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bavacade Repair Log 6-29-2023

This is just a quick update to document some of the work happening recently in the bavacade. It has a been a bit of catch as catch can given how busy the last month has been with the Reclaim open conference the and coming virtual event in July. That said, Iโ€™ve been sneaking in work here and there in the mornings, and as usual it adds up. I already blogged about the Yie-Ar Kung-fu custom cabinet project, and will be a summer long endeavor, but itโ€™s very exciting. I also documented some of my work a couple of weekโ€™s ago testing various parts I bought in the US in the โ€œArcade Therapyโ€ post, so things are definitely moving along.

Arcade Therapy

More recently I have been testing some spare boards I have, namely a spare Make Trax board as well as spare Super Cobra board. This was also part of my attempt to start organizing all my parts and spares in the basement and get some semblance of order. I find testing and labeling when things worked saves me a ton of time, and some of the metadata on the boxes noted that these boards were questions marks. Also, I was looking to test a Crush Roller board in Make Trax I was sure Iโ€™d bought and brought to Italy over, but turns out I am either delusional or simply left it in Fredericksburg. Either way, because Iโ€™m obsessed I bought another Crush Roller board I found for a decent price in Germany along with a spare Moon Cresta board. The latter board is for the cocktail cabinet in Zach Davis is minding for me in Portland, Oregon, and I want to install and test the high score save kit on this one before shipping it back once I am in New Orleans next month.

The mint Moon Cresta Cocktail machine in residence at Cast Iron Codingโ€™s HQ

Anyway, back to the spare Make Trax and Super Cobra boards. The Make Trax spare works, but the sound is noisy. Itโ€™s as if the sound pot is not working correctly and there it is too loud and scratchy, so will need to track that down a new potentiometer (pot) and see if tracing the audio gives me any insight. This board will be the first real PCB work (besides my botched Stargate repair attempts) Iโ€™ve attempted in earnest, and Iโ€™m hopeful itโ€™s the start of some basic board work.

Image of Stargate Yellow Screen of Death

Stargate Yellow Screen of Death

If it goes well, the second project will be Super Cobra, which has an issue with the high score save kit. There are weird special characters in the high score save (HSS) kit and free play is not working. When I substituted the original romsโ€”this board has several ROMs removed given they are programmed on the HSS kitโ€”and Z80 chip from the working board the special characters went away. That said, there was then a strange rebooting issue with the game that did not happen with HSS kit in, so Iโ€™m going to buy new chips andย  burn the Super Cobra roms (a first for me). After that, Iโ€™ll try to track down the random rebooting issue, which is definitely an issue I can isolate to that board, should be fun!

Image of the screen of Super Cobra with weird special characters

Shot of Super Cobra with weird special characters in high score

As far as other work, I am making headway on monitor chassis repair. I had the spare Hanterex Polo in Cheyenne sent in for diagnosis given the original is stuck in the US on whatโ€™s shaping up to be an almost a 6-month wait, which Iโ€™m not thrilled about. Iโ€™ll keep pushing on the US repair, but in the meantime if the spare board is fixed here in Italy I can finally get this game back online. If that happens, then Iโ€™m just one G07 chassis and one K4600 chassis away from having everything running. I was able to repair the Condor G07 chassis that was dead by doing a cap kit, swapping out a new B+ filter cap as well as a horizontal width coil, and the chassis is working pretty well, but thereโ€™s a slight undulating wave that Tommaso tells me is good enough, but itโ€™s annoying me, so I do think I need to replace all the adjustment pots, especially for vertical linearity and vertical hold.

In fact, I was certain I bought spare G07 pots, but I canโ€™t find them for the life of me (part of the quest for order undertaken this week), so Iโ€™ve been parting out one of my extra, non-working G07 chassis. Iโ€™m also waiting on some 1.25 AMP fuses that should come today to try and get the chassis that came out of Pole Position working again. I think this chassis has either a bad flyback or a bad voltage regulator given there has been a recent cap kit done already. I might also need to swap the B+ filter cap. If that works, it will be put in Robotron, which leaves only the K4600 chassis for Challenger (I put Challengerโ€˜s 4600 into Venture to get that game up and running) to repair. Iโ€™m not sure what is up there cause I swapped flyback and there was a recent cap kit, so a bit perplexed, but hopefully we some poking around and testing that will be the final piece of the puzzle. This is where the chorus sings, โ€œHope springs eternal in the bava heart.โ€

Cracks in the Make Trax control panel overlay

Cracks in the Make Trax control panel overlay

Finally, I have the Make Trax cabinet totally stripped and with Alberto to add wheels because every game will be on wheels sooner than later in the bavacade. The cabinet, overall, is close to mint save the control panel overlay which cracking. When Tim and I were getting Reclaim Arcade up and running I came across an original control panel overlay for this game and snagged it, it was one of the things that came over with the container so I asked Alberto iof he could remove the old one and add this one, and as he says to everything, โ€œNo problem!โ€ Heโ€™s the best! He removed the old one, which by all accounts from Tim is a totally nightmare, and got it sanded and cleaned up.

