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Supreme Court Could Consider Virginia High Schoolโ€™s Admissions

The justices will soon rule on race-conscious admissions plans at Harvard and U.N.C. A new appeals court case asks whether schools can use race-neutral tools to achieve racial diversity.

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va., instituted an admissions process that reserved spots for the top students at every public middle school in the area.

The Curious Rise of a Supreme Court Doctrine That Threatens Bidenโ€™s Agenda

The โ€œmajor questions doctrine,โ€ promoted by conservative commentators, is of recent vintage but hasย enormous power and may doom student loan relief and other programs.

Student Loan Case Could Redefine Limits of Presidential Power

It is not the first time that the Supreme Court has suggested that President Biden has overstepped his authority, but the case could curtail his ambitions.

Student Loan Case Before Supreme Court Poses Pressing Question: Who Can Sue?

Prompted by a 2007 decision giving states โ€œspecial solicitude,โ€ partisan challenges to federal programs from coalitions of state attorneys general have surged.

Activists in Washington urging President Biden last year to cancel student debt. Six Republican-led states have a challenge to the debt cancellation pending before the Supreme Court.

The Road to a Supreme Court Clerkship Starts at Three Ivy League Colleges

The chances of obtaining a coveted clerkship, a new study found, increase sharply with undergraduate degreesย from Harvard, Yale or Princeton.

A new study found that undergraduate degrees from Princeton, along with Harvard and Yale, offer a leg up in getting a coveted Supreme Court clerkship.

Bathroom Bans for Transgender Youths Are Poised for Supreme Court Review

A recent ruling created a split among federal appeals courts on whether schools can forbid transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identities.

The Supreme Court could consider schoolsโ€™ policies on transgender students and bathrooms after an appeals court decision last month.

Bathroom Bans for Transgender Youths Are Poised for Supreme Court Review

A recent ruling created a split among federal appeals courts on whether schools can forbid transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identities.