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Buckle up! Fourth of July Massacres are Upon Us.

They’ve already gotten a jump on things in Baltimore, city of UD‘s birth; but you gotta figure there will be more Independence Day public slaughter as we approach the actual date.


A whole lotta bullshit gets said about mass killings in this country, and UD might as well scroll through the latest crapola statements outta Balto.

And why should she do this? Because as long as everyone lies about the way legions of public events in this country are getting shot up, we’ll never get anywhere.

So let’s see what’s being said. Start with the headline in USA Today‘s reporting: VICTIMS OF BALTIMORE MASS SHOOTING etc. Since this was almost certainly a gang revenge event, we can expect that some of the dead/injured are perpetrators – an important distinction no one ever seems to make. It’s like calling Eric Harris a victim of Columbine.

A lot of what we feel in the wake of these routine large-scale murders needs to be disgust at the assholes who commit them. If we’re not allowed to cast a cold eye at the people who start the shooting, and the people they’re fighting with who continue the shooting and turn it into a massacre, the event dissolves into an emotional puddle.

The killing “marred the holiday weekend.” Marred? “Spoiled to a certain extent; made less perfect, attractive.”? Other than your MARRED evening, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?

Let us start describing these pathetic, terrifying events honestly. The killing destroyed not only a holiday weekend, but was one more nail in the coffin of many communities ever being able to gather in celebration, mourning, commemoration, graduation, etc. Ever. The killing once again graphically demonstrated the absence of police personnel in a city far too dangerous to attract enough applicants to the force. The killing is a humiliating admission of the failure of a once-significant American city to live a normal communal life.

The violence in Baltimore comes as federal prosecutors there this week touted their efforts to reduce violent crime in the city. 

Where’s the word “ironically”? Why does the writer not insert “even” between comes and as?

“I want those who are responsible to hear me, and hear me very clearly,” Mayor Brandon Scott said at the scene. “We will not stop until we find you, and we will find you. Until then, I hope that every single breath you take, that you think about the lives that you took, think about the lives that you impacted here tonight.”

If I were the killers, who I assume successfully accomplished their mission of killing some of their rivals, I’d be giggling at the would-be tough-guy mayor of a city that can’t stop everyone from killing everyone. “Lives you impacted” – wow. Impacted. Strong stuff.

I mean, kiddies, the street certainly ran with blood after this, didn’t it? ‘“The shots were just going on and on and on,” [one observer] said.’ The streets must have turned RED after thirty injuries and deaths. Is “impacted lives” the best we can do?

The governor’s statement was even worse. We’re doing everything we can…

But you can’t do anything; you can’t even hire a functional police force.

A police union official said in an email Sunday there were no officers specifically assigned to the gathering.

“There were only three officers assigned to the Brooklyn area of Baltimore City’s Southern District. This is a large area, and to police it safely and effectively you need about seven to eight officers per shift,” said Mike Mancuso, president of the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3.

Mancuso said about 2,800 officers are needed to effectively police the city, but staffing is down to about 2,100.

I mean, there’s your lead right there, and instead it’s at the end of your article: no officers assigned… Start with that, and ask why a large gathering in a bloody mess of a city included no police presence.

UD doesn’t claim cold honesty/vivid language about streets dripping with blood will make all the killing go away. But it can certainly help concentrate the collective mind. The vague crap we keep getting is worse than nothing.

Rep. explains why two lawmakers were expelled from Tennessee House: "They are 2 young Black men"

After yesterdays's expulsion of two Tennessee state lawmakers — Rep. Justin Jones (D) and Rep. Justin Pearson (D) — for leading gun control rallies following the Nashville shooting, a third lawmaker involved in the demonstrations explains why she was spared the axe. — Read the rest

‘”[It’s] worth [it] to have a cost of, unfortunately, some gun deaths … so that we can have the Second Amendment,” Charlie Kirk said at a recent Faith event.’

But in announcing the launch of his new organization – Gunning for Granny – Kirk went on to say that there’s something we can all do right away to stem the tide of school massacres.

“With the support of the NRA, we are today rolling out Gunning for Granny, a grassroots movement aimed at redirecting shooters’ rage from elementary school settings to assisted living communities. We all mourn the senseless shattering of little ones just beginning their life journey, whereas the massacre of the elderly – just as easily accomplished within the confined and concentrated setting of dementia care facilities – is a far more tolerable, rational, and achievable event. If we can make the case – via PSAs, viral memes, and interviews with thought leaders – that the effect of assault weapons on an eighty year old body can be every bit as satisfying as their effect on an eight year old body, we can, to quote Shakespeare’s play about the senile, “show the heavens more just.” Gunning for Granny will use humor and humanity to target the most burdensome among us, while at the same time rescuing that most precious gift of all: our children.”

It’s Never the Gun, Is It?

How do you square support for gun ownership, virtually without restriction, with this terrible, unjust tragedy?...

Read More

Were the parents and students of McAuliffe International School informed? Is the policy written down – often, and in big letters, since it might kill your kid – in a code of conduct available to parents and students?

