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What’s Current: Canadian government gives $500,000 to trans activist group to ‘track anti-trans organizing’

By: Meghan Murphy — June 19th 2023 at 19:40

The Department of Canadian Heritage gave $500,000 to this organization to track “anti-trans organizing.”

— Jamie Sarkonak (@sarkonakj) June 16, 2023

Canadian Heritage, the department of the Government of Canada tasked with promoting and supporting “Canadian identity and values, cultural development, and heritage,” has given $500,000 to a trans activist group to track “anti-trans organizing in Canada” and develop a “safety solution to address it.” The grant recipient, JusticeTrans, is largely funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada. They state on their website:

“JusticeTrans recognizes that Canadian law is a colonial creation that is inherently oppressive to the lives of many. Canadian law exists to uphold the colonial state’s authority and the unequitable power structures it places upon us. 

As such, the law is often used to harm Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities and to uphold systems of white supremacy and patriarchy. It also has a long history of being used as a tool for transphobia, homophobia, and sexism.

The project being funded, “Tracking Transphobia: Identifying and countering anti-trans organizing in Canada,” aims to change “cultural norms and behaviours and to encourage decision-makers to implement new policy and practices.”

They should be free to research and advocate for whatever.

The problem here is that this is *publicly funded* political activism, clearly aimed at attacking a specific group. Are we paying for tracking Premier Higgs in NB? Concerned parents in Oakville? We might be!

— Jamie Sarkonak (@sarkonakj) June 16, 2023

Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez recently passed Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act, which gives the government the power to control what Canadians see online.

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What’s Current: Murderer Dana Rivers sent to women’s prison

By: Meghan Murphy — June 18th 2023 at 23:03

RIVERS UPDATE: They did it. On June 16, 2023, the CDCR transferred him to the Central California Women’s Facility. @Scott_Wiener, @GavinNewsom, and @TheDemocrats this is on you. But it’s not over. We’ll never stop fighting.@WDI_USA @ichinita310 @womaniiwomaninc @WomensLibFront

— Kara Dansky (@KDansky) June 17, 2023

On June 15, Dana Rivers (ne David Chester Warfield) was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. In 2016, Rivers murdered Patricia Wright and Charlotte Reed, a lesbian couple, as well as their son, Benny Diambu-Wright, then set their house on fire. Rivers has been placed in the Central California Women’s Facility.

California’s Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act (SB 132) came into effect on January 1 2021, signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsome, allowing inmates to be housed based not on their sex but their self-declared gender identity. Keep Prisons Single Sex USA (KPSS) reports that a third of male inmates who have requested such transfers since the law passed were registered sex offenders.

Rivers, now 68, has been a known trans activist since the 90s, fired from his teaching job in 1999 for speaking about his “sex change” to his students. “This is about a tenured teacher who went way over the line by sharing private issues with students,” Scott Rodowick, school board president, said at the time. District administrators had instructed Rivers not to discuss his “transition” with students. In 1999, the LA Times reported that Rivers had “explain[ed] a life of inner turmoil and the transformation from man to woman” to students outside of class, also giving an interview with the school paper, “discussing the failed marriages, recovery from alcoholism, the therapy, the fear of rejection by students who might label the teacher a freak.” Parents called the discussions “unprofessional” and “outrageous.”

Rivers was also active in “Camp Trans,” a male-led harassment campaign against Michfest, an annual woman-only festival which ended in 2015 after ongoing accusations of “transphobia.” These trans activists has distributed flyers reading, “Real women have cocks,” as part of their campaign.

Camp Trans flyer

In 2000, Rivers had insisted he should be granted access on account of being a “womyn-born-womyn,” writing:

“In my heart I know this to be true. My mother and daughter and lesbian lover know that this is who I am. The Goddess in my prayers knows this. Surely, telling Lisa Vogel is no stretch for me.”

