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Mapping DoOO’s Systems

By: CapnPilot — June 27th 2023 at 20:19

So there’s two reasons for this post. The first is that I was going through my list of those miscellaneous ideas that you can do at some point in the future that would be fun or helpful (hopefully) but that you never quite get around to, and I saw something on there that seemed like it would be quick and maybe hopefully useful to someone.

The second one is that, by the deadlines that I personally have set, today is the last day to publish a blog post that will make it into the June newsletter and if I put something out then I will have two blog posts in a newsletter for the first time since October 2022 (I need to blog more).

Anyway, I was going through my to-do list and in the section of “miscellaneous ideas for the future” I saw something about making a diagram of how the three systems of Domain of One’s Own work together. It’s something I have to explain a lot when training new admins, and while I feel like I’ve got a pretty good handle on the overarching metaphor by now, training usually focuses on each system’s user interface and what admins can do with that system, so I always worry I’ve skimped on making sure they’ve got the full picture.

To that end, I made a diagram.

This was very much something I saw on the list and went “Hey, I could do a pretty version of that in the future given a couple of days and some dedicated resources, or I could do a functional version of that right now using Google Drive’s weird photomanipulation-ish drawing platform.” And functional now is better than pretty later.

So, voila: The Diagram.

A diagram indicating a user, the user interface WordPress, the Client Manager WHMCS, and the server WHM. The diagram shows how an end user logging into the interface with SSO, has that information passed to WHMCS in order to retrieve data from the server and display it for the user in the interface.

Hope I didn’t hype it up too much.

Is this accurate? That’s gonna be a strong “maybe.” But it’s close enough for our purposes, it only took about twenty minutes, and I got this blog post done in time for the Roundup deadline, so I’m going to call this a win.

It’s definitely not perfect. Looking at it now I’m thinking of all the little adjustments that I want to make, both in the text and in the design. But like I said back in October, sometimes you have to let perfection go.

Also, it’s here as a PDF too I guess, since Google Draw also offers that as an export format.
