to say: Ouch. I scanned the bed: there was a constellation of ink-colored droplets. 

The bedbug summer was in 2019. I had just turned twenty-three. I was working at Vogue as an assistant. I was making very little money. I thought I was punk because I would often show up to work with a gin hangover, plug in a pair of headphones, and play YouTube videos where various artists performed industrial music. I thought I was punk because all of my clothes were from the garbage or had been gifted to me by people who also worked at Vogue (okay, I did buy stuff, like the bra). I thought I was punk because I was dating a former child jazz prodigy who lived in a DIY venue in Gowanus with no shower, no kitchen, but massive windows, hardwood floors. A posh nightclub had opened up next door and I sometimes went there to pee because I liked the soap. It all made me feel very cool even though in reality it was pathetic. My boyfriend slept on a twin-sized cot inside of what was functionally an electrical closet. He was the first person I called about the bedbugs. That evening he took me to the nightclub and bought me a cocktail. He had a freckle inside his eyelid and it looked like a wet pebble. I was totally in love with him.

It was not a good situation. The next morning, there was a large man in my apartment. It was the Fourth of July. The man was wearing a hazmat suit. He was going to do what he called a radical intervention re: the bugs. It involved a breakthrough in technology. He had come from New Jersey in a Sprinter van. He met us at an ATM on Newkirk Avenue so we could pay him in cash. My roommate tried to blame the whole thing on me. And why wouldn’t she? She had a nice boyfriend in medical school who liked to cook her dinner. I told her that she was insane, to make me pay for the whole thing. This was New York City. Nefarious individuals could have come into our home during the night and sprinkled the bedbugs on our sheets. We had to at least get the landlord involved. The landlord called us gullible idiots and then said she’d split it three ways because the exterminator we picked was too expensive. The man left our house. I still was not itchy. On the internet it said not everyone was allergic to bedbugs. I liked this fact: I was some kind of biological miracle? I did not want to spend any more time in the bedbug apartment so I went to my boyfriend’s DIY venue and poured a bottle of Bailey’s into an XL Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee cup, and then we took the subway to Far Rockaway. 

After a few weeks, the bedbugs were physically gone, but I continued to see them everywhere. In my clothes. In my backpack, which I had taken to ironing at least twice a day just to be safe. I had given them to everyone at Vogue, probably. There was this thing where my boyfriend told me that a woman he used to fuck also had gotten bedbugs, not long before we started dating. I started flipping over the mattress on his cot to inspect it every time he went to the bathroom after sex. I would crawl around on the floor completely naked, aiming my iPhone flashlight at the ground, like a coal miner. I was subsisting on a lot of Cool Blue Gatorade and really cheap Thai food. Around this time I was attacked by a cat in a bodega. It became clear to me that my boyfriend was probably addicted to smoking marijuana. I had basically stopped letting people into my apartment, including myself. 

I decided I was being punished, Old Testament–style. I would sit at my desk at work and think of how I had been affected by each of the biblical plagues:

(1) Water turning to blood: I had been menstruating for almost a decade at this point.
(2) Frogs: I had seen frogs in various ponds. 
(3) Lice: I had been spared from this one, so far.
(4) Flies: I am from upstate New York and they are always talking about black fly season there. I had personally experienced this—a swarm of them around my head in the High Peaks Wilderness.
(5) Livestock pestilence: I used to eat semi-rancid deli meat when depressed.
(6) Boils: To this day I am a hormonal acne sufferer.
(7) Hail: Again, from upstate New York. There is a joke among locals that is like, What are the seasons in upstate New York? Winter, winter, winter, roadwork. Ha ha ha.
(8) Darkness: Constant, neverending.
(9) Locusts: This was the bedbugs.
(10) Slaying of the firstborn: A false positive from a pregnancy test purchased at a pharmacy near the Jules Joffrin station in Paris. The father would’ve been this guy Antoine, who used to pick me up from school at La Sorbonne and then have sex with me while we watched music videos by the artist Micachu and the Shapes on the television in his apartment in Belleville. He was a decade older than me. He was one of the first people that I’d ever had sex with. If we’d had a daughter she would’ve been so pretty. 

By the start of the fall, I had completely lost my mind. It was comical. I started seeing a therapist and was swiftly diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. My boyfriend had made it clear to me that even though I loved him, he did not love me. I was tired of being punk. I was tired of walking around in a bikini as a shirt. It was all such a weird season. In January 2020, after a long breakup—far overdue—I moved to a small but stunning apartment on the fourth floor of a brownstone. There were no bedbugs there. My new roommates were nice. I pushed my bed into a corner and sat on the fire escape and drank wine out of a mug. The plagues were over (or so I thought). A few months later, I realized that all my clothes were infested with moths. 


