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Candace Owens uses space laser logic to paint George Soros as a Nazi sympathizer

GQP troll Candace Owens joined the long line of malicious conservatives who have tried to accuse George Soros of being a Nazi collaborator, asking on her Daily Wire show today, "Is it plausible that he was actually sympathetic to the Nazis?" — Read the rest

Rep. explains why two lawmakers were expelled from Tennessee House: "They are 2 young Black men"

After yesterdays's expulsion of two Tennessee state lawmakers — Rep. Justin Jones (D) and Rep. Justin Pearson (D) — for leading gun control rallies following the Nashville shooting, a third lawmaker involved in the demonstrations explains why she was spared the axe. — Read the rest

Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire

Today in the recurring series “America is Broken” — meaning, the news — three reporters at Pro Publica reveal that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted lavish gifts from Harlan Crow, a billionaire Republican donor. Thomas has flown on Crow’s private jet many times, gone on vacations to Indonesia and New Zealand on Crow’s yacht, and spent time at Crow’s compound in the Adirondacks. In doing so, Thomas has violated norms pertaining to judges’ conduct and possibly broken federal law:

Soon after Crow met Thomas three decades ago, he began lavishing the justice with gifts, including a $19,000 Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass, which Thomas disclosed. Recently, Crow gave Thomas a portrait of the justice and his wife, according to Tarabay, who painted it. Crow’s foundation also gave $105,000 to Yale Law School, Thomas’ alma mater, for the “Justice Thomas Portrait Fund,” tax filings show.

Crow said that he and his wife have funded a number of projects that celebrate Thomas. “We believe it is important to make sure as many people as possible learn about him, remember him and understand the ideals for which he stands,” he said.

To trace Thomas’ trips around the world on Crow’s superyacht, ProPublica spoke to more than 15 former yacht workers and tour guides and obtained records documenting the ship’s travels.

On the Indonesia trip in the summer of 2019, Thomas flew to the country on Crow’s jet, according to another passenger on the plane. Clarence and Ginni Thomas were traveling with Crow and his wife, Kathy. Crow’s yacht, the Michaela Rose, decked out with motorboats and a giant inflatable rubber duck, met the travelers at a fishing town on the island of Flores.

Daily Wire host laughs at Uganda's anti-LGBTQ bill that includes death penalty (video)

Daily Wire host Michael Knowles got a real chuckle over Uganda's recent anti-LGBTQ bill that makes it illegal to identify as LGBTQ and imposes the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality."

"Now as far as I'm concerned, the death penalty is a little harsh," the conservative said, bursting into laughter to let his MAGA listeners know he doesn't really mean it. — Read the rest

Former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany attacked as a "traitor" and "disgusting" for praising Pence

Kayleigh McEnany

2024 presidential hopeful Mike Pence doesn't seem to understand how much Republicans hate him for not overturning the election when he demanded it. And here's another clear piece of evidence he'll ignore: when former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted praise for Pence, saying that "his patriotism, love for the country, and love for his Savior on full display," she faced a storm of backlash from MAGA supporters, who called her a "traitor," a "turncoat," a "RINO," and a "disgusting" person. — Read the rest

"George Santos taught me how to skim card information and how to clone cards," says ex-roommate

Rising GOP star George Santos further endeared himself to the Republican party after his ex-roommate, a convicted credit card fraudster named Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha, said Santos taught him the ins and outs of financial crime, reports Rolling Stone. According to Trelha, Santos showed him "how to skim card information and how to clone cards," and even provided him with "all the materials and taught me how to put skimming devices and cameras on ATM machines." — Read the rest

Newly released footage shows J6 insurrectionists ransacking Jim Risch's office

Tucker Carlson's latest propaganda campaign whitewashed the right-wing domestic terrorists who assaulted 140 police officers and attempted to execute Vice President Mike Pence during their violent insurrection on January 6. He has focused on painting the insurrectionists as patriotic Americans who were simply exercising their right to protest. — Read the rest

Florida Republicans attempt to chill free speech

Republican Florida State senator Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary) wants to make things hard on bloggers who cover politics. A current bill he has proposed will treat bloggers like political lobbyists and force them to register with the state, and fine them for failure to do so. — Read the rest

Maybe Lauren Boebert just hates Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the American Virgin Islands

Perhaps the simplest answer to why Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) announced that she doesn't want any of her tax dollars being used outside the lower 48 states is that she means it. I mean it seems odd that a US congressperson would forget about large swaths of the country and its territories. — Read the rest