Patricia and Charlotte were regular attendees at Michfest as well as members of a women’s motorcycle club called The Deviants that Rivers was involved in as an enforcer. According to prosecutors, the motive “was a mix of personal animus and anger at Reed for leaving an all-women biker gang.” Evidence shows Rivers shot and stabbed Wright and Reed repeatedly in the bedroom of their East Oakland home. Judge Scott Patton, who oversaw the trial last where Rivers was convicted, said, “It was the most depraved crime that I’ve handled in the criminal justice field in 33 years.”

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What’s Current: ACLU defends executed murderer and rapist Duane Owen, claiming denial of cosmetic surgery caused ‘enormous suffering’

By: Meghan Murphy — June 16th 2023 at 19:12

The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.

— ACLU (@ACLU) June 16, 2023

Duane Owen executed in the state of Florida on Thursday, sentenced to death for the 1984, rape and fatal stabbing of Karen Slattery, 14, and for the rape and deadly hammer attack on Georgianna Worden, 38. Owen also attacked two other women in Palm Beach County who survived.

The defense had argued Owen had dementia and gender dysphoria, but psychiatrists for the state said Owen had a good memory, that Owen had faked schizophrenia, showed no signs of “gender dysphoria,” and said instead that Owen was sexually sadistic. During court proceedings, Owen stated that he believed he had “absorbed the souls” of his victims and that they “still lived inside him.”

In response, the ACLU tweeted that the state of Florida had caused Owen “enormous suffering,” and that in denying Owen cosmetic surgery in prison, had “violated her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.”

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What’s Current: New Brunwick Premier under fire for demanding parental consent for pronoun changes in school

By: Meghan Murphy — June 15th 2023 at 07:27

Trans, non-binary students under 16 in N.B. need parental consent for pronoun changes

— CTV News (@CTVNews) June 8, 2023

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs has changed the province’s policy name and pronoun changes in school, determining students require parental consent. The previous policy said teachers needed the student’s consent before discussing the student’s new name and pronouns with their parents, meaning the school could “socially transition” a minor without the knowledge of the parents.

Higgs says disagreement within the party about the policy change could “potentially could force an election,” adding:

“I believe that strongly in the case of finding a solution here where we do not exclude parents in their child’s life…

We believe that is fundamentally wrong to not share this information with the parents if we are using (a student’s preferred name) on a daily basis.”

A national poll found that 57 per cent of Canadians felt that schools should have to tell parents about their child’s desire to change their pronouns or “transition.”

In response to Higgs’ decision, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said:

“Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people. Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission.”

Dorothy Shephard, Conservative MLA for Saint John-Lancaster, resigned from cabinet on Thursday, in part due to Higgs’ proposed changes to Policy 713, which addresses LGBTQI2S+ policy in schools.

The right thing to do. Remaining in Cabinet while Premier Higgs takes actions making trans kids even more vulnerable makes you complicit. You stay in Cabinet, you own that position & its consequences. It’s disgraceful. Protect the rights of LGBTQ kids instead of promoting hate.

— Catherine McKenna (@cathmckenna) June 15, 2023

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What’s Current: Brazilian journalist ordered to pay fine for ‘misgendering’ trans-identified male influencer

By: Meghan Murphy — June 14th 2023 at 05:17


A Brazilian journalist has been found guilty of “transphobia” after addressing a trans-identified male influencer convicted of causing “moral damage” to a trans-identified male influencer using the word “cara,” which can mean “guy.” Madeleine Lacsko was told to delete her tweets and pay three thousand reais (over $500) to the influencer, who goes by the name “Rebecca Gaia.” Apparently, the word “cara” can also mean “dear,” which is what Lacsko claims she meant. 4W reports:

“The social media interaction between Lacsko and Gaia that led to the charging of the journalist occurred on Twitter in July 2021 during a ‘pile-on’ on Lacsko after she’d endured months of online abuse. The influencer asked Ms. Lacsko if she was going to answer a question posed by another man. According to the journalist, the influencer’s profile picture indicated to her that this person was a woman, so Lacsko replied with “Olá, cara (hello, dear)! I’ve already answered it.”

Lacsko explains that of course Gaia “turned out to be a transgender woman” who then accused the journalist of racism and transphobia. To appeal the decision, the journalist must take the case to the Supreme Court. She tells 4W:

“This sets a dangerous precedent for criminal proceedings. Under Brazilian law, the crime of transphobia has been equated with racism and can result in a sentence of up to five years of imprisonment.”

