
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Toward a Feminist View of Harm

By: Clair Baleshta — June 28th 2023 at 19:00
Oppression, Harm, and Feminist Philosophy In many ways, our understanding of oppression is closely tied to the concept of harm. This connection is especially clear in feminist philosophy—not only do feminist philosophers regularly analyze oppression’s physical, material, psychological, and social harms, but they often argue that harm is a constitutive feature of oppression. For instance, […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Witches and ‘Welfare Queens’: The Construction of Women as Threats in the Anti-Abortion Movement

By: Celia Edell — April 5th 2023 at 19:00
While today’s anti-abortion movement has been empowered by the recent fall of Roe v. Wade, the original ‘right-to-life’ movement dates to the mid-nineteenth century. In the mid-1800s, physicians began to take over the practice of childbirth from midwives and the medical specialty of obstetrics developed. The movement to medicalize women’s reproductive health made use of […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Gender Changes: Genderfluidity and Trans Possibilities

By: E.M. Hernandez — March 8th 2023 at 20:00
In a recent interview with the New York Times, Bella Ramsey remarked, “I guess my gender has always been very fluid,” explaining that he always enjoyed being mistaken for a boy, and that “being gendered isn’t something that I particularly like.” The rising star of HBO’s The Last of Us wore a chest binder while filming […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Children’s Mental Health, Institutional Gaslighting, and Mother-Blame

By: Tammy Nyden — February 8th 2023 at 20:00
There is a class action lawsuit against Iowa over failure to provide legally-required and medically necessary mental health services for Medicaid-eligible children. As a mother of an adult son with severe childhood-onset mental illness, I have mixed emotions. I am angry that it took so long and is too late for my son, relieved there […]