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AAEA-AARES Allied Association Organized Symposium at the 2023 Annual Meeting of AAEA

By: Agricultural & · Applied Economics Association (AAEA) — February 27th 2023 at 13:33

As an allied association, AAEA has invited AARES to organize a symposium at the 2023 Annual Meeting of AAEA to be held in Washington, D.C., July 23- 25, 2023 at the Marriott Marquis. Located just a mile from the National Mall, in the heart of the city.

AARES is seeking Expressions of Interests (EoI) from members to participate in this opportunity.

Electronic EoIs (in pdf format), addressing the following criteria, will be received as an email to Mersine Dandas at [email protected] until Sunday, May 5, 2023.

  • Eoi’s should indicate their interest – benefits associated with this opportunity.
  • The proposed theme and details of presenters.
  • Financial capacity to travel to the meeting – AARES is not planning to provide financial assistance.
  • A statement about the potential for the proposed participants to engage with and include members from other branches, particularly the North American branch and AAEA members.

At least one proposer for the organized symposium must be a member of AAEA, and all presenters, speakers, and/or discussants at the Annual Meeting must be members of AAEA and registered for the Annual Meeting by Thursday, May 17, 2023.

Selection Process

A committee chaired by the Immediate Past President will assess the EoIs and a recommendation made to the AARES Executive.

The successful team will be notified by March 10, 2023.

Submission Deadlines and Details

AARES endorsed submission need to reach AAEA by March 20, 2023.

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Water Economics and Policy Journal: Call for Papers for a Special Issue

By: Agricultural & · Applied Economics Association (AAEA) — February 22nd 2023 at 13:26

Special Issue on Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in MENA and Northern Mediterranean Countries

Guest Editor:
Slim Zekri (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
Email: [email protected]

Climate change in MENA countries as well as Northern Mediterranean countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Southern France) has already made an evident impact affecting rain-fed agriculture as well as surface water reservoirs, aquifers’ natural recharge and cities. Crop varieties and tree species currently under cultivation in the Southern Mediterranean would progressively be appropriate in the North Mediterranean farming systems for adaptation. Rain is becoming more sporadic and more intensive with fewer number of rainy days, higher temperatures and longer summer months, leading to crop area shrinkage and increased need for water desalination. Hence, the increased water scarcity is affecting all the economic sectors (agriculture, water utilities, industry, tourism and the environment) and driving a higher demand for water, including for adaptation purposes. Domestic urban and rural water are under increased stress/variability and water service failures/interruptions are becoming more frequent causing social discontent. Although quantitative technical-physical climate impacts are quite abundant, the lack of economic value tags attached to such studies makes them less valuable for policy consideration and undertaking the necessary shifts and adaptations. Previous economic impact studies based their adaptation measures on deficit irrigation for instance, however data is showing that aquifers are under high stress and cannot be used for such a purpose. Similarly, surface water reservoirs’ storage capacity is negatively affected by siltation caused by the more torrential sporadic intensive rains reducing the supply of water and increasing the supply uncertainty. This special issue of Water Economics and Policy aims to bridge this gap.

Potential topics/issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Assessing the economic losses caused by extreme events (droughts; floods; extreme temperatures) on water for cities and agriculture;
  • Economic impact of climate change on rain-fed and irrigated agriculture and adaptation measures;
  • Economic impact of climate change on dams’ storage capacity based on observations (during the period 1990–2022). Dams’ siltation and water value taking into account rain intensity and periodicity;
  • Adaptation measures and investments in the water sector as a response to climate change;
  • Impacts of climate change on water policies and institutions;
  • MENA and Northern Mediterranean countries’ policy adaptation measures and investments undertaken in the past 20 years in the water/agricultural sectors;
  • Case studies of successful adaptation strategies in the water sector;
  •  International programs and international aid and their effect on water sector adaptation to climate change on the MENA region;
  • Assessment of the European programs oriented toward water sector climate adaptation for Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries; and
  •  Investments in R&D for water climate adaptation.

Timeline and submissions
Manuscript submission deadline (via Editorial Manager): July 31, 2023.

All submitted papers are expected to fully comply with Water Economics and Policy journal standards and are subject to regular review procedures. Papers should not have been published previously in any other journal (print or electronic format). All submissions should follow the journal’s Submission Guidelines found here:

About the Guest Editor
Dr Slim Zekri is Professor in the Dept. Nat. Res. Econ. at Sultan Qaboos University. He earned his PhD in Ag. Econ. and Quantitative Methods from the University of Cordoba, Spain. His main research interests are in Water Economics & Policy; Agricultural Economics and Environmental Economics. In 2017 he won the Research and Innovation Award in Water Science from the Sultan Qaboos Higher Center for Culture & Science. He is Associate Editor of the journal of Water Economics and Policy. He worked as a consultant for a range of national and international agencies. He is member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the FAO’s Globally Interesting Agricultural Heritage Systems since 2018. In 2020 he edited a book titled Water Policy in MENA Countries published by Springer.

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Climate, Justice, and IR

By: Jarrod Hayes — February 8th 2023 at 03:16

AdamDaniela and Jarrod discuss the challenge of thinking about climate justice in the context of IR and existing models of justice and reparations. Does the Holocaust and other human rights cases provide a good or useful template? Can IR approaches even handle climate change?

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Announcing New Scholarships for Experimental Economics Workshop

By: Agricultural & · Applied Economics Association (AAEA) — February 7th 2023 at 20:08

We are excited to announce that the AAEA Trust is providing scholarships for 20 participants of the Workshop on Survey Design & Experimental Methods in Applied and Agricultural Economics. For a full list of scholarships click here: is acceptable to apply for all scholarships.

The early bird registration ends February 15, 2023. For more information about registration click here:

The workshop will cover theoretical and practical knowledge regarding surveys and experimental methods. In addition, delegates will be familiarized with state-of-the-art software, and will design their own practice experiment through hands-on training.

Instructors include Vincenzina Caputo (Michigan State University), Carola Grebitus (Arizona State University), David Just (Cornell University), Jayson L. Lusk (Purdue University), Rudy Nayga (Texas A&M), and Matthew Rousu (Susquehanna University).

The workshop will take place from May 22 to May 26, 2023, at Arizona State University.It is open to academics (students, professors, individuals employed by colleges and universities, and other institutions of higher education) and non-academics (consultants and other practitioners from the private sector or national and international organizations). Seats are limited, and registration is based on a first come, first served basis. More information can be found here

Please do not hesitate to contact Carola Grebitus ([email protected]) or Vincenzina Caputo ([email protected]) if you have any questions or need additional information!