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What’s Current: NHS bans puberty blockers for youth outside clinical research

By: Meghan Murphy — June 11th 2023 at 06:59


The NHS have banned puberty blockers for children outside of clinical research.

This day will go down in history as the day that safeguarding of children came back into existence.

— James Esses (@JamesEsses) June 9, 2023

Following a public consultation and advice from Dr Hilary Cass’ Independent Review “highlighting the significant uncertainties surrounding the use of hormone treatments,” England’s National Health Service (NHS) has announced it will “only commission puberty suppressing hormones as part of clinical research.”

An NHS document explains that “there is not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness as a routinely available treatment.”

Countries like Norway, France, Finland, and Sweden are warning against or restricting medical transition for minors. In the United States, more than 20 states have passed laws banning the use of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones, with some making it a felony for doctors to prescribe them.

The NHS also recommends avoiding immediately “affirming” a child’s “gender identity,” explaining:

“The clinical management approach should be open to exploring all developmentally and psychosocially appropriate options for children and young people who are experiencing gender incongruence. The clinical approach should be mindful that this may be a transient phase, particularly for pre-pubertal children, and that there will be a range of pathways to support these children and young people and a range of outcomes…”

This decision does not prevent UK children and their families from obtaining puberty blockers elsewhere, but that will be “strongly discouraged,” the NHS said.

The health service’s gender identity clinic, run by the Tavistock and Portman Trust, is set to close in March 2024 following Dr Cass’ review, which found the service is “unsustainable” and said a new model of care is needed.

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What’s Current: Muslim families protest Pride messaging in Ottawa schools

By: Meghan Murphy — June 10th 2023 at 06:56

Young muslim kids STOMP the pride flag as their mothers cheer them on

— The Pleb Reporter (@truckdriverpleb) June 9, 2023

On May 31, the Ottawa school board emailed all staff members and outlined a new policy,  stating that in all classrooms, from kindergarten to Grade 12, the use of “they/them” pronouns should be used to refer to students until they specify different “preferred pronouns.” The email also specified:

“Staff have a professional and legal responsibility to cultivate an inclusive and accepting environment for 2SLGBTQ+ students and families… This includes embedding resources that accurately reflect and honour 2SLGBTQ+ identities into curriculum subjects and the overall learning environment, from Kindergarten to Grade 12.”

“Opting out” is not an option for students, the school board added.

In response, hundreds of concerned parents, children, and allies gathered in Ottawa to take part in the Education over Indoctrination protest on Friday. The protesters included numerous Muslim families chanting “Leave the kids alone!” One video shows children stomping on Pride flags.

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What’s Current: Seattle spa for women loses right to bar men from facilities

By: Meghan Murphy — June 8th 2023 at 04:51

A Seattle court has ruled that a Korean woman-only nude spa lacks the “constitutional right” to bar males from their facilities. Reduxx reports that, in 2020, a trans-identified male named Haven Wilvich (born Caleb Richmond) submitted a complaint to the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) alleging discrimination after being denied access to the the Olympus Spa. He claimed his application to use the facilities had been rejected on the basis that “transgender women without surgery are not welcome because it could make other customers and staff uncomfortable.”

In 2021, the WSHRC ruled that the spa had violated Washington anti-discrimination law, stating that the female-only policy “denies services to transgender women who have not had surgery … because their physical appearance is not ‘consistent’ with the traditional understanding of biological women.”

The spa, which has locations in Lynnwood and Tacoma, sued the WSHRC in 2022, arguing that the ruling violates their First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association.

On Monday, Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington dismissed their lawsuit. In addition to its female-only policy, spa employees also refused to perform massages and body scrubs on naked men, according to the ruling.

