
☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

French riots and 5 other social ills blamed on video games

By: Thomas Macaulay — July 3rd 2023 at 15:54

Emmanuel Macron has a new scapegoat for the riots engulfing France. As violent protests sparked by the fatal police shooting of a teenager spread across his nation, the president first blamed social networks and parents, before pointing the finger at a beloved boogeyman: video games. “It sometimes feels like some of them re-live in the streets the video games that have intoxicated them,” Macron said at a crisis meeting on Friday. The 45-year-old was echoing a common claim, but it’s one with scant empirical evidence. Studies have consistently rebuffed connections between violent video games and violent behaviour. Christopher Ferguson, a professor at…

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☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

Breaking Bad Habits

By: Susanna Goodin — July 3rd 2023 at 12:00
Two things to note about habits: one, they are very hard to break and two, a fair number of them are bad for us. Many of us have fallen into the habit of reaching for our phones throughout the day to read the news and editorials. We watch videos of congressional hearings, we listen to […]
☐ ☆ ✇ Ars Technica

Saturn’s rings steal the show in new image from Webb telescope

By: Stephen Clark — June 30th 2023 at 22:55
Saturn stars in this near-infrared image taken June 25 by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Enlarge / Saturn stars in this near-infrared image taken June 25 by the James Webb Space Telescope. (credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/STSci)

The James Webb Space Telescope has observed Saturn for the first time, completing a family portrait of the Solar System’s ringed planets nearly a year after the mission’s first jaw-dropping image release.

Webb’s near-infrared camera took the picture of Saturn on June 25. Scientists added orange color to the monochrome picture to produce the image released Friday.

The picture shows Saturn’s iconic icy rings shining around the disk of the gas giant, which appears much darker in near-infrared due to the absorption of sunlight by methane particles suspended high in the planet’s atmosphere.

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

European companies hate the EU’s new AI rules — here’s why

By: Thomas Macaulay — June 30th 2023 at 15:01

Artificial intelligence sure is keeping the post office busy. After a recent flurry of open letters about runaway AI, unregulated AI, and apocalyptic AI, another missive arrived on the EU’s doorstep today. In this case, however, the signatories have raised a contrary concern. Rather than call for more rules, they fear there will soon be too many. Their target is the impending AI Act. Billed as the world’s first comprehensive legislation for the tech, the new rules are trying to walk the fine line between ensuring safety and supporting innovation. The new letter, signed by executives at some of Europe’s biggest companies,…

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

Euclid telescope set to embark on dark universe exploration mission

By: Ioanna Lykiardopoulou — June 30th 2023 at 13:51

ESA’s mission to unravel the mysteries of the dark universe is set for launch. Following a one-year delay caused by the Ukraine invasion, the Euclid space telescope is scheduled for takeoff on July 1 at 5:11PM CEST time from Cape Canaveral in Florida, US. Named after the famous Greek mathematician, the telescope will embark on a month-long journey to reach its destination at a position in space known as the second Lagrange point (L2) — located 1.5 million kilometres away from our planet. There, it will be able to observe deep space, with the sun, the Earth, and the moon…

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☐ ☆ ✇ Philosophy Archives | OUPblog

Is a 15-week limit on abortion an acceptable compromise?

By: Becky Clifford — June 26th 2023 at 09:30
A photo of a protest sign that says "keep abortion legal" in front of the US Capitol building. "Is a 15-week limit on abortion an acceptable compromise?" by Bonnie Steinbock on the OUP blog

Is a 15-week limit on abortion an acceptable compromise?

A recent opinion piece by George F. Will, “Ambivalent about abortion, the American middle begins to find its voice” in the Washington Post made the startling claim that the overturning of Roe v. Wade (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 2022) has resulted in “a partial healing of the nation’s civic culture.” One might think exactly the reverse. The Dobbs decision energized voters, especially women and young people, resulting in numerous Republican electoral defeats across the country. However, Will argues that the return of abortion policy to the states gives voters the opportunity of choosing moderate restrictions on abortion. Since most Americans support early abortion while opposing late-gestation abortion, Will thinks that a 15-week ban on abortion would be an acceptable compromise.

Why 15 weeks? Two reasons can be given. Almost all abortions in the US—93%—occur within the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. For this reason, making abortion illegal after 15 weeks would not, it would seem, impose serious burdens on most people seeking abortions. 

