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Debt Ceiling Deal Would Reinstate Student Loan Payments

By: Michael D. Shear — June 1st 2023 at 03:04
The legislation would prevent President Biden from issuing another last-minute extension on the payments beyond the end of the summer.

The debt ceiling legislation would end the pause on student loan payments on Aug. 30 at the latest.
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House Republicans Pass ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Act

By: Annie Karni — March 24th 2023 at 16:30
The legislation would require schools to obtain parental consent to honor a student’s request to change gender-identifying pronouns. Democrats said it would bring the conflicts over social issues to the classroom.
☐ ☆ ✇ NYT - Education

House Republicans Pass ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Act

By: Annie Karni — March 24th 2023 at 16:30
The legislation would require schools to obtain parental consent to honor a student’s request to change gender-identifying pronouns. Democrats said it would bring the conflicts over social issues to the classroom.

The bill passed by House Republicans has no chance in the Democratic-controlled Senate but appeals to many of the party’s most conservative voters.
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House Republicans Prepare to Slash Spending in Budget Showdown

By: Carl Hulse and Catie Edmondson — March 8th 2023 at 21:26
With Social Security and Medicare off the table, conservatives are focusing on a wide range of smaller programs as a clash with President Biden and Democrats looms.
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AOC makes Twitter executive admit company changed policy to accommodate Trump's racist Tweets

By: Mark Frauenfelder — February 9th 2023 at 18:30

Yesterday the GOP called in former Twitter executives to try to make them admit that Twitter had been a hotbed of censorial socialists under the watch of libertarian Jack Dorsey. But AOC reminded everyone in the House yesterday that Twitter made a special effort to amplify then-President Trump's threats, incitements to violence, and racism. — Read the rest

☐ ☆ ✇ NYT > Education

Congress Expands Scrutiny of Junior R.O.T.C. Programs

By: Mike Baker and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs — February 3rd 2023 at 14:32
Senators said they were “disturbed” by reports that schools were automatically enrolling students into the military program. Lawmakers are also examining other issues.
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Fired by a College for Showing a Painting of Muhammad

— January 10th 2023 at 16:06
Readers discuss a Muslim student’s objection, which led to the firing of an adjunct professor. Also: The G.O.P. vs. the I.R.S.; L.G.B.T.Q. life in Alabama.