
☐ ☆ ✇ 1000-Word Philosophy

W.D. Ross’s Ethics of “Prima Facie” Duties

W.D. Ross believed that there are multiple fundamental moral principles. He called them "prima facie" duties. This essay introduces Ross’s theory, which is often called intuitionism.



Henry Scott Tuke's painting "The Promise" (1888).

☐ ☆ ✇ 1000-Word Philosophy

The Meaning of Life: What’s the Point?

By: 1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology — February 6th 2023 at 20:51
Does life’s having meaning depend on a supernatural reality? Is death a threat to life’s meaning? Is life the sort of thing that can have a “meaning”? In what sense? Here we will consider some approaches to questions about the meaning of life.


