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[Sponsor] Nylas for Email and Calendar APIs

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — July 4th 2023 at 02:40

Power email, calendar, and contacts features in your app. Launch for free today.

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[Sponsor] Axiom

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — June 26th 2023 at 21:55

Logging, re-invented. Stop sampling, get Axiom.

Give developers and everyone else in your organization the power to gain instant, actionable insights on all their data as efficiently as possible.

Starting at $25/mo for 1TB/mo logs. Get all your logs, all the time.

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[Sponsor] WorkOS

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — April 4th 2023 at 01:01

WorkOS is like “Stripe for enterprise features.” They make it easy for developers to build features needed by enterprise customers, such as Single Sign-On and SCIM.

Shipping these features is important because they enable selling upmarket for bigger deals. Without these features, the IT department will reject your app. But these enterprise features are complex and time-consuming to build yourself, usually taking months.

With WorkOS you can integrate and ship enterprise features in minutes. Beautiful API docs guide you through every step of the way, and transparent pricing scales based on usage. It’s a product built by developers, for developers.

☐ ☆ ✇ Daring Fireball

[Sponsor] Kolide — Device Trust for Okta

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — March 28th 2023 at 02:34

Right now, “Zero Trust” is in serious danger of becoming an empty buzzword. The problem isn’t just that marketers have slapped the Zero Trust label on everything short of breakfast cereal — it’s that for all the hype, we don’t seem to be getting any safer.

At the heart of Zero Trust is a good idea, but the way most companies execute that idea is incomplete. Specifically, most security practitioners forget that device compliance is a crucial element of Zero Trust.

Think about it: your identity provider can ensure that only known devices access your company’s apps, but just because you recognize a device, doesn’t mean it’s in a secure state. A malware-infected laptop running an outdated OS can’t exactly be “trusted.” And you can’t count on MDMs to achieve total compliance. Things like unencrypted access credentials are out of their reach, not to mention Linux devices writ large.

Kolide solves the device compliance element of Zero Trust for companies that use Okta.

Our premise is simple: if an employee’s device is out of compliance, it can’t access your apps.

Kolide’s unique approach works with Okta to make device compliance part of the authentication process. If a device isn’t compliant, users can’t log in to their cloud apps until they’ve fixed the problem. And instead of creating more work for IT, Kolide provides instructions so users can get unblocked on their own.

Kolide works across your Mac, Windows, and even Linux devices, with mobile support coming soon. Our lightweight agent complements your existing tools, brings a lot of compliance issues into scope and under control, and can complete your Zero Trust picture.

To learn more and see our product in action, visit

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[Sponsor] Kolide — Zero Trust for Okta

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — March 21st 2023 at 02:06

Here’s an uncomfortable fact: at most companies, employees can download sensitive company data onto any device, keep it there forever, and never even know that they’re doing something wrong.

Kolide’s new report, The State of Sensitive Data, shines a light on an area of security that is often ignored, but is nevertheless a massive hole in many companies’ Zero Trust fortress.

Study results showing that companies have poor policies for requiring user authentication to access sensitive data (65%); prohibiting downloading sensitive data onto personal devices (46%); ensuring plain-text access credentions are not stored on employee devices (38%); setting a specified time period sensitive data can reside on an employee device (16%).

These findings are particularly alarming given the overall state of device security. IT teams routinely struggle to enforce timely OS updates and patch management, meaning that end users are storing your most sensitive data–things like customer records, confidential IP, and plain-text access credentials–on devices that are vulnerable to attack.

This problem has gone unaddressed because until now there hasn’t been a good solution for it. MDM solutions are too blunt an instrument for dealing with sensitive data, and DLP tools are too extreme and invasive for most companies. After all, you’re not trying to ban downloads together, nor regard every download as suspicious. You’re just trying to make sure employees aren’t keeping data for longer than they need or keeping it on an unmanaged or un-secure device.

Kolide offers a more nuanced approach to setting and enforcing sensitive data policies.

Our premise is simple: if an employee’s device is out of compliance, it can’t access your apps.

Kolide lets admins run queries to detect sensitive data, flag devices that have violated policies, and enforce OS and browser updates so vulnerable devices aren’t accessing data.

Our unique approach makes device compliance part of the authentication process. If a device isn’t compliant, users can’t log in to their cloud apps until they’ve fixed the problem. But instead of creating more work for IT, Kolide provides instructions so users can get unblocked on their own.

To learn more and see our product in action, visit

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[Sponsor] WorkOS

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — March 13th 2023 at 21:46

WorkOS is like “Stripe for enterprise features.” They make it easy for developers to build features needed by enterprise customers, such as Single Sign-On and SCIM.

Shipping these features is important because they enable selling upmarket for bigger deals. Without these features, the IT department will reject your app. But these enterprise features are complex and time-consuming to build yourself, usually taking months.

With WorkOS you can integrate and ship enterprise features in minutes. Beautiful API docs guide you through every step of the way, and transparent pricing scales based on usage. It’s a product built by developers, for developers.

