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Video-Review: Pelikan M605 Tortoiseshell-Black (2022 Special Edition)

Every year, Pelikan blesses us with a bunch of special edition writing instruments – and inks.

Among the writing instruments, Pelikan often comes up with excellent finishes and color schemes to excite the stationery connoisseurs out there. One of the most eagerly anticipated materials is the famous “tortoise” – or “Schildpatt” – that Pelikan makes some of their pens in since decades.

While the red or brown tortoiseshells are among the most popular ones, they are not new, but rather a nod to older vintage times where similar colour schemes had already appeared. So what Pelikan did with the 2022 Special Edition was truly special in at least two ways.

One, Pelikan launched a black tortoiseshell material pen, which to my humble knowledge had never happened before. Second, they brought the tortoise finish to an X05-pen body – meaning: this is the first tortoiseshell finish ever on a silver coloured / palladium plated pen. All other tortoise finishes this far have been on gold accented pens.

This, in my opinion, is one of the most appealing finishes that Pelikan has launched. And I totally expect this pen to be a future classic and rarity.

Before we hop into the review, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Appelboompennen for supporting the review of this pen. You can also buy the Pelikan M605 Tortoiseshell-Black in their webshop (no affiliate – just a friendly pointer).

Check out the video-review below, which is as always preceded by some quick facts. Again, I hope the review is helpful and that you enjoy watching it!

Quick Facts

  • Pelikan M605 Tortoiseshell-Black (2022 Special Edition)
  • Barrel made from black resin / tortoiseshell-patterned stripes in hues of silver, blue-black, and white, made from cellulose acetate
  • Platinum plated accents and trims
  • 14k gold nib, rhodium plated
  • Piston filling-mechanism
  • Available nib options: Extra Fine (EF), Fine (F), Medium (M) and Broad (B)
  • Price: around 365 €

Video Review

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Ozymandias Hyperobject

 What fun. Let's all have a jolly old flirt with fascism shall we? Italy, Israel, USA, UK, Russia. Anyone else want to join in? 

This is how we turn Earth into lone and level sands stretching far away. Literally. 

A thousand Ozymandias statues, proclaiming how "great" they made their nation. 

The only thing we can logically do is COOPERATE. We are facing a planet-scale problem. You think global warming gives a shit about your precvious national boundaries?

It used to be obvious with pollution. I remember Chernobyl. "Radiation doesn't care about national b boundaries" was how ecocriticism said it at the time. 

But ecocriticism wasn't loud enough. And ecocriticism was subtweeting "theory" aka flirting with symbolic fascism lite by using words like "dwell." And ecocriticism was positioning itself as "ecology is neither left nor right." 

So ecocriticism was about as useful as a chocolate teapot for addressing the real issue at hand, which we all knew about since the mid-1950s (and before if we'd really been paying attention): global warming. 

Time to stop kicking this fascist ball around and do what you were always going to have to do anyway: COOPERATE. 

This is where Shelley, who stood up to the institutional bullying at Eton at age thirteen aka nailed it young and was ridiculously brave to the point of foolhardy, really really comes in handy: 

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
