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California Comm. College Audit Caught Officials Misspending State Funds to Employ Too Many Adjuncts

By: AdjunctNation Editorial Team — March 1st 2023 at 19:29
State auditor faults state chancellor’s office for not providing proper oversight by Michael Burke California’s community colleges do not employ enough full-time faculty and in some cases districts are misspending state funds allocated for those faculty instead on too many part-time adjuncts, according to a newly released report from California’s state auditor. The audit, ordered last year by state lawmakers, probed hiring practices for full-time faculty at four community college districts: Foothill-De Anza, Kern, Los Rios and San Diego. Auditors also reviewed how those districts have spent state dollars, including $100 million provided by the Legislature in 2021 to help districts hire more full-time […]
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