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Endless thoughtful analysis and updates at the NYTโ€ฆ

โ€ฆ. on the Supreme Courtโ€™s overturning of affirmative action.


In an email to โ€œmembers of the Harvard community,โ€ the universityโ€™s president, Lawrence S. Bacow, and other senior leaders said it would comply with the ruling. Noting that Chief Justice Roberts had said that colleges could still take into account essays in which applicants discussed how race had affected their lives, they said they were writing to reaffirm the importance of diversity in โ€œbackgrounds, perspectives and lived experiences.โ€


ย [S]ome scholars say that dire predictions over sharp declines are alarmist and that schools will ultimately return to more racially diverse classes as they adjust to the new paradigm. They point to the University of California, which increased outreach in low-income communities. Over time, the number of Black and Hispanic students increased at most schools in the system.

Richard Sander, a law professor at U.C.L.A. who opposes race-based affirmative action, said that graduation rates for Black students improved after affirmative action was banned in California.


Justin Driver, a professor at Yale Law School and an expert on the Supreme Courtโ€™s education rulings, predicted that the affirmative action decision could cause some state universities to move to race-neutral strategies for increasing diversity, such as the โ€œtop percentโ€ model used in Texas.

In that state, students with the highest grade point averages at each high school are guaranteed admission to a public university, including the systemโ€™s flagship, the University of Texas at Austin.


Wuh Ohโ€ฆ!

College admissions experts anticipate there will be increased pressure on elite schools to end preferential treatment for children of alumni, who are more frequently white and affluent, as a result of the Supreme Courtโ€™s decision.

Next thing you know weโ€™ll be hearing there was something wrong with admitting dummy Jared Kushner to Harvard because his father gave the school 2.5 million dollars! Where the hell is this going?


From another source:

Democrats and blue-chip universities ought to moveย toward merit and income-based admissionsย while striving to eliminate legacy preferences.


Back to the NYT:

In 2020, with Donald Trump on the ballot, Democratic leaders in California launched a campaign to reinstate race-conscious affirmative action in California.

The governor and U.S. Senators and state legislators and a whoโ€™s who of business, pro sport and labor elites banded together, outspent opponents 19 to 1 and declared that restoring affirmative action in college admissions and hiring was a matter of racial and social justice.

Yet in a state dominated politically by Democrats and liberals, this referendum, Proposition 16, lost badly, with more than 57 percent of voters opposing it.

A recent Times analysis of that vote exposed a gulf between the party establishment and its voters. The analysis found that the opposition included a majority of Asian American and white voters and half of all Hispanics. Only Black voters offered majority support for the referendum. [See alsoโ€ฆ And see, from a scholar at the Progressive Policy Instituteโ€ฆ]

The California results suggest the issue โ€” and the Supreme Court decision โ€” might have far less political salience than some Democratic activists predict.

Shot to Death

โ€˜Apple Permanently Close[s] Down a Store

in a North Carolina Mall after 3 Shootings

at the Mall in just 75 Daysโ€˜

Shit for Brains




George Santos Wonโ€™t Serve on House Committees