A machinery of civil rights enforcement built to dismantle Jim Crow is now being used to…force the Korean immigrant owners of a nude women’s spa to allow entry to an untransitioned male with intact male genitals who “identifies as a woman”

— Wesley Yang (@wesyang) June 8, 2023

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What’s Current: Oxfam retracts video vilifying ‘TERFs’ for Pride month

By: Meghan Murphy — June 6th 2023 at 22:59


— Oxfam International (@Oxfam) June 6, 2023

After sharing an animated video promoting Pride Month depicting a red-haired female character wearing a “TERF” badge, Oxfam has retracted the video and apologized. The imagery sparked complaints that the woman specifically was meant to depict author JK Rowling.

Women’s rights campaigner Maya Forstater tweeted:

Demonizing safeguarding, demonizing older women, promoting double-mastectomies to children, bulk harassment of gender -critical staff. Oxfam’s entry to the worst take for #PrideMonth2023 is shocking” 

For UnHerd, journalist Julie Bindel reported the story of an Oxfam employee named Maria who was subjected to an internal investigation for requesting evidence of Rowling’s “transphobia.” Bindel writes:

“What Maria endured is part of a wider woke culture in the charitable sector, where female employees are silenced and treated like bigots for believing that sex-based rights matter”


Nice try deleting it, Oxfam. The internet is forever.

— Frances Weetman (@francesweetman) June 6, 2023

In response to backlash online, the charity said they were trying to “make an important point about the real harm caused by transphobia.” The new video still states that “LGBTQIA+” people around the world are “preyed on by hate groups online and offline” but does not feature the “TERF” imagery.

We are posting the updated video below, please re-share to show solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community. None of us are safe until all of us are safe. This June, we call you to #ProtectThePride!

— Oxfam International (@Oxfam) June 6, 2023

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What’s Current: Trans activist glues hand to floor of Oxford Union in protest of Dr. Kathleen Stock’s talk

By: Meghan Murphy — May 31st 2023 at 22:15

This evening I glued my hand to the floor of the Oxford Union debating chamber, wearing a t-shirt which said “NO MORE DEAD TRANS KIDS”, in front of Kathleen Stock during her talk at the Union. Here’s why I felt I had to take this action:

— riz (they/them) (@rizpossnett) May 30, 2023

Student and trans activist Riz Possnett glues her hand to the floor during Kathleen Stock’s talk at the University of Oxford debating society, the Oxford Union. Possnett wore a t-shirt reading, “No more dead trans kids,” and told Oxford Mail, “My goal was simply to ensure anyone who heard Prof Stock’s arguments also considered the consequences of those views for trans people, and particularly trans youth.”

Prior to the event, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for the University of Oxford to not allow a “small but vocal few to shut down discussion,” tweeting, “A free society requires free debate.”

A free society requires free debate.@Docstockk‘s invitation to the @OxfordUnion should stand and students should be allowed to hear and debate her views.

We mustn’t allow a small but vocal few to shut down discussion.

— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) May 30, 2023

Sharing an article from the The Times, author JK Rowling tweeted, “I’m so proud to call the brave and brilliant @Docstockk a friend.”

After a Channel 4 documentary called Gender Wars aired earlier this week, featuring Stock, sociology lecturer and author of Radical Feminism Finn McKay tweeted that she would not have agreed to an interview had she known Stock would be included.

I was interviewed for the C4 ‘Gender Wars’ documentary that’s on tonight. I was told it would feature everyone equally & give context & nuance to a variety of different standpoints. Then when I saw the preview it became clear that it’s a film on Kathleen Stock.

— Dr Finn Mackay Adult Human Queermale (@Finn_Mackay) May 30, 2023

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What’s Current: Trans-identified man arrested in Italy for exposing himself to children attacks police in attempt to escape

By: Meghan Murphy — May 27th 2023 at 04:34

3 Italian police brutally assaulted, pepper sprayed and kicked an unarmed trans-woman in Milan.
Criminalizing & inciting violence against “transgenderism” has lethal consequences… the so called “gender ideology” is used to justify Gov’t

— Rula Jebreal (@rulajebreal) May 24, 2023

  • A trans-identified male is arrested in Italy after exposing his genitals to children outside a school and threatening others outside the school, saying he would “infect them with his blood” and that he was HIV positive. Trans activists online claimed the man was a victim of transphobic violence after he attacked police officers in an attempt to escape.
  • Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences, publishes a statement on the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner insisting women be able to speak about their rights without fear or threat of violence. She writes:

“I am concerned by the shrinking space in several countries in the Global Northfor women and feminist organisations and their allies to gather and/or express themselves peacefully in demanding respect for their needs based on their sex and/or sexual orientation.

