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What Is the Higher Education Act? Biden to Try Canceling Student Loans Again.

By: Charlie Savage — June 30th 2023 at 22:40
Some advocates of the debt forgiveness wanted the Biden administration to use the Higher Education Act of 1965 from the beginning.
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Debt Ceiling Deal Would Reinstate Student Loan Payments

By: Michael D. Shear — June 1st 2023 at 03:04
The legislation would prevent President Biden from issuing another last-minute extension on the payments beyond the end of the summer.

The debt ceiling legislation would end the pause on student loan payments on Aug. 30 at the latest.
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Texas Lawmakers Pass Ban on D.E.I. Programs at State Universities

By: Audra D. S. Burch — May 29th 2023 at 20:15
It’s the latest state to defund diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
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Bills DeSantis Signed Target Trans Rights, Abortion and Education in Florida

By: Neil Vigdor — May 24th 2023 at 21:55
Gov. Ron DeSantis ushered in a six-week abortion ban and curriculum restrictions, while expanding capital punishment and concealed carry access as he prepared to run for president.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida at a bill-signing event this month.
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In Howard Address, Biden Warns of ‘Sinister Forces’ Trying to Reverse Racial Progress

By: Peter Baker and Zolan Kanno-Youngs — May 13th 2023 at 20:46
The president’s commencement address at Howard University, a historically Black institution, came as Democratic strategists have expressed concerns about muted enthusiasm for Mr. Biden among Black voters.

“Fearless progress toward justice often meets ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces,” President Biden told Howard University’s graduating class.
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Public Health Lessons Learned From the Coronavirus Pandemic

By: Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Noah Weiland — May 11th 2023 at 09:00
The United States’ struggle to respond to the virus has highlighted the importance of communicating with the public, sharing data and stockpiling vital supplies.

Medical workers treating patients with Covid-19 at the Brooklyn Hospital Center in January 2022, when the Omicron wave was in full force.
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Florida Rejects Dozens of Social Studies Textbooks, and Forces Changes in Others

By: Sarah Mervosh and Dana Goldstein — May 9th 2023 at 20:29
The state objected to content on topics like the Black Lives Matter movement, socialism and why some citizens ‘take a knee’ during the national anthem.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has campaigned against what he has described as “woke indoctrination” in the classroom.
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Biden Plan for Transgender Title IX Rules Began on Inauguration Day

By: Katie Rogers — April 8th 2023 at 02:44
Officials were working on a plan to protect transgender athletes since the day the president was sworn in. In recent months, they raced to issue protections as states moved to revoke them.

Demonstrators supporting trans rights in Washington last week.
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Biden Plan for Transgender Title IX Rules Began on Inauguration Day

By: Katie Rogers — April 8th 2023 at 02:44
Officials were working on a plan to protect transgender athletes since the day the president was sworn in. In recent months, they raced to issue protections as states moved to revoke them.
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Republicans Face Setbacks in Push to Tighten Voting Laws on College Campuses

By: Neil Vigdor — March 29th 2023 at 21:50
Party officials across the country have sought to erect more barriers for young voters, who tilt heavily Democratic, after several cycles in which their turnout surged.

Students walking between classes at the University of Idaho. The state will ban student ID cards as a form of voter identification, one of few successes for Republicans targeting young voters this year.
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House Republicans Pass ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Act

By: Annie Karni — March 24th 2023 at 16:30
The legislation would require schools to obtain parental consent to honor a student’s request to change gender-identifying pronouns. Democrats said it would bring the conflicts over social issues to the classroom.
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House Republicans Pass ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Act

By: Annie Karni — March 24th 2023 at 16:30
The legislation would require schools to obtain parental consent to honor a student’s request to change gender-identifying pronouns. Democrats said it would bring the conflicts over social issues to the classroom.

The bill passed by House Republicans has no chance in the Democratic-controlled Senate but appeals to many of the party’s most conservative voters.
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In Chicago Mayor’s Race, Brandon Johnson Rises With Union Support

By: Mitch Smith — March 23rd 2023 at 04:39
Brandon Johnson, a county commissioner who once taught in struggling neighborhoods, soared in the polls after an endorsement and donations from the Chicago Teachers Union.
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Politicians Keep A Low Profile on L.A. School Strikes

By: Shawn Hubler — March 22nd 2023 at 19:09
The mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, has avoided taking sides over the three-day Los Angeles Unified School District strike, and California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, has not intervened.
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Florida Will Review Social Studies Textbooks for ‘Prohibited Topics’

By: Sarah Mervosh — March 20th 2023 at 16:07
Behind the scenes, one publisher went to great lengths to avoid mentions of race, even in the story of Rosa Parks.

A current first grade history lesson in use in Florida.
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The Other Children in the DeSantis Culture War

By: Charles M. Blow — March 9th 2023 at 00:00
Ron DeSantis’s censorship craze centers the feelings of white children. But what about children searching for a history that includes them?
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House Republicans Prepare to Slash Spending in Budget Showdown

By: Carl Hulse and Catie Edmondson — March 8th 2023 at 21:26
With Social Security and Medicare off the table, conservatives are focusing on a wide range of smaller programs as a clash with President Biden and Democrats looms.
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The MAGA-fication of North Idaho College

By: Charles Homans — March 6th 2023 at 23:11
G.O.P. activists set out to root out the “deep state” at home. An Idaho community college may never be the same.
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The Curious Rise of a Supreme Court Doctrine That Threatens Biden’s Agenda

By: Adam Liptak — March 6th 2023 at 18:39
The “major questions doctrine,” promoted by conservative commentators, is of recent vintage but has enormous power and may doom student loan relief and other programs.
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In Florida Legislative Session, a Chance for DeSantis to Check Off His Wish List

By: Patricia Mazzei — March 6th 2023 at 04:41
Republican lawmakers have indicated the session will be guided by Gov. Ron DeSantis’s priorities, including a proposal that would expand gun rights.