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New Journal - "Passion: The Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions"

Alfred Archer (Tilburg University) writes in:

We are delighted to announce the launch of the new, open-access philosophy journal, Passion: The Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions. The journal arises out of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE), which recently held its 10th Annual Conference in Tartu, Estonia. The journal aims to continue EPSSEโ€™s pluralistic approach to the philosophical study of emotions by publishing work from analyticย  philosophersย  ofย  emotions, phenomenologists, ethicists, political theorists, hermeneuticians, experimental philosophers and more. Weย hopeย toย transcendย theย analytic andย continentalย  divide, while also conceiving of the journalย  asย  an outlet for interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and feminist work. We are especially interested in work that speaks beyond sub-disciplinary boundaries and is of interest to a broad audience of scholars working on emotions.

Our newly published first issue exemplifies the diverse and vibrant kind of work that we are interested in publishing. We have work on the ethics and value of revenge from Myisha Cherry and Alice MacLachlan; ย an investigation of the role of emotions in mental health and illness from Michelle Maiese; a phenomenological analysis of grief beyond the context of the death of a loved one from Matthew Ratcliffe and Louise Richardson; a detailed examination of the role of envy in transitional justice from Emanuela Ceva and Sara Protasi; and a careful analysis of the diversity of human affective reactions to robots from Alessandra Fussi.

The journal is fully open access and the first issue can be downloaded for free here: As well as being free to download, the journal is also free for authors, with no fees involved for submission or publication. This has been made possible by the support of EPSSE and our publisher Open Press TiU, which is part of the Open Science Action Plan of Tilburg University. We are especially grateful to Daan Rutten, Tilburg Universityโ€™s open science coordinator who was crucial in helping us turn our idea into a reality.

We would like to encourage all philosophers working on issues related to emotions to submit their work to Passion and to help make this a vibrant forum for philosophical work on emotions.

Alfred Archer, Heidi Maibom (Editors-in Chief), Max Gatyas, Joel Krueger and Lucy Osler (Associate Editors).