Sanded Make Trax control panel ready for the like-new original overlay

After that, he put on the new overlay and it looks like new! So good. Sometimes those things I bought that I thought โ€œWill I use thisโ€ are now almost all in use, and that makes me happy.

Albertoโ€™s work on these cabinets continues to blow my mind, this control panel is, indeed, like new thanks to his craftsmanship

I think the next game to go on wheels will be Elevator Action, so will start taking that one apart, and that will mean 16 of the 30 games in the bavacade will be on wheels, and that means I am have crossed the half-way mark, which is encouraging progress! It also means I will have stripped almost every game down to just the cabinet if I manage to get wells on all of them. Thatโ€™s pretty awesome.

Arcade Therapy

Iโ€™m back from a trip to both Fredericksburg, Virginia for Reclaim Open and after that Long Island, New York for some extended family time. All of that coming off several days in Lisbon, Portugal, so I was feeling the effects of being on the road for a bit. I have a lot to say about Reclaim Open, and that will begin here shortly, but before that I need to ease back onto the blog, so Iโ€™ll highlight some of my recent work in the bavacade.

Turns out the arcade work can also do double-duty as a kind of re-entry therapy. My bipolar gets pretty acute when Iโ€™m on the road and away from the family for a while. If Iโ€™m not mindful my thoughts can begin to spiral. So for this re-entryโ€”before blogging or jumping headlong back into workโ€”I took some time to tinker on a few games. I usually lug a bunch of arcade parts, repaired boards, chassis, etc. back from the US, and this trip was no different.* On top of the random parts, I also retrieved a few game boards I had shipped during my last trip to the US in February (including Sidamโ€™s Condor, Exidyโ€™sย  Cheyenne, and Nichibutsuโ€™s Moon Cresta). On top of that, I took a few with me from Italy, namely a Moon Patrol bootleg board with sound issues, a Bagman with sprite issues, and my back-up Yie-Ar Kung-fu board. So, in short, a lot of boards to be looked at, and below is the tale of the tape for board repairs:

  • The Sidam Condor board had a boot issue and missing star field caused by a bad 74LS32 chip. Mike ordered a MN6221AA melody chip and replaced that.ย  The last problem was that the foreground was shifted to the left, cutting off the โ€œFโ€ in Fuel on the left hand side of the screen. This was fixed by replacing chip 74LS00 at location J4. Seems like pin 6 of that chip was stuck at a logic high and never moved.
  • Moon Patrol bootleg- dead sound cpu, replaced but still no sound. Traced sound all the way back to the amp. The problem was the folks who made this bootleg pcb switched the +/- speaker wires on the edge connector. Simply swapping the wires at the speaker fixes this.
  • Yie-Ar Kung-Fu โ€“ there was nothing wrong, no graphics problems, sound or control issues. This means power is the issue creating sprites, need to test this hypothesis once that cabinet is put back together, more on that custom project setup shortly
  • Bagman โ€“ the Z80 cpu was bad, but Mike did not report any sprites issues after it was fixed. I had recurring sprite issues and assumed it was a board/chip issue, but turns out it was power, as it always is. +5V DC needed to be raised a tad.
  • The issues with the Cheyenne board were linked to the 440 Multi-kit. Turns out the the sound portion of the Exidy kit was causing the no sound condition.The logic portion (the kit) had a problem coming from the GAL chip. Specifically, addresses 14 and 15 were missing and these addresses get generated by the GAL chip.ย  The game boots and plays fine, but opted to remove the 440 Exidy kit and re-install original Cheyenne chips, now to fix that Hanterex Polo to get Cheyenne back up and running after nearly 10 months of that game being offline.
  • Moon Cresta was a strange issue, it was working fine until Zach and I tried swapping out the main CPU chip for a high-score save kit. Once we did that the game just threw garbage to the screen. Turns out the chip (and or high score save kit) needed to be soldered directly to board given the socket was not making contact with the chipโ€™s legsโ€” which seems odd. That said, the board is working again without the high score save kit, so might need to solder the HSS kit directly to board, we will see.
  • The non-working spare Dig Dug board was the final one Mike worked on, and that board had a bunch of missing chips, so that was a full blown salvage mission, but it works a treat.

Thatโ€™s a fair amount of board work, but as of now there are no bad boards,. This will be a short-lived victory, but Iโ€™ll take it.

Next up is monitor chassis repairs.ย  I have two G07 cap kits (Robotron and Condor) I need to do, as well as a K4600 capkit for the Centuri Challenger. After that, the final project is the Hanterx Polo, which has been drawn out way too long, so Iโ€™m trying to resolve that sooner than later.

The other work happening has just been some random testing of parts and boards I brought back, such as testing a 15-pin Williams power brick for Make Trax: it works fine. Iโ€™ve also been testing boards like Condor (looks and sounds amazing)ย  Bagman (working again and power adjustment fixed the power-induced sprite issue), Dig Dug (works perfectly), and Zach reported back Moon Cresta is all systems go. So Cheyenne, Moon Patrol, and Yie-Ar Kung-fu are the last boards to test, but two out of the three will need to wait until the games are back online. That leaves Moon Patrol, and Iโ€™ll be testing that here soon.