Do people at Denver’s largest middle school understand that school policy is to keep attempted first degree murderers enrolled? Sitting inches away from your eleven year old who might at least be allowed to know enough to try really hard not to piss him off? Can the school show that this lethally negligent policy has been announced on a regular basis over the PA system and at Back to School nights, and sent out in letters and emails to the community? (Does ‘PA system’ age me?)

Shortly after learning about [the Denver school system’s latest (double) attempted murder, McAuliffe’s principal Kurt] Dennis said he and his staff attempted to convince DPS to let [a student of theirs charged with attempted murder] perform online classes.

That request was denied by the district.

He then asked the district to expel the student.

That request was also denied.

In a document obtained by 9NEWS, the Student Discipline Program Manager said, “As there is no evidence that [the student] was in possession of a firearm on his school grounds or at any other DPS school, the request for an extended suspension and expulsion hearing is denied.  Please return the student to school.”

And implement the procedure in place at East High School: Get a couple of random untrained unarmed administrators to pat him down every day for weapons.

Sure, one of the two administrators is now in critical condition a week after the student tried to kill the guy… But the other guy was only lightly wounded in the attack, which tells you that the killer can only handle one guy at a time! What is your problem, wimp? This is Colorado! Cowboy country! East High’s district school board voted two years ago to remove all armed guards, giving would-be killers a totally free hand! Where’s your courage?


The real question, though, is where’s the DPS’s money. Assuming something short of full disclosure of its MURDERER? C’MON DOWN! policy to its sitting duck community, we can expect insanely prolific lawsuits against the district, which better be working on passing the buck bigtime right now. We were only following orders!


Watch the local tv report/interview at the top of the page. Both reporters wonder “what the bar is” for denying school entry to homicidally violent students. If attempted murder isn’t enough, what is?

UD says: Expulsion will be considered if and only if your victims have been dismembered. Some schools have a slightly higher bar, known among Student Discipline Program Managers as the Dahmer Rule: Students will need to show dismemberment and cannibalism to receive an expulsion order.


What’s the witches’ brew? How can this possibly be happening?

  1. Guns are nothing in this country. Four hundred million of them are out and about – and I mean out, cuz in lots of places, certainly including Colorado, just about everybody gets to open carry. Guns are like flashlights or binoculars – totally unremarkable parts of the landscape. So one of the kids in one of your schools shot someone up. Big deal. He can go back to school. Some day soon, Lord willing, all students, faculty and administrators will open carry throughout the school day. THEN everyone will be safe.
  2. If you treat would-be murderers like would-be murderers, they’ll end up in jail. Keep them in school and they won’t go to jail: Quod erat demonstrandum.
  3. Number Three is institutional stupidity. Just rank stupidity, from the school board up to the superintendent. You can’t do anything about all the guns, but you can certainly remove these people and administer IQ tests to new candidates.

The Way the Cookie Crumbleys.

The bumbly scumbly Crumbleys are off to court for four counts of involuntary manslaughter.

Good on ya, Michigan Court of Appeals.

So lemme just put this out there.

America now suffers from a mismatch between the lethal weaponry which is currently endemic in its public schools, and the level of intelligence among some of the people who run the public schools. I mean to say that the level of intelligence is not adequate to deal with the lethality.

Compounding the insufficient intelligence problem are three further problems:

  1. School leaders are incentivized to retain students.
  2. School leaders are often ideologically twisted in ways that make them not want to “give up” on vicious, mentally ill, people.
  3. Some school leaders are themselves in various ways violence-friendly or at least violence-tolerant. America is a violent country. It has a lot of violent people in it. Some of them are running our schools.

Schools are all about putting happy faces on everything. While superintendents and principals sit in their offices sketching school spirit happy faces, students and parents are out front in the parking lot sobbing in each other’s arms as police shut down their killing field for the rest of the week. It’s a strange duality, but one that won’t change, because of hardwired truths about some of the people who become public school administrators. Everyone can read the guns on campus numbers, the shootings/killings on campus numbers, all the way down to the elementary schools. (“The [Denver] shooting is the 83rd shooting on a K-12 school campus this calendar year, according to the K-12 School Shooting Database.”)  UD assures you that, given the situation on the ground, they will only grow.

And no, UD is not picking on administrators. They are only part – though a crucial part – of the witches’ brew. Depraved parents whose children have easy access to AR-15s? Check. Fragile mental health plus growing up in a violent country? Check. Inept local police forces? Check. School districts that haven’t gotten the message that in a country with four hundred million guns their buildings have become armed camps and have to start looking like them? Check. There’s lots of stuff we could talk about. But the person in charge of keeping the schools safe holds ultimate responsibility.


Read this background. The multiply-shot-up school at issue is simply a dumping ground. Disgusting.

‘“A lot of times, it’s not that they’re there to threaten anybody, it’s not that they’re there to hurt anybody — it’s just, for whatever stupid reason, they had a gun in their backpack and they brought it to school,” [Superintendent Scot

Yeah what the hell. On any given middle or high school day in Albuquerque, you figure there are maybe twenty guns in backpacks or in administrative offices or whatever, around the school system… Students and staff bring them onto campus for… whatever stupid reason! It’s certainly not our job to figure out why the children of New Mexico are menaced with death in the location that ought to be safest. What we can say is that the reasons are … whatever. Stupid.