Law enforcement has a crucial role in protecting lawful gatherings of women and ensuring women’s safety and rights to freedom of assembly and speech without intimidation, coercion, or being effectively silenced. It is clear that where law enforcement has failed to provide the necessary safeguards, we have witnessed incidents of verbal and physical abuse, harassment, and intimidation, with the purpose of sabotaging and derailing such events as well as silencing the women who wish to speak at them.”

  • A new paper on rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) by researchers J. Michael Bailey and Suzanna Diaz will be retracted by Springer Nature. James Billot at Unherd explains:

“ROGD is a theory that links the explosion in cases of gender dysphoria among young females to a socially contagious false belief that they are transgender. The paper found 1,655 cases of ROGD in which the parents said that these young people had a high proportion of pre-existing mental health problems, predating their gender dysphoria by four years on average. It also found that the best predictor of transition was consulting a gender specialist, where parents often felt pressured to transition their children.”

The paper was published on March 29th in Archives of Sexual Behaviour and hosted on the SpringerLink website.

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What’s Current: Washington law will allow kids seeking ‘transition’ to be removed from parents’ care

By: Meghan Murphy — May 10th 2023 at 00:04
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5599 on Tuesday, May 9
  • On Tuesday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill preventing parents from intervening and retaining custody should their kids run away from home, seeking “transition.” AP News reports that, previously, “licensed shelters and host homes in Washington had generally been required to notify parents within 72 hours when a minor came into their care.” Now, under the new law, facilities can instead contact the state Department of Children, Youth and Families. Minors will also be allowed to stay at “host homes — private, volunteer homes that temporarily house young people without parental permission.”
  • Nina Paley’s amazing “Gender Wars” playing card decks are here!

A tiny portion of the first shipment of GENDER WARS cards has arrived!

— Nina Paley (@ninapaley) May 8, 2023

  • Irish women protest men in women’s prisons in light of Minister for Justice Simon Harris’ visit to Limerick Prison to open a new wing.

A prisoner named Barbie Kardashian sparked outrage after being sentenced to four-and-a-half years for threatening to rape, torture and murder his mother. He is currently being housed as a “woman” in Limerick Prison. The National Police Service of Ireland, Gardaí, are now investigating allegations that Kardashian threatened to rape female prison staff. The Irish Prison Service is currently drafting policy around the issue of “transgender inmates.”

On Friday, members of Women’s Space Ireland taped their mouths shut in a silent protest outside the Mulgrave Street prison, holding a banner which read, “No Males in Women’s Jails.”

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What’s Current: UCI to hit the brakes on policy allowing males to compete in women’s races

By: Meghan Murphy — May 9th 2023 at 01:14
Austin Killips won overall victory competing in the women’s category at the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico

Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) has signaled a shift in its transgender policy in response to backlash against Austin Killips becoming the first man to win a UCI women’s stage race. The world governing body for sports cycling said it would be reopening its consultation, aiming to reach a decision in August, having heard the “concerns” of female athletes about unfair competition in the sport. Inga Thompson, an American road cyclist who represented Team USA three times at the Olympics, called for professional riders to join her in protest against UCI’s policy allowing men to compete as women.

It is time for Women Cyclist to start protesting @UCI_cycling Policy. Start taking a knee at the starting lines. Team managers need to speak up and protect their riders. Hold signs at every race “Save Women’s Sports”.

— Inga Thompson Fdn OLY (@ithompsonfdn) May 7, 2023

Tennis great Martina Navratilova also spoke out, tweeting, “Women’s sports is NOT THE PLACE for trans identified male athletes.”