This weekend I fell down a repair rabbit hole. I picked up a degaussing coil in the US, and brought it back to add the final touch to Exidyโ€™s Venture (one of my absolute favs) which had a bit of discoloration on the CRT. The degaussing fixed the issue, but soon after the game was freezing and eventually it seemed the monitor was cutting out. When I adjusted voltage the screen came back, but this time with mono-chromatic colors and it was out ofย  sync. Major bummer. I started troubleshooting which lasted deep into Sunday to finally learn the monitorโ€™s fine, but one of the chips that controls the color and sync (chip 13C) needed to have the solder re-flowed. I did that and re-seated everything and the game started working again and looking better than ever. That was a small, but rewarding, win.

It all becomes pretty consuming for me (which is true of most everything I do), but I find that focused attention and tinkering to solve small, elusive problems can be just what the doctor ordered when trying to return to a much needed work/life rhythm. Arcade therapy! But not so much playing the games these days as fixing them which is a really pleasurable, if unexpected, consequence of getting into this hobby.


*I even found all my Dungeons & Dragons maps and guide books feared lost, but that is a post for another day.

bavacade work log 3-28-2023

Iโ€™ve been pretty busy knocking out my to-do list for the bavacade. I created a long one after returning from the US, and Iโ€™ve gotten through most of it, so might be a good time to create a log with work done over the past month or so.

Pac-man Glossy Finish

Back of pac-man painted

  • Touched up Pac-man paint with new glossy yellow as discussed in this post, and finally painted the back door and finished that cabinet once and for allโ€”although I may find myself doing one more round of touch-up ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Added the multi-game, high score save kit to the Pac-man board, so now this cabinet has both a modded board that plays Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Pengo,ย Pacman Plus (as well as fast version of those games save Pengo) in addition to the BitKit2 I already installed. I think that puts a fork in Pac-man for now.

Pac-man Multi-game HSS Kit

Pac-man Multi-game HSS Kit

  • Added a high score save kit to the Venture board, so that game is also all but done. I am debating adding another coat of glossy white paint to truly finish it off, but weโ€™ll see.

Venture High Score Save Kit

High Score Save Kit for Venture

  • Sent the Cheyenne ROMs out so that the 440 Exidy Mod kit that plays several games can be fixed. Turns out the issue with the Cheyenne board was related to the mod kit I bought, which is kinda lame, but Mike now has the ROMs and should be able to fix that, which would be awesome.
  • Extra Condor board that Mike fixed is ready to go, will hopefully have that and the Cheyenne board shipped to Italy together if theyโ€™re ready to go here soon.

EPROMs from Sound board

Cheyenne original ROMs

  • Thereโ€™s a graphical issue at the top of my Joust game, and it turns out it is pretty common and there is no much you can do about it, so was able to cross that off the list, although a Williams FPGA may fix this, but had trouble with that board in this machine.

  • Replaced the Big Blue capacitor on the Dig Dug power brick, but that did not solve the loud hum, so this issue is still outstanding, but I did swap the Dig Dug power brick with the one that is in Millipede, and that solved the hum in Dig Dug by transferring the noise to Millipede ๐Ÿ™‚

Big Blue Capacitor (Atari Power Brick)

Big Blue Capacitor (Atari Power Brick)

  • Replaced one of the leaf switches in the 8-way joystick for Venture, and that seems to work well. But I have some extras should I need to to replace the rest.
  • Followed-up with Buffett about the Hanterex Polo chassis from Cheyenne heโ€™s working on, that will hopefully be finished up shortly.
  • Tried to look at the florescent light in Dig Dug that was blowing tube after tube, but decided to take a shortcut for now and add a 12V LED tube in its stead. It works so well I may need to get some window tint to obscure the brightness a bit, I am using masking tape at the moment, but I can find a better solution.

12V Power Switch for LED Marquee Light in Dig Dug

12V Power Switch for LED Marquee Light in Dig Dug

  • Disassembled Millipede, and Alberto is presently adding wheels to that game and doing some minor cosmetic work.

Still to do:

  • Got a few varistors from the US that I need to add to the Joust power brick, but this goes in the to-do list
  • Need to look at Moon Patrol bootleg sound board I picked up in US. Everything is working except for the sound, so need to figure this out.
  • Need to do the cap kit for the K4600 chassis that came out of Venture
  • Need to do the cap kit for the G07 chassis that came out of Condor
  • Tried to find two additional bolts/screws for the Venture joystick, but the US vs. EU sizes stumping me there, still need to sort this
  • Tried doing a remote procedure with Zach Davis to add a high score save kit to the Moon Cresta cocktail cabinet in Portland, but that went sideways. Have no idea why it stopped working when we reverted everything before the surgery, frustrating. Anyway, may need to have that board shipped to Mike to get a second opinion.
  • Need to buy an assortment of screw, bolts, wire ties, and more.