Today’s butcher’s bill. And this one’s just like the one in Newport News – both involved shooters so well known as incredibly dangerous that both schools had elaborate security arrangements just for them. Today’s for instance had to be patted down every time he entered the building; and this time while being patted down he pulled out his gun and started shooting.



Why is a public school system putting itself and all its children directly in the line of fire? What twisted “retention” philosophy (beyond the cynical financial one) is in play here? You designate a bunch of untrained victims-to-be to surveil, pat down, and discipline determined killers, so that… ?

So that you get dead people, wounded people, and WHOPPING lawsuits.


Update: The shooter killed himself.

The shooting is the 83rd shooting on a K-12 school campus this calendar year.

‘The number of guns found in carry-ons at Asheville Regional Airport has risen so sharply that passengers will now be criminally charged, airport officials said Friday.’

Flyers who forgot they had a gun in a carry-on previously received only the prospect of a civil penalty from the federal Transportation Security Administration, according to an airport statement. Now they’ll be criminally cited, too.


Good lord! I had a loaded gun in my carry-on baggage as I boarded an airplane? Are you FUCKING KIDDING????


Wyoming Watches As Colorado Is On Verge

Of Passing Sweeping Gun Control Legislation

“None of them (the gun control bills) are good,” [warned Jeremy Haroldson, R-Wheatland.] “But the worst is one placing liability on manufacturers for third-party crimes, which, in my opinion, is absolutely reckless.”

Haroldson said Wyomingites should keep a cautious eye on what’s happening in Colorado. 

“My issue is, how can a state like Colorado, which even 15 years ago had a conservative logic toward gun regulation, get to the place where it is now?” he said.


Theories as to how Wyoming’s neighboring cowboy-y state has gotten to the place where it is now abound; most popular, in Yee-Haw Country, involves a triumvirate of Jews, headed by anti-gun-fanatic Michael Bloomberg (the other two are George Soros and Hillary Clinton, who claims not to be Jewish). Colorado represents Stage One of their multi-state conspiracy to sap America’s vital fluids by weakening gun laws to such an extent that we lose our will to protect our freedoms, clearing the way for the Norwegian Socialist Forces.

Jackson State University sits in the city with the highest per capita murder rate in the country.

Other crimes (carjacking, for instance) are also astoundingly high in Mississippi’s capital, but everybody killing everybody while you’re studying is the distinction in choosing that school, in a state with virtually no gun restrictions.

They’ve lately brought in a whole other police force, but that won’t make no never mind. When you take away all the gun laws, a community is too lawless for the law.

Since guns are now as ubiquitous as dust under the carpet, we can expect news organizations to be reviewing their ‘newsworthy’ standards…

… and deciding that, say, any story about a gun found in a school (elementary, middle, high) is no longer worth covering (see? a pointless infinite scroll down).

Gunplay among neonates in hospital bassinet rooms will continue to be covered, but only with fatalities.

Examples of still-newsworthy gun incidents would include one airplane passenger carrying in his checked luggage

a. one ASP expandable baton;
b. one spring loaded knife;
c. one Axon taser X26, bearing serial number X00-051402, which contained three deployable prongs;
d. one .40 caliber Glock 22 handgun, bearing serial number XMC085;
e. one .308 caliber DPMS Panther Arms rifle, bearing serial number 13827.

And carrying on his person

two .40 caliber Glock magazines, each containing fifteen rounds of .40 caliber ammunition. A further search … revealed a ballistic vest carrier that displayed the words “Deputy Marshal.”

‘In 2022, Panama City officials … seized 75 guns amid their clashes with [Spring Breakers].’

Why this tidbit shows up at the very end of a long piece detailing 2022’s especially barbaric spring break is beyond me. Surely, as we enter this year’s fun, the escalating arsenal in the hands of drunk, massed, seventeen year olds belongs in the first paragraph.

We expect midday rapes on the beach, lethal blotto-toppling from balconies, car crashes, blah blah. What we really need to look for this year, as the country hoards four hundred million guns, and as every popular SB destination announces that armed law enforcement plans to show up against the revelers, is, well, warfare. Europe has Ukraine; the United States has Myrtle Beach.

I’m talking about a two-front war: Not just the established business of wasted guys blowing other wasted guys away in open street warfare because rivals find the same woman attractive, but battalions of wasted people blasting away against the police.

What makes you think the hordes of drug dealers who expect to do a… bang-up business at these week-long events won’t protect their turf the same way they do on city streets?

Local bars are furious about the imposition of early closing hours, stepped up i.d. harassment, blatant police presence, etc., etc. What makes you think they and/or their patrons won’t start shooting?

Babe, this is America.

Shot to Death

Apple Permanently Close[s] Down a Store

in a North Carolina Mall after 3 Shootings

at the Mall in just 75 Days