Transgender cyclist Austin Killips wins women’s race, causes outrage- this will happen more and more- women’s sports is NOT THE PLACE for trans identified male athletes

— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) May 3, 2023

Killips took home $35,000 U.S. after winning overall victory in the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico, competing in the female category. Addressing outcry, he said:

“When I see women who have historically been at the margin, whose athletic talent gets cut down because we are saying they’re also not biological women, that’s something I find deeply concerning. I want to make sure the data points we are using aren’t … or we are using sampling that is genuine, and models that are inclusive, and not defining other people out of existence because these tests are being done in the West.

I worry that we narrowly define womanhood and take away the right to compete against people who have historically been marginalized and whose athletic success has been historically undercut by a metric used to push them out of categories.”

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What’s Current: Australian woman reported to police after criticizing male playing on women’s football league

By: Meghan Murphy — May 6th 2023 at 02:15

NSW police have applied for an apprehended violence order against me. I am currently opposing it.

I am 51, with a busted knee, & have never been violent in my life.

It is not violence to speak the truth.

— Kirralie Smith (@KirralieS) April 30, 2023

  • An Australian woman was reported to the police after criticizing the participation of trans-identified male, Riley Denis, in the women’s football league. New South Wales Police visited Kirralie Smith on April 1 and handed her an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), requiring that she does not discuss or approach Dennis. Smith is the spokeswoman for an organization called Binary Australia which campaigns against gender identity ideology in defense of women’s rights. Last month, Reduxx was directed by a government representative to either delete or heavily censor an article published on the site, describing Dennis as male and reporting allegations that he had injured female soccer players.
  • SNP MP Joanna Cherry was due to appear at The Stand Comedy Club during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August but was no-platformed on account of her criticisms of gender identity ideology, explaining:

“I’m being cancelled and no-platformed because I’m a lesbian, who holds gender-critical views that somebody’s sex is immutable.

I’ve made those views clear over a number of years. I have never said that trans people should not have equal rights.”

Apparently a trans-identified comedian named Bethany Black had been scheduled to appear as well, but pulled out, saying he didn’t want to appear at the same venue as Cherry.

  • Heavy metal icon Dee Snider responds to San Francisco Pride’s decision to cancel him from their lineup after the Twisted Sister frontman supported Paul Stanley’s statement questioning the transitioning of kids, saying:

“The transgender community needs moderates who support their choices, even if we don’t agree with every one of their edicts. For some Transgender people (not all) to accuse supporters, like me, of transphobia is not a good look for their cause.”

He signed his statement, “Dee Snider Your cisgender, crossdressing ally,” adding that he would “continue to support the transgender community and their right to choose even if they reject me and moving forward, I am open to educating myself so I can be a better ally.”

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What’s Current: San Francisco Pride drops Dee Snider for supporting Paul Stanley’s criticism of transing kids

By: Meghan Murphy — May 4th 2023 at 19:09

— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) April 30, 2023

On Sunday, Kiss guitarist Paul Stanley shared his concerns about the transitioning of kids, tweeting:

“With many children who have no real sense of sexuality and sexual experiences caught up in the ‘fun’ of using pronouns and saying what they identify as, some adults mistakenly confuse teaching acceptance with normalizing and encouraging a situation that has been a struggle for those truly affected and have turned it into a sad and dangerous trend.”

On Monday, Twisted Sister founding member, Dee Snider, came out in support of Stanley, tweeting, “You know what? There was a time where I ‘felt pretty’ too. Glad my parents didn’t jump to any rash conclusions! Well said, @PaulStanleyLive.”

You know what? There was a time where I “felt pretty” too. Glad my parents didn’t jump to any rash conclusions! Well said, @PaulStanleyLive

— Dee Snider (@deesnider) May 1, 2023

In response, San Francisco Pride, who had been set to announce Twisted Sister’s song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” as the official anthem of Pride 2023, dropped the heavy metal icon from their lineup.