Another reason is that several European countries limit abortion on request to the first trimester, leading some US lawmakers to suggest that a 15-week ban would bring our abortion law in line with theirs. This is disingenuous, to say the least. While elective abortion is limited in some European countries, it is not banned afterwards, but is allowed on other grounds, including economic or social reasons, or a threat to the woman’s physical or mental health. Moreover, in most European countries, patients do not have to pay for abortion; it is covered under universal health coverage. The fact is that the trend in Europe has not been to limit abortion, but to expand access to it. Countries in Europe “… have removed bans, increased abortion’s legality and taken steps to ensure laws and policies on abortion are guided by public health evidence and clinical best practices.”

Were states to guarantee access to abortion prior to 15 weeks, a 15-week ban might be acceptable. However, even before Dobbs, many women in the US lacked access to abortion, due to a dearth of providers, especially in rural areas. They often had to travel many miles to find an abortion clinic, which meant that they had to arrange childcare if they have other children or take time off work. Delay is also caused by the need to raise money for an abortion, which is not paid for by Medicaid in most states, except in cases of rape, incest, or a life-threatening condition. To be sure, even if there were none of these roadblocks, some women would still not be able to have early abortions because they do not know that they are pregnant, due to youth, being menopausal, chronic obesity, or a lack of pregnancy symptoms. Any time limits will pose hardships for some people. But if access to early abortions were guaranteed, a compromise on a 15-week limit might be worth it.

I suspect that time-limit advocates are not particularly interested in making sure that women who have abortions get them early in pregnancy. They want to place roadblocks in the way of getting abortions, full stop. That these roadblocks increase the numbers of late abortions is of little concern to them, however much they wring their hands over late abortions. Abortion can be reduced by reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, something that has been shown to be achieved by access to contraceptives and science-based sex education in the schools. Remember when pro-lifers emphasized those methods? Me neither. 

“Some US lawmakers suggest that a 15-week ban would bring our abortion law in line with European countries. This is disingenuous, to say the least.”

My second concern is with abortions sought after 15 weeks. The reason for a late abortion may be that the woman has a medical condition that has not developed, or has not been detected, until later in pregnancy. In such cases, the pregnancy is almost always a wanted pregnancy, and the decision to terminate imposes a tragic choice.

It may be responded that all states allow abortions to be performed when this is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life, and many allow for abortions to protect her from a serious health risk. The problem is that these exceptions conflict with standard medical care, especially in the case of miscarriage. Once the woman has begun to miscarry, the failure to remove the fetus is likely to cause her sepsis, which can be life-threatening. However, in states with restrictive abortion laws, doctors cannot perform an immediate abortion, which is the standard of care in such situations. They have to wait until her death is imminent and, in some states, they cannot remove the fetus until its heart stops. 

Ireland’s restrictive abortion law was repealed after a woman who was denied an abortion during a miscarriage died from septicemia. To the best of my knowledge, no woman in the US has died as a result of restrictive abortion laws, but some have come close. An OB-GYN in San Antonio had to wait until the fetal heartbeat stopped to treat a miscarrying patient who developed a dangerous womb infection. The delay caused complications which required her to have surgery, lose multiple liters of blood, and be put on a breathing machine. Texas law essentially requires doctors to commit malpractice.

Conservatives often portray those in the pro-choice camp as advocating abortion until the day of delivery, for trivial reasons. This is deeply unfair. If they want us to compromise on time limits, they should be willing to guarantee access to abortion before 15 weeks. They should be willing to compromise on pregnancy prevention through contraception and sex education. And they should agree to drop all restrictions on late-term abortions that make legislators, rather than doctors, in charge of deciding what is appropriate medical care for their patients.

Featured image: Gayatri Malhotra via Unsplash (public domain)

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Scholarly Kitchen

Guest Post — Being Research Data

By: Bruce Rosenblum — June 13th 2023 at 09:30

"Researchers have only so many hours in a day; if they can spend one less hour on a research article because we have implemented improved workflows and better technology, that’s one more hour they can spend on research to try to save my life, and the lives of all ALS patients." In today's post, Bruce Rosenblum shares his experience as a clinical trial participant and how that contributed to scholarly publications.

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☐ ☆ ✇ NYT - Education

Michigan School District Bans Backpacks Over Safety Concerns

By: Lauren McCarthy — May 6th 2023 at 13:55
Officials in Flint were alarmed by threats to students’ safety. The ban is in effect at least until the end of the school year.

Students wearing clear backpacks outside a school in Parkland, Fla., in 2018. A Michigan school district has gone even further and banned backpacks altogether.
☐ ☆ ✇ The Indian Philosophy Blog

Digital Library Project, Bhaktivedanta Research Center (Kolkata)

By: Ethan Mills — April 19th 2023 at 19:32

I recently received a note from Prof. Nirmalya Chakraborty (Rabindra Bharati University) about an exciting new digital library. It includes three categories: Navya-Nyāya Scholarship in Nabadwip, Philosophers of Modern India, and Twentieth Century Paṇḍitas of Kolkata. You can find the site here:

You can learn more about the project from the following announcement.


