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Before yesterdayTom Pepinsky

Learning about Nguyen the Accomplished

One of the privileges of teaching Southeast Asian Politics is how it helps me to discover new facts, new anecdotes, and new perspectives on old subjects. Sometimes I learn these things from my students, sometimes I learn these things as a result of trying to answer a question from students.

Several years ago, for example, I learned about the Joyoboyo prophesy while trying to answering the question from a student about what do Indonesians learn about the Japanese occupation during WWII? My recent lectures on modern Vietnamese politics have provided me with another good one.

Here is a picture taken from a Vietnamese school. Thanks to one solid year of Vietnamese language in graduate school Google Translate, I can get a sense of the conversation.

It relates the story of an enterprising young man in colonial-era Annam (French Indochina) named Nguyแป…n Tแบฅt Thร nh (that name is what is obscured by the head on the leftโ€ฆ written Ng Tแบฅt Th___). He is speaking with his friend Pear (bแบกn = a familiar term of address, lรช = pear) about his desire to go overseas to see the world and use his experiences to help the Vietnamese people:

Tรดi muแป‘n ฤ‘i ra nฦฐแป›c ngoร i, xem nฦฐแป›c Phรกp vร  cรกc nฦฐแป›c khรกc. Sau khi xem xรฉt hแป lร m nhฦฐ thแบฟ nร o, Tรดi sแบฝ trแปŸ vแป giรบp ฤ‘แป“ng bร o chรบng ta.

I want to go abroad, to see France as well as other countries. After seeing how they do it, I will return to help our compatriots.

But look at Mr. Nguyแป…nโ€™s hands. Part of the story I have been told is that Mr. Nguyแป…n responded to the question โ€œhow will you earn money to do this?โ€ by responding โ€œwith my handsโ€”my hands are my money.โ€ It is remarkable to see that those hands are stamped with dollar signs rather than the ฤ‘แป“ng symbol (โ‚ซ) to signify this point.

The story also becomes more evocative when you realize that Nguyแป…n Tแบฅt Thร nh is a sobriquet that means โ€œNguyen the Accomplished.โ€ And even more so once you realize that this same Nguyen was later known to the world as Ho Chi Minh.