Today, Stanley responded to accusations of “transphobia,” saying his words were “not clear” and that he “supports those struggling with their sexual identity while enduring hostility and those whose paths lead them to reassignment surgery”:

— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) May 4, 2023

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What’s Current: Male pedophile who sexually abused his own daughter housed in New Jersey women’s prison

By: Meghan Murphy — May 4th 2023 at 05:59

Matthew Volz is a “trans woman” who sexually abused his own daughter on video. Now this monster will be spending 25 years in a women’s prison in New Jersey and he might even get to marry his accomplice and share a cell with her.

There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these…

— Jason Jones (@jonesville) May 3, 2023

  • A male pedophile who filmed child exploitation videos of his seven year-old daughter is being housed in a New Jersey women’s prison. Marina Volz, 34, is serving his 25 year sentence at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility alongside his accomplice Ashley Romero (aka Adam Romero), 30, who is also a male identifying as “female.” In 2022, officials in Somerset County sentenced Volz, Romero, Sean Allen, and Dulcinea Gnecco to a combined 67 years in prison for trafficking and sexually assaulting Volz’ daughter. The group had been operating what they described as a “family-owned transgender pornography production studio specializing in amateur, BDSM and taboo fetish content” at the home they had shared in Franklin Township. Volz, born Matthew, is now recorded as “female” in official prison records.
  • The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant to help teach English in Pakistan, with a program component that specifically focuses on “trans youth.”
  • A trans-identified male named Austin Killips secured overall victory in the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico, competing in the female category. Killips broke free from the pack late in the final stage of the tour in New Mexico, finishing at 3:07:16 ahead of Marcela Prieto and Cassandra Nelson by a margin of 89 seconds. Killips took home $35,000 U.S. with the win. In response, past Canadian world champion cyclist Alison Sydor tweeted:

“The current UCI rules that allow males to compete in female cycling events are not fair to female athletes. Time for UCI to admit this current rule situation is unsustainable and leaving a black mark on cycling as a fair sport for females.”

  • There is no trans genocide.

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What’s Current: 72 female athletes sign letter in support of Protect Women & Girls in Sports Act

By: Meghan Murphy — April 27th 2023 at 05:33

BREAKING: 72 female athletes, led by Independent Women’s Voice spokeswoman @Riley_Gaines_, released a letter applauding the passage of the Protection of Women & Girls in Sports Act, introduced by @RepGregSteube in the House of Representatives.


— Independent Women’s Voice (@IWV) April 26, 2023

  • On Wednesday, 72 female athletes, including swimmer Riley Gaines, released a letter to the United States Congress applauding the passage of the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. They write:

“Forcing female athletes, like ourselves, to compete against biological males is not only unfair, it is discriminatory and illegal. Allowing biological males to take awards, roster spots, scholarships, or spots at a school from female athletes violates Title IX’s prohibition of discrimination ‘on the basis of sex.’ The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act amends Title IX to make that explicitly clear and puts athletic organizations, athletic directors, and bureaucrats at the Department of Education on notice that they may not adopt policies that promote ‘inclusion’ on the backs of women.”

The letter was organized by the advocacy division of the Independent Women’s Forum, Independent Women’s Voice, in response to Megan Rapinoe’s efforts to oppose the bill.

  • Lia Thomas, the male swimmer who tied with Riley Gaines for fifth place in the women’s 200-meter NCAA championships last year (but took the trophy) tells trans podcaster (also a swimmer), Schuyler Bailar, that trans women should be “celebrated for their accomplishments in sport.” The two determine that the female athletes speaking out against males competing against women are “fake feminists,” arguing that critics are “policing women’s bodies.”
  • A male murderer being held at a women’s jail unit in Scotland wants to become the first prisoner in Britain to have publicly funded gender reassignment surgery. Paris Green (born Peter Laing) claimed having the major operation would help him “feel comfortable in the shower” and become “fully the person I should have been”. The 30-year-old is serving a life sentence for the murder of Robert Shankland, 45, in 2013.
  • Police have charged a 20-year-old man with assault after an elderly woman was punched in the head during Posie Parker’s Let Women Speak event in New Zealand last month.