Sophie Frances Kemp is a writer in Brooklyn, originally from Schenectady, New York. She has published non-fiction in GQ, Vogue, and The Nation, and fiction in The Baffler and Forever. She has a forthcoming novel called Paradise Logic.

☐ ☆ ✇ Productive Flourishing

Change Work Is Strategic Work

By: Charlie Gilkey — March 14th 2023 at 21:04

Understanding your team's capacity for change is vital for strategic work

How much time do you spend each week working through the important, deep, and future-building work? How much time could have been spent on the significant, strategic change work that often gets lost — either in routines or in the swirl of urgent items that seem to appear out of nowhere?

Take a minute to look back at your schedule over the last few weeks if you really want to get a clear picture.

Chances are you’ve been caught up in a strategic-routine-urgent logjam. 

If you’re seeing this play out on your schedule, consider the compound effect of this playing out across your team – those four to eight people you spend 80% of your working time with.

When you look at teamwork, you’ll find that collaboration mostly falls into one of three buckets: 

Strategic work: work that is longer term and catalytic for an important objective or issue

Routine work: tasks that pop up regularly, such as weekly reports

Urgent work: time-sensitive and important tasks

We can’t control the urgent things that come up, and hopefully the routines we have in place are set up to support those moments when they arise. Where things tend to get slippery though is how we spend the time we have (or think we have) for that important, future-building strategic work.

Why “Two Weeks From Now” is Closer Than You Think

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the “father of flow,” once wrote about how, if you look at your schedule from two weeks ago, unless you make specific, instrumental changes during your week, your schedule two weeks from now is probably going to look the same. 

We have this myth in our brains that two weeks from now is wide open. That we don’t have to worry about it now because in the future we’ll have the time.

Except… it’s not really that open, not when you think about it. 

At the team level, you’re rolling in routine stuff, things you know are just gonna happen, but they still take up time to do. And there’s probably going to be something that’s urgent, right?

And that’s not even counting meetings, which usually fall into the routine bucket, but require urgency every so often. 

So how much time do you actually have for the future building work? Time to:

  • dream up the next product offering?
  • dig into that deep problem or question that’s been nagging you?
  • plan an approach to that opportunity you’re trying to advance?

When I’m consulting on strategic planning with a client, one of the first things I’ll come in and say is, “What’s our actual capacity for change here?” 

I’m not talking about the emotional capacity, which is also important, but what is the actual capacity on schedules? 

Prioritization and the People it Impacts

This is where the disconnect often comes in on teams. Managers and leaders expect a lot more of the strategic future building work to happen. That’s natural — we (hopefully) take pride in our roles and company vision, aiming to elevate what we stand for, and push our boundaries beyond the limits of success.

However, most managers and leaders don’t have a firm grasp of how the routine tasks and the urgent stuff dominates the team structure.

If the routine tasks and urgent work items are taking up 110% of people’s time, we have to do something different.

We can’t just assume that we’re going to put more units of stuff in a bag that’s already overfilled. 

I was recently talking to a CEO who was frustrated that an important project didn’t seem to be getting the attention it deserved. I pointed out that prioritizing the project meant there is work that will need to live on someone’s schedule. 

Which led me to ask “Is there any room for this to go on their schedule?” 

And followed by:

Are there enough focus blocks to move this strategic work forward?

And if not, what are we gonna do about that? 

This is where on the individual side, the five projects rule is super helpful. It’s the sort of thing that it’s really a gauge for what you can fit in and what your capacity really equals out to be. Projects have to move out before new ones can be moved in. 

And at a team level, it’s especially important for managers and leaders, but it’s really all of us at a certain point. You have to honor that you’re not going to get everything done, and that something either has to be dropped or pushed forward in an imperfect state. 

Where’s Your Capacity for Strategic Work?

Understanding your capacity for change starts with understanding how much room in your (your team’s) schedule there is to take on strategic work. If it’s just filled with urgent and recurring work, take a look at all the routine tasks and projects and ask yourself the following: 

  • Can I/we eliminate it? Would it make any difference if we did? 
  • Can I/we continue intentionally deferring recurring tasks without causing urgent or strategic harm? 
  • Can I/we outsource the task or offload it to another team or function? 
  • Can I/we be smarter and more efficient about the task?

From here, you’ll be able to build in space for strategic thinking that will expand you, your company, your team and more, to the next level of success — without compromising the essence of what makes you flow.

Team Habits is coming this August and now available for pre-order at your favorite bookseller. And if you’re curious about identifying your team’s strength areas, growth areas, and challenge areas, take our Team Habits Quiz, a free, customized report to help you understand how your team works best together and how together your team does its best work.

The post Change Work Is Strategic Work appeared first on Productive Flourishing.