Pathological liar Santos gets green light to attend classified briefings

Rep. George Santos has been caught in a web of lies about his education, heritage, and personal history, which is why everyone in the GOP (besides that communist RINO Mitt Romney) loves him so much. He represented the best parts of the Republican party. — Read the rest

AOC makes Twitter executive admit company changed policy to accommodate Trump's racist Tweets

Yesterday the GOP called in former Twitter executives to try to make them admit that Twitter had been a hotbed of censorial socialists under the watch of libertarian Jack Dorsey. But AOC reminded everyone in the House yesterday that Twitter made a special effort to amplify then-President Trump's threats, incitements to violence, and racism. — Read the rest

Serial liar George Santos steps down from his committees

Pathological liar George Santos told his co-dependent GOP colleagues today in a closed-door meeting that he is stepping down from his committee assignments. Although he said he wanted to remove himself because he's "a distraction," his decision comes while the New York congressman — who also goes by Anthony Devolder, Anthony Zabrovsky, and Kitara Ravache, among, perhaps, other undercover aliases — faces a "parallel criminal probe," including a federal investigation into his campaign finances and another local investigation into his resume "embellishments." — Read the rest

George Santos even confuses Twitter, who temporarily suspended his official account

Earlier this morning, Twitter users, including Ron Filipkowski and Patriot Takes, noticed the new congressional account for serial liar George Santos had mysteriously been suspended (see tweets below).

"Maybe they couldn't verify his identity," Filipkowski quipped. Good point.

According to Mediaite, the GOP Rep.'s — Read the rest

The Republican Party’s Worst NightmareRepublicans have been...

The Republican Party’s Worst Nightmare

Republicans have been trying to crush unions for decades, but American workers are fighting back with a vengeance.

Many GOP leaders wink and nod while talking about “making America great again,” as if the country was more prosperous when they were in charge.


Yes, there was a time when the American economy worked better for workers than it does now, but not because Republicans played any part in making it that way. And certainly not because of the bigotry, misogyny, and racism they’ve been peddling to pit workers against each other to distract them from how much wealth is being siphoned off to the top.

In fact, Republicans have been waging a relentless war against what had been one of the biggest drivers of prosperity for the working classlabor unions.

Now, it’s important to note that this prosperity wasn’t shared equally with women or people of color, but a big reason much of the workforce was better off decades ago than today is because of the power of labor unions to organize and fight for the rights and dignity of workers.

Republicans have fought labor unions tooth and nail. They’ve enacted deceptively named “right-to-work” laws, which are all about weakening unions rather than giving workers more rights. And they’ve voted against bills allowing workers to form unions with simple up or down majorities at the workplace.  

This is the great irony of the MAGA movement. And it would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. If Republicans really cared about American greatness, they would support unions — one of the major tools at our disposal to actually combat inequality and lift up the working class.

Fortunately — despite Republican efforts — labor unions are on the rise once more. And so are pro-labor Democratic politicians.

These Democrats won big in the 2022 midterms — especially in the rust belt. They captured the governorships of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, and also Michigan — where they flipped both chambers of the state legislature. The last time Democrats had full control of Michigan’s state government was in the 1980s.

And look at the impressive victory of John Fetterman — the new U.S. senator from Pennsylvania. He defeated a wealthy Republican snake oil salesman and flipped a senate seat, while running on an unabashedly pro-worker platform aiming to increase the federal minimum wage, end corporate price gouging, and make it easier for workers to organize unions at their workplaces.

It wasn’t just pro-worker politicians who won big during the midterms, but worker friendly ballot measures as well — almost universally opposed by Republicans.

Illinois voted to enshrine collective bargaining rights into its constitution, effectively banning right to work laws from ever being passed in the state.

Washington D.C. voted overwhelmingly to eliminate the subminimum wage for tipped workers.

Voters in Nebraska and Nevada chose to increase their state minimum wage.

Forced prison labor was outlawed in Vermont, Alabama, Tennessee, and Oregon.

Republicans, along with their rich and powerful patrons, have always feared that working people would recognize their collective power, both through unions and at the ballot box. So the wealthy are doing everything they can to hold working people down.

But the midterm elections and the resurgent worker power movement should give us hope that a more just and equitable United States will be built with union labor.

It’s not just about making America great — it’s about making America better. Not just a bigger economy but a fairer economy. Not just more wealth for the wealthy, but better and more secure lives for all.