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What’s Current: 42-year-old man in police custody after entering girls’ washroom in Peru

By: Meghan Murphy — April 26th 2023 at 00:48
Walter César Solís Calero during arrest. Image: Teletcia
  • A 42-year-old man is in police custody after being caught entering the girls’ washroom at Rosa de América school in El Tambo, Peru. The man, identified as Walter César Solís Calero, was dressed as a schoolgirl. Reduxx reports:

“Solís was arrested, and police checked his mobile phone and discovered more photos of Solís dressed in school uniforms, some corresponding to other educational institutions, suggesting that he had entered other schools in the area using the same technique.”

  • Students belonging to Oxford University’s LGBTQ+ society demand feminist academic Kathleen Stock to be no-platformed at the Oxford Union, saying:

“Letting Stock bring her campaign of hate and misinformation to Oxford, allowing her to stoke fear against trans people without challenge or opposition right before Pride month, and at a time when the trans community is facing a constant attack on its lives and rights, is a move we vehemently oppose and will actively protest [against].

We call on the union to rescind its misguided invite, and on all Oxford students to stand in solidarity with the trans community and express their dissent with these views.”

  • Twelve-time All-American swimmer and former NCAA Champion Riley Gaines is scheduled to speak alongside feminist activists Amy Sousa and K. Yang at an event called, “Our Spaces, Our Sports: Women Hold the Line,” on Thursday in Franklin, TN. Get tickets on Eventbrite.

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What’s Current: Trans-identified male arrested for alleged sexual assault at Ontario women’s shelter

By: Meghan Murphy — April 24th 2023 at 23:35
Desiree Anderson, also be known as Cody D’Entremont.
  • A 32-year-old man going by the name Desiree Anderson (also known as Cody D’Entremont) is wanted in relation to a reported sexual assault at a Windsor women’s shelter. Police began an investigation on April 4 when they were contacted by a woman who had been staying at the shelter. According to the complainant, the suspect was also staying at the shelter at the time, and at some point entered the victim’s bed and sexually assaulted her. The Windsor police stated the suspect was processed as a female and should be referred to as a female.
  • Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra was mocked online after sharing a video of male Canadian politicians walking around a meeting room in high heels, purportedly to raise awareness about violence against women. Author JK Rowling tweeted in response, “Keep us posted on how many femicides this prevented.
  • The House voted to pass a bill banning males from competing on girls and women’s sports teams at federally funded schools and institutions. The bill — titled the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act” — was introduced by Republican Rep. Greg Steube of Florida.
  • A high school in Barcelona created separate toilets, not for girls, but for “menstruating people.” 

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What’s Current: Twitter rolls back policy against ‘misgendering’ and ‘deadnaming’

By: Meghan Murphy — April 19th 2023 at 05:54

BREAKING: Elon Musk’s Twitter rolls back policy protecting trans users from misgendering and deadnaming

— PinkNews (@PinkNews) April 18, 2023

  • Twitter has rolled back a policy banning “misgendering” and “deadnaming” from the platform. The rule was initially announced on Pink News on November 23, 2018, just after I was permanently suspended from the platform. On Monday, Twitter announced it will only put warning labels on tweets “potentially” in violation of its rules against hateful conduct. Previously, users were forced to remove the tweets.
  • Reduxx reports that a man who had been accessing girls’ changing rooms in Nanaimo is a convicted pedophile, writing:

“Parents and concerned citizens had been sounding the alarm about the man, who some say they had caught watching their young daughters undress, but were told he had a right to use the facilities as a ‘transgender woman.'”

In 2019, Jeremy Melvin Carlson (who now goes by Rylie Otter) was sentenced to 14 months in jail and 24 months probation for molesting an eight-year-old girl.

  • Sociologist Dr Laura Favaro had been collecting data on the “gender wars” as part of her research at City, University of London. After publishing an article at Times Higher Education called, “Researchers are wounded in academia’s gender wars,” the university received complaints and suspended her research in response. Favaro says:

“Those with a responsibility to support me have frustrated my ability to progress with the research or denied expected support via actions as well as omissions to act. This includes being ignored, ostracised, bullied, harassed — ending with a dismissal and confiscation of my data.”

You can support her legal case at CrowdJustice.

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