Introducing the Digital Library Project


Bhaktivedanta Research Center, Kolkata, India

Right before the introduction of English education in India, a new style of philosophising emerged, especially in Bengal, known as Navya-Nyāya. Since Nabadwip was one of the main centres of Navya-Nyāya scholarship in Bengal during 15th– 17th Century, many important works on Navya-Nyāya were written during this period by Nabadwip scholars. Some of these were published later, but many of these published works are not available now. The few copies which are available are also not in good condition. These are the works where Bengal’s intellectual contribution shines forth. We have digitized some of these materials and have uploaded these in the present digital platform.  

As a lineage of this Nabadwip tradition, many pandits (traditional scholars) produced many important philosophical works, some in Sanskrit and most in Bengali, who were residents of Kolkata during early nineteenth and twentieth century. Most of these works were published in early 1900 from Kolkata and some from neighbouring cities. These works brought in a kind of Renaissance in reviving classical Indian philosophical deliberations in Bengal. Attempts have been made to upload these books and articles in the present digital platform.

With the introduction of colonial education, a group of philosophers got trained in European philosophy and tried to interpret insights from Classical Indian Philosophy in new light. Kolkata was one of the main centres of this cosmopolitan philosophical scholarship. The works of many of these philosophers from Kolkata were published in early/middle of twentieth century. These philosophers are the true representatives of twentieth century Indian philosophy. Efforts have been made to upload these works in the present digital platform.

The purpose of constructing the present digital platform is to enable the researchers to have access to these philosophical works with the hope that the philosophical contributions of these philosophers will be studied and critically assessed resulting in the enrichment of philosophical repertoire.

We take this opportunity to appeal to fellow scholars to enrich this digital library by lending us their personal collection related to these areas for digitization.

The website address of the Digital Library is:

For further correspondence, please write to:

[email protected]

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"Shocking" Fox filing is "almost an admission" of guilt for Jan. 6 Capitol riot: Morning Joe

By: Gabriella Ferrigine — April 7th 2023 at 15:12
"Any reference to the Capitol riot will only unfairly prejudice the jury against Fox," the company's lawyers said

☐ ☆ ✇ Ars Technica

Scientists turned monkey stem cells into “synthetic embryos”

By: WIRED — April 7th 2023 at 14:31
An image of a cell under a lab microscope. This procedure was not related to the new experiment with monkey embryos.

Enlarge / An image of a cell under a lab microscope. This procedure was not related to the new experiment with monkey embryos. (credit: Getty Images)

The early days of how an embryo develops are shrouded in mystery, because it pulls a kind of vanishing act. Once a sperm finds an egg, it begins a roughly weeklong journey to the uterus, becoming a tiny ball of cells along the way. When it reaches its destination, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, disappearing from view.

To shed light on the process, researchers are trying to create embryo-like structures derived from stem cells, rather than sperm and eggs, so they can observe early development in the lab. These three-dimensional balls of cells could offer clues to how diseases, birth defects, and miscarriages arise, without the practical and ethical concerns raised by using actual embryos. In the latest effort, researchers in China made these structures using stem cells from macaques and tried to establish pregnancies with them in female monkeys. The experiment is described in the journal Cell Stem Cell. Although other researchers have created “synthetic” embryos before, it’s the first time anyone has done it with monkeys—animals closely related to humans—and tried to get them to implant in the uterus.

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Scholarly Kitchen

Fallout from the Implosion of Humanities Enrollments

By: Joseph Esposito — April 5th 2023 at 09:30

What does the decline of the English major mean for society at large, and university presses in particular?

The post Fallout from the Implosion of Humanities Enrollments appeared first on The Scholarly Kitchen.

☐ ☆ ✇ Blog of the APA

The Neurotic Dogma of Reality

By: Edvard Aviles-Meza — April 4th 2023 at 19:00
The world appears to be a certain way, but sometimes appearances are deceiving. This doesn’t seem to undermine what we think we know, for instance, the apparently obvious fact that we have hands. But, how do you know you’re not dreaming right now? Or better, do you know you’re not a handless brain in a […]
☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

Spain launches space agency in big boost for local startups

By: Siôn Geschwindt — April 4th 2023 at 13:49

Spain has officially launched its own national space agency, at a time when Europe looks to establish itself as a global space industry leader. Plans for the Spanish Space Agency, or Agencia Espacial Española (AEE), were first announced in May 2021, and finally got the political thumbs up last month. The agency will be based in Seville, near the Arenosillo launch facility in Huelva, which was built in the 60s as part of a collaboration between the Spanish government and NASA. Initially, around 75 personnel will be based at the site.  The agency will serve to “guarantee Spain’s strategic action…

