
☐ ☆ ✇ News For the Adjunct Faculty Nation

Michigan Comm. College Enrollment Dropped–Adjunct Faculty Used to “Adjust” the Budget

By: AdjunctNation Editorial Team — February 23rd 2023 at 18:21
by Sophia Deiters and Kevin Lopez Grand Rapids Community College’s Board of Trustee met on Feb. 20, 2023 to swear in re-elected members, discuss falling enrollment and approve budget allocations including additional funding for the Michigan Reconnect program. This was Charles Lepper’s first board meetings as president of the college. Nathaniel Lloyd, Director of Budget and Business Services and Lisa Freiburger, Vice President for Finance and Administration presented the 2022 to 2023, mid-year budget amendment.  “Clearly the highlight of our revenue is the decline in enrollment. We saw it decline 7.5% in Fall and 3.5% in Winter,” said Lloyd. “The budget […]
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