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Gnosticism and Anarchism

Richard Cox stormed the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his latest works, including The Essence of Anarchy and Measuring Mandates. What is the intersection of Gnosticism and Anarchism, or are they simply synonymous regarding worldviews and goals? What can the Gnostic myths tell us about coercion and tyranny, including what has happened today with the erosion of individual rights? Let’s find out together, even as no one here gets out alive (but you can live free if you embrace Gnosis).

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The post Gnosticism and Anarchism first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Gnosticism and Anarchism appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Healing Stress, Burnout & Anxiety With The Mind

We can all admit that stress, burnout, and other pathologies are breaking us down more than ever. So it was a vital honor to host physician and Stanford University professor and pediatrician Dr. Greg Hammer to discuss his new book, Gain Without Pain. We love complex mysticism at the Virtual Alexandria, but practical yet proven hacks to reduce inner pain and optimize our psyche are just as rewarding. You’ll find the mini-Gnosis to refuel your journey to The All, from simple meditation techniques to brain-rewiring short exercises.

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The post Healing Stress, Burnout & Anxiety With The Mind first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Healing Stress, Burnout & Anxiety With The Mind appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Taoism and Hermeticism

We connect the parallels between Hermeticism and Taoism. You’ll find the secrets to optimizing your spiritual life between these religions of the higher mind and numinous code. This exploration also deep dives into related traditions, including Sacred Geometry, meditation, Egyptians Magic, and Eastern Mysticism. Want more? Our discussion will move to our collapsing modern times and how the gifts of Hermes/Thoth might be our best chance.

Astral Guest – Ethan Indigo Smith, author of The Tao of Thoth.

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The post Taoism and Hermeticism first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Taoism and Hermeticism appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Transhumanism, AI, and Demonic CERN

David Block was in the burning house, and you know he elevated the Virtual Alexandria. In the fourth installment of his series, David fully exposed the Golem God and his machinations. This disclosure included the truth about CERN, DNA harvesting, DARPA, Artificial Intelligence, and more. David connected all these findings to ancient mystical concepts like the Tarot, the demon Apollyon, Dante’s Inferno, and so much more. Prepare yourself for the ride of your lifetime.

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The post Transhumanism, AI, and Demonic CERN first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Transhumanism, AI, and Demonic CERN appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Narcissism and Psychopathy (Individual & Collective)

It’s a mad world, as the song goes. But how mad is it, Donnie Darko? We take a clinical and esoteric view of destructive mental disorders like narcissism, psychopathy, BPD, and codependency. This exploration includes seeing how the Gnostics accurately detailed so many mental disorders in their myths. Ultimately, we find an alarming rise in mental diseases creating dangerous egregores seeking to wipe out today’s society. Don’t worry: we will get into the solutions.

Astral Guest – Matt Socha, author of The Toxic States of America and Deconstructing Narcissism.

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The post Narcissism and Psychopathy (Individual & Collective) first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Narcissism and Psychopathy (Individual & Collective) appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Archons of the Mind and Materiality

How about a teaser to Astro Gnosis leading to a more extensive discussion on the dark forces that plague us today? It doesn’t get better than Mitch Horowitz and Richard Smoley together at the Virtual Alexandria. My astral guests also shared their latest research from new/upcoming books, so expect a treasure trove on modern occultism, mysticism, and nonlocal psychic phenomena. It’s just a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis!

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The post Archons of the Mind and Materiality first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Archons of the Mind and Materiality appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

An Accidental Christ

Always an honor when Lon Milo Duquette visits The Virtual Alexandria. He will discuss his new book: An Accidental Christ. This “novel’ presents a thought-provoking exploration of who Jesus really was – a King of the Jews, Son of God, or a man caught up in Roman Palestine – and how the Jesus myth may have become distorted. It uses biblical quotes and facts to explore this concept and incorporates humor, tragedy, and thrills.

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The post An Accidental Christ appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Gnosis To Heal An Archon-Infested World

Life coach and Gnostic practitioner Richard Harris joined me for the latest Finding Hermes. Beyond learning to navigate that Wickedness in High Places, he shared holistic and psycho-spiritual practices that can help individuals attain Gnosis (and a healthier lifestyle). It was a fun but penetrating conversation with advice essential for a collapsing collective psyche, and I know you’ll enjoy my little bonus.

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The post Gnosis To Heal An Archon-Infested World first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Gnosis To Heal An Archon-Infested World appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Undreaming Wetiko

The nightmare ended as Paul Levy arrived at The Virtual Alexandria. He discussed his new book, Undreaming Wetiko, a final nail in the coffin of the Archon Mind Parasites. Find solutions for cosmic liberation in the dreamy ideas from CG Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Shamanism, Gnostic Gospels, and more. Beyond our transformation, can society at large rid itself of the collective hold of Castaneda’s Predator? This show is where we find out (or at least wake up).

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The post Undreaming Wetiko first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Undreaming Wetiko appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Archon Mind Parasites & Underworld Witchcraft

Maja D’Aoust returned to the Virtual Alexandria and discussed her new book, 4D: a psychonovel. She shared the sound research behind this very Gnostic tale, including shamanism across history, the eternal battle between Daemon & Archons, Egyptian mysticism, and Hermetic witchcraft. What we discovered is that the afterlife is as much of a trap as our simulation, and that’s the good news because the true Gnosis happens in unleashing our inner dragon and flying across the Ra heavens. No one here gets out alive.