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

Paris bids ‘au revoir’ to e-scooter startups

By: Siôn Geschwindt — April 3rd 2023 at 13:10

Parisians overwhelmingly voted to ban e-scooters on Sunday, in a hotly-debated referendum that has divided the French capital. Voters were given two choices: “for” or “against” a city-wide ban on shared e-scooters. 89% voted in favour of the ban, but the overall turnout was low, with only 7.5% of eligible voters casting ballots.   The vote was non-binding but city authorities have vowed to “abide by the decision”, said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo. The streets of Paris will be cleared from shared e-scooters by September 1, the mayor said. That’s when the contract with Dott, Tier, and Lime — the three…

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

Meet the finalists of the TNW València startup pitch battle

By: Thomas Macaulay — April 2nd 2023 at 11:26

Some of Europe’s hottest startups arrived at TNW València last week to develop ideas, expand networks, create new leads, and — and most importantly of all — fight. Not in the physical sense, of course, but in a fiercely-contested TNW València pitch battle. After surviving a series of fiery knockout clashes, eight of Europe’s most electrifying startups were selected for the contest final on Friday. València provided the perfect stage for the showdown. The region is Spain’s fastest-growing entrepreneurial ecosystem, with the most startups per capita in the country.  It was also bathed in glorious sunshine — but this was no vacation…

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☐ ☆ ✇ Impact of Social Sciences

Standing on the shoulders of Chinese (Scientific) Giants – Evidence for a citation discount for Chinese Researchers

By: Taster — March 29th 2023 at 10:00
Chinese researchers are increasingly leading scientific research, yet their contributions are not fully recognized, notably by US researchers. Shumin Qiu, Claudia Steinwender and Pierre Azoulay discuss the reasons why articles written by Chinese academics receive significantly fewer citations from US researchers than those written by non-Chinese researchers. Following China’s unprecedented rise as exporter of goods, … Continued
☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

7 unmissable highlights of TNW València

By: Thomas Macaulay — March 25th 2023 at 02:14

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment has almost arrived: TNW València is next week!  In case you’ve been living under a rock (or frequenting another tech site, you traitor), we’re taking our cherished festival on the road. After 16 glorious years in Amsterdam, we’re bringing the show to Spain’s Mediterranean coast — and you’re all invited. We’re not only there for the sun, sea, and sand — far from it, in fact. València has the fastest-growing innovation ecosystem in Spain, and the most startups per capita in the country. On March 30th and 31st, we’ll showcase the best tech in the region…

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Next Web

Why a European mobile operating system can’t challenge Android and iOS

By: Callum Booth — March 24th 2023 at 12:34

Recently, we asked if it was possible for Europe to have a dominant smartphone again. The answer was simple: no, not unless there’s some sort of miracle. The reason behind this is multifaceted, but the core point is that because Asia hosts the majority of the world’s mobile manufacturing facilities, it’s borderline impossible for European companies to create a good enough phone at a low enough price to succeed. But, here at TNW, we had another question: could Europe launch its own mobile operating system? Why do we need a European mobile OS? On first inspection, it’s an excellent idea.…

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☐ ☆ ✇ Longreads

A Day in the Life of an Oak Tree, from Mistle Thrush in the Morning to Mice at Midnight

By: Krista Stevens — March 23rd 2023 at 18:28

John Lewis-Stempel visits Ashdown Forest in Sussex, England, to closely observe a 300-year-old oak tree (Quercus robur). From first light until midnight, Lewis-Stempel describes the animals, birds, insects, and flora that depend on it in careful detail. In addition to astonishing you with the sheer variety and volume of creatures that inhabit and visit the tree, this piece will gently slow your heartbeat. You’ll feel your shoulders loosen as you follow Lewis-Stempel’s keen observations. It’s exactly the type of relaxation meditation we can all use.

7.01 am
The leaves of autumn, brought down by the screaming Halloween wind, still lie around the tree in a thick sodden copper mat; the mould is soft on the pads of the returning vixen as she slinks down into her den among the tree’s roots, a rabbit clamped in her jaws from her night prowl. A present for her cubs.

5.16 pm
The ecology of the oak tree is a game of consequences: the newly emerged leaves of the oak are eaten by the pale-green caterpillar of the wintermoth, which, in turn, feeds the blue tit, whose brood has just hatched in yet another of the tree’s cavities; the sparrowhawk, terror of the copse, flashes between the tangled branches, to catch and feed on the blue tit.
