
☐ ☆ ✇ University Diaries

Performative Demagogues at Oberlin and Stanford…

By: Margaret Soltan — April 5th 2023 at 21:18

… have gotten those schools into plenty of trouble. Hired to think and act in terms of social justice, some of these people turn out to be bullies who like to lead Children’s Crusades against perceived enemies.

For Oberlin’s demagogue, the enemy was a bakery. Her vicious crusade against its blameless owners ended up costing that school $36 million.

Stanford’s person led a group of law students in shouting down and forcing out of the room a visiting judge.

Stanford’s dean is not only appalled by this inane and ignorant behavior; she has put the demagogue on leave and apologized to the judge. She has also condemned, in a lengthy letter, the idiots who followed the fool’s lead, and she has mandated, for all current law students, a seminar in free speech.

Meanwhile, some conservative judges are planning to boycott all Stanford law grads if they apply for internships in their offices. Some of those applicants from Stanford will of course be conservatives, which is just too damn bad for them.

So … we can expect smart conservative law school applicants to decide not to apply to Stanford.