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The post Archon Mind Parasites & Underworld Witchcraft first appeared on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

The post Archon Mind Parasites & Underworld Witchcraft appeared first on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.

Mary M., Esoteric Egypt & Kundalini Gnosis

Joanna Kujawa arrived at the Virtual Alexandria with more mind-expanding, reality-disbanding insights from The Other Goddess (and beyond). Did ancient Egyptians use Kundalini for astral ascension? Is there a link between their practices and the Gospel of Mary (or other Gnostic works)? Get ready for a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis, which includes what the Gospel of Mary really teaches and why Mary Magdalene might have been an alchemist supreme.

This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.

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Dream Mysteries & Masks of the Soul

Ready for a spring doubleheader full of “know thyself” revelations?

First, Sarah Janes discusses her book, Initiation into Dream Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne. We take an odyssey into the dream practices across history, from ancient Babylon to ancient Egypt to modern occultism, finding techniques to tap into the dreamworld to encounter meaning, wholeness, and destiny.

Then we’re joined by Brian George, author of Masks of Origin: Regression in the Service of Omnipotence. By understanding our daily personas and the fiction that is reality, we can travel beyond the normal categories of space, time, and narrative structure toward a further shore of multidimensional and more-than-human experience.

You won’t be the same person after this Gnosis.

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The Daemon, Astrology & Philip K. Dick

Cat Rose Neligan materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to help us find that high weirdness, self-knowledge nexus that is the Daemon & Astrology. Are we hopelessly trapped under fate, or can our Higher Self, Guardian Angel, or Spirit Guide assist us in attaining cosmic liberation? She granted us an expansion of high-octane Gnosis from her book, Discovering Your Personal Daimon, and used the life and star charts of Philip K. Dick as a case study. And egregores, we talked about egregores a lot.

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Secrets of Eros, Mithras, Hermes, and Other Mystery Gods

Ready to go down the mind-blowing rabbit hole of enigmatic gods that still influence modern culture? Then enjoy a spanning presentation that crosses history and occultism. Beyond these mercurial deities – that also include Abraxas, Cybele, and the Archangel Michael – we’ll learn about the impact of arcane movements like the Cathars, Thelema, the Cult of Orpheus, and the Kabbalah. All of this data will climax into an understanding of our role in a world that can no longer keep us asleep or make us think we are just human.

Astral Guest — Alex Rivera, author of The Laurel Turns Green.

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The Demiurge and The Matrix Control System

Is it possible that time-bending alien artifacts have altered history? Are we caught in a time war between hyperdimensional forces, the great struggle between darkness and light? What is our role for those with Gnosis in this grand cosmic drama? We get the answers by taking an excursion behind the veil of normative reality, from Ancient Egypt to Biblical apocalypses to medieval Alchemy. We discover that relics like the Great Pyramids, Ark of the Covenant, and the Philosopher’s Stone are more complex than imagined – all part of the chimeric mechanism of the Demiurge and his Archons.

Astral Guest – Tom Montalk, author of Gnosis (Alchemy, Grail, Ark, and the Demiurge): A Gnostic Treatise on Spirituality, Mythology, and Alien Technology.

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Prometheus and Lucifer

Ready for the sequel to David Block’s Azazel and the Watchers? You better because David focused this time on the figures of Prometheus and Lucifer. The presentation expanded on the Anunnaki and covered subjects like Atlantis, Norse mythology, and The Bible. Let’s take on the Golem God and all his empty works.

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Hypnotherapy for Trauma Healing, Past Life Recall, and True Purpose

Hypnotherapist, intuitive coach, and clairvoyant Jill K Thomas joined Finding Hermes for a whole lotta healing and education. She shared this helpful meditation mode that guides us like Orpheus in and out of our inner worlds (without losing our soul or Eurydice!). We discussed the various types of hypnotism, from stage hypnosis to mass media propaganda to life-regression treatments. Just as fascinating, she explained how each of us is a healer and how we can make that ability work in a new economy and that changing world in the Age of Hermes.

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Azazel, The Watchers, and Anunnaki Origins

David Block materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to investigate the mercurial Azazel. Is this archon a leader of the fallen angels or the scapegoat demon in the desert? Or both? Is he perhaps just a shadow projection of dark guilt we don’t want to face? He will answer these questions, going deep into Sumerian, Babylonian, and Atlantis lore for startling truths. There is no choice. As Daniel 4:17 states: “This matter is by the decree of the Watchers.”

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Secrets of Simon Magus

Elliott Saxton returned to the Virtual Alexandria with a heretical blast. He presented on the Father of Gnosticism and All Heresies: Simon Magus. Beyond little-known but critical facts about the magician, we explored his symbiotic relationship with Simon Peter, the Rock. We discovered an elegant theology of fire magic and cosmic liberation. But you know that happens when we cover one of the show’s patron saints. And yes – that’s a rendition of the Starman in the promo graphic.

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Lost Gospels and Found Gnostics

Robert M. Price materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, The Gospels Behind the Gospels. Much of the work focuses on early Christianity’s underground and bubbling stream of Gnostic thought. That’s what we’ll concentrate on, finding the pre-Christian origins of Gnosticism, the Demiurge & the roots of evil, and the secrets of various Gnostic Gospels. We verged into similar concepts like Mystery Religions, the Rising/Dying Godman, and ancient novels. Hide your daughters of orthodoxy!

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