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El fin de la discriminación positiva va a empeorar la situación para mucha gente

By: Tyler Austin Harper — July 3rd 2023 at 17:56
Doy clases en una universidad de élite en Estados Unidos y aunque creo que la discriminación positiva deformó la cultura universitaria, también he viso que es necesaria.
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El fin de la discriminación positiva va a empeorar la situación para mucha gente

By: Tyler Austin Harper — July 3rd 2023 at 17:56
Doy clases en una universidad de élite en Estados Unidos y aunque creo que la discriminación positiva deformó la cultura universitaria, también he viso que es necesaria.

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One Black Family, One Affirmative Action Ruling, and Lots of Thoughts

By: Audra D. S. Burch — July 2nd 2023 at 20:16
The Supreme Court ruling is just the latest version of a question that the Whitehead family — and the nation — has been grappling with for years: How to deal with the legacy of slavery?
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The ‘Unseen’ Students in the Affirmative Action Debate

By: Sarah Mervosh and Troy Closson — July 1st 2023 at 09:00
Race-conscious admissions helped only a tiny fraction of Black and Hispanic students. It could not address the many obstacles to a college degree.
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What Is the Higher Education Act? Biden to Try Canceling Student Loans Again.

By: Charlie Savage — June 30th 2023 at 22:40
Some advocates of the debt forgiveness wanted the Biden administration to use the Higher Education Act of 1965 from the beginning.
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Supreme Court Could Consider Virginia High School’s Admissions

By: Adam Liptak — May 29th 2023 at 09:01
The justices will soon rule on race-conscious admissions plans at Harvard and U.N.C. A new appeals court case asks whether schools can use race-neutral tools to achieve racial diversity.

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va., instituted an admissions process that reserved spots for the top students at every public middle school in the area.
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Elite Virginia High School’s Admissions Policy Does Not Discriminate, Court Rules

By: Stephanie Saul — May 23rd 2023 at 22:34
Parents had objected to Thomas Jefferson High School in Virginia changing its admissions policies, including getting rid of an exam. The case appears headed for the Supreme Court.

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va.
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Appeals Court Overturns Fraud and Conspiracy Convictions in Varsity Blues Scandal

By: Anemona Hartocollis — May 11th 2023 at 12:09
A three-judge panel found that a lower court made crucial missteps in the trial of Gamal Abdelaziz and John Wilson, the first parents to take their chances in front of a jury.

Gamal Abdelaziz was accused of paying $300,000 in 2018 to have his daughter admitted to the University of Southern California as a top-ranked basketball recruit,
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Supreme Court Rules for Transgender Girl in School Sports Dispute

By: Adam Liptak — April 6th 2023 at 21:31
The justices issued a temporary order allowing the girl to compete on the girls’ track team at a West Virginia middle school.
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Will the Supreme Court Let Biden Cancel Student Debt?

The justices are to rule on a program that seeks to wipe out billions of dollars of loans affecting some 40 million Americans.
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Student Loan Case Before Supreme Court Poses Pressing Question: Who Can Sue?

By: Adam Liptak — February 26th 2023 at 14:46
Prompted by a 2007 decision giving states “special solicitude,” partisan challenges to federal programs from coalitions of state attorneys general have surged.

Activists in Washington urging President Biden last year to cancel student debt. Six Republican-led states have a challenge to the debt cancellation pending before the Supreme Court.