☐ ☆ ✇ Daring Fireball

[Sponsor] Kolide -- Device Trust for Okta

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — March 7th 2023 at 04:21

Right now, “Zero Trust” is in serious danger of becoming an empty buzzword. The problem isn’t just that marketers have slapped the Zero Trust label on everything short of breakfast cereal — it’s that for all the hype, we don’t seem to be getting any safer.

At the heart of Zero Trust is a good idea, but the way most companies execute that idea is incomplete. Specifically, most security practitioners forget that device compliance is a crucial element of Zero Trust.

Think about it: your identity provider can ensure that only known devices access your company’s apps, but just because you recognize a device, doesn’t mean it’s in a secure state. A malware-infected laptop running an outdated OS can’t exactly be “trusted.” And you can’t count on MDMs to achieve total compliance. Things like unencrypted access credentials are out of their reach, not to mention Linux devices writ large.

Kolide solves the device compliance element of Zero Trust for companies that use Okta.

Our premise is simple: if an employee’s device is out of compliance, it can’t access your apps.

Kolide’s unique approach works with Okta to make device compliance part of the authentication process. If a device isn’t compliant, users can’t log in to their cloud apps until they’ve fixed the problem. And instead of creating more work for IT, Kolide provides instructions so users can get unblocked on their own.

Kolide works across your Mac, Windows, and even Linux devices, with mobile support coming soon. Our lightweight agent complements your existing tools, brings a lot of compliance issues into scope and under control, and can complete your Zero Trust picture.

To learn more and see our product in action, visit

☐ ☆ ✇ Daring Fireball

[Sponsor] Kolide -- Zero Trust for Okta

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — February 27th 2023 at 21:07

Here’s an uncomfortable fact: at most companies, employees can download sensitive company data onto any device, keep it there forever, and never even know that they’re doing something wrong.

Kolide’s new report, The State of Sensitive Data, shines a light on an area of security that is often ignored, but is nevertheless a massive hole in many companies’ Zero Trust fortress.

Study results showing that companies have poor policies for requiring user authentication to access sensitive data (65%); prohibiting downloading sensitive data onto personal devices (46%); ensuring plain-text access credentions are not stored on employee devices (38%); setting a specified time period sensitive data can reside on an employee device (16%).

These findings are particularly alarming given the overall state of device security. IT teams routinely struggle to enforce timely OS updates and patch management, meaning that end users are storing your most sensitive data–things like customer records, confidential IP, and plain-text access credentials–on devices that are vulnerable to attack.

This problem has gone unaddressed because until now there hasn’t been a good solution for it. MDM solutions are too blunt an instrument for dealing with sensitive data, and DLP tools are too extreme and invasive for most companies. After all, you’re not trying to ban downloads together, nor regard every download as suspicious. You’re just trying to make sure employees aren’t keeping data for longer than they need or keeping it on an unmanaged or un-secure device.

Kolide offers a more nuanced approach to setting and enforcing sensitive data policies.

Our premise is simple: if an employee’s device is out of compliance, it can’t access your apps.

Kolide lets admins run queries to detect sensitive data, flag devices that have violated policies, and enforce OS and browser updates so vulnerable devices aren’t accessing data.

Our unique approach makes device compliance part of the authentication process. If a device isn’t compliant, users can’t log in to their cloud apps until they’ve fixed the problem. But instead of creating more work for IT, Kolide provides instructions so users can get unblocked on their own.

To learn more and see our product in action, visit

☐ ☆ ✇ Daring Fireball

[Sponsor] WorkOS

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — February 6th 2023 at 18:48

WorkOS is like “Stripe for enterprise features.” They make it easy for developers to build features needed by enterprise customers, such as Single Sign-On and SCIM.

Shipping these features is important because they enable selling upmarket for bigger deals. Without these features, the IT department will reject your app. But these enterprise features are complex and time-consuming to build yourself, usually taking months.

With WorkOS you can integrate and ship enterprise features in minutes. Beautiful API docs guide you through every step of the way, and transparent pricing scales based on usage. It’s a product built by developers, for developers.

☐ ☆ ✇ Daring Fireball

[Sponsor] Double the Brightness of Your MacBook Pro With Vivid

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — January 25th 2023 at 22:04

The latest MacBook Pro has a display that can reach 1600 nits of brightness. This brightness could only be reached when watching HDR videos, so we made Vivid!

Vivid unlocks the full brightness of your screen, system-wide. It works on the 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro with an M1 or M2 chip, as well as the Pro Display XDR.

Try Vivid for free and see the difference yourself. Whether you bought a new MacBook Pro this week, or if you want to give your “old” M1 Pro a cheap upgrade, get Vivid for 30% off this week!

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[Sponsor] Meh

By: Daring Fireball Department of Commerce — January 19th 2023 at 23:43

How can a site whose only ads are at Daring Fireball, and largely consist of middle finger emojis, Fuck Amazon trolling, and other idiotic and useless drivel still be in business? (You might think this is the start of a clever promo, but no really, seriously, someone help me understand how they are still around.)
