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Guest Post — Addressing Paper Mills and a Way Forward for Journal Security

By: Jay Flynn — April 4th 2023 at 09:30

Wiley's Jay Flynn discusses the impact that paper mills had on Hindawi's publishing program and how all stakeholders must collaborate to address behaviors that undermine research integrity.

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Guest Post: Start at the Beginning – The Need for ‘Research Practice’ Training

By: Danny Kingsley — February 23rd 2023 at 11:59

Danny Kingsley suggests that research integrity begins with the training researchers receive at university. Achieving Open Research and increasing reproducibility requires systematic research training that focuses specifically on research practice.

The post Guest Post: Start at the Beginning – The Need for ‘Research Practice’ Training appeared first on The Scholarly Kitchen.

☐ ☆ ✇ Impact of Social Sciences

Who should take responsibility for integrity in research?

By: Taster — February 2nd 2023 at 11:00
Reflecting on comparisons with the US and the results of the recent International Research Integrity Survey (IRIS), George Gaskell, Nick Allum, Miriam Bidoglia and Abigail-Kate Reid argue that robust research integrity cultures depend on support from different institutions across the research ecosystem. The journal Nature has in recent years featured hundreds of pieces on research … Continued