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Before yesterday1000-Word Philosophy

W.D. Rossโ€™s Ethics of โ€œPrima Facieโ€ Duties

W.D. Ross believed that there are multiple fundamental moral principles. He called them "prima facie" duties. This essay introduces Rossโ€™s theory, which is often called intuitionism.



Henry Scott Tuke's painting "The Promise" (1888).

Aristotle on Friendship: What Does It Take to Be a Good Friend?

What is it to be a friend, especially a good friend? Aristotleโ€™s claims about friendship began debates that continue today. This essay presents his views on friendship and a contemporary debate he inspired.



An image of Aristotle and Hypatia laughing together, next to the first page of a Latin and Greek version of Nicomachean Ethics. Generated using Midjourney AI and edited by G.M.Trujillo.

Platoโ€™s Allegory of the Cave: the Journey Out of Ignorance

Platoโ€™s book The Republic is a dialogue about justice. It contains the โ€œAllegory of the Caveโ€, a fanciful story that illustrates some of Platoโ€™s ideas about education and the distinction between appearance and reality. This essay introduces the Allegory and explains its meaning.



An image of a prisoner looking at shadows in the cave, illustrating part of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave."

Epistemic Justification: What is Rational Belief?

Rational or reasonable beliefs are often described by philosophers as "epistemically justified." This is an introduction to the concept of epistemic justification.



A woman looking in a refrigerator. Is she epistemically justified in believing there is almond milk in the fridge?

The Doctrine of Double Effect: Do Intentions Matter to Ethics?

An introduction to the Doctrine of Double Effect, which claims that it is permissible to harm someone if it will also result in good consequences that outweigh the harm and the harm is just a โ€œside-effectโ€ of your action, rather than something you intend to make happen.



Trolley problems: should he push the man?

The Buddhist Theory of No-Self (Anฤtman/Anattฤ)

The Buddhist denial of the existence of the self is known as anฤtman (or anattฤ). This essay explores some of the basics of anฤtman/anattฤ.



Woman looking in a mirror: does she see her self?

Self-Knowledge: Knowing Your Own Mind

We usually know our own mental states better than others know them. And we usually come to know them in different ways than how others come to know them. How do we come to possess self-knowledge?



The Meaning of Life: Whatโ€™s the Point?

Does lifeโ€™s having meaning depend on a supernatural reality? Is death a threat to lifeโ€™s meaning? Is life the sort of thing that can have a โ€œmeaningโ€? In what sense? Here we will consider some approaches to questions about the meaning of life.


