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Mapping DoOOโ€™s Systems

So thereโ€™s two reasons for this post. The first is that I was going through my list of those miscellaneous ideas that you can do at some point in the future that would be fun or helpful (hopefully) but that you never quite get around to, and I saw something on there that seemed like it would be quick and maybe hopefully useful to someone.

The second one is that, by the deadlines that I personally have set, today is the last day to publish a blog post that will make it into the June newsletter and if I put something out then I will have two blog posts in a newsletter for the first time since October 2022 (I need to blog more).

Anyway, I was going through my to-do list and in the section of โ€œmiscellaneous ideas for the futureโ€ I saw something about making a diagram of how the three systems of Domain of Oneโ€™s Own work together. Itโ€™s something I have to explain a lot when training new admins, and while I feel like Iโ€™ve got a pretty good handle on the overarching metaphor by now, training usually focuses on each systemโ€™s user interface and what admins can do with that system, so I always worry Iโ€™ve skimped on making sure theyโ€™ve got the full picture.

To that end, I made a diagram.

This was very much something I saw on the list and went โ€œHey, I could do a pretty version of that in the future given a couple of days and some dedicated resources, or I could do a functional version of that right now using Google Driveโ€™s weird photomanipulation-ish drawing platform.โ€ And functional now is better than pretty later.

So, voila: The Diagram.

A diagram indicating a user, the user interface WordPress, the Client Manager WHMCS, and the server WHM. The diagram shows how an end user logging into the interface with SSO, has that information passed to WHMCS in order to retrieve data from the server and display it for the user in the interface.

Hope I didnโ€™t hype it up too much.

Is this accurate? Thatโ€™s gonna be a strong โ€œmaybe.โ€ But itโ€™s close enough for our purposes, it only took about twenty minutes, and I got this blog post done in time for the Roundup deadline, so Iโ€™m going to call this a win.

Itโ€™s definitely not perfect. Looking at it now Iโ€™m thinking of all the little adjustments that I want to make, both in the text and in the design. But like I said back in October, sometimes you have to let perfection go.

Also, itโ€™s here as a PDF too I guess, since Google Draw also offers that as an export format.

A running list for the Domains Package

One thing Iโ€™ve been thinking about recently is how schools can successfully run WordPress Multisite, Domain of Oneโ€™s Own, and Reclaim Cloud Sandbox spaces together in a way that feels integrated and seamless. Weโ€™ve always led with the idea that these tools donโ€™t compete with each other, and that actually the opposite is true: by running them in parallel to each other you can offer a little bit of something for everyone. Perhaps even in tiers or layers as described in my Nashville recap post from 2021. But how can we do that while still keeping the digital footprint for landing pages and end user sites as simple and intuitive as possible? I last explored this in my blog post called A New Model for Domains: DoOO & WPMS and shared how some schools like Coventry University and Oklahoma University are directing traffic and handling domain structures for landing pages and end user sites (which can feel like half the battle).

I love how some of our DoOO and WPMS schools are controlling growth on these platforms, as well as keeping things sustainable, by pushing all new signups to the WordPress Multisite by default. The WPMS then has a very limited set of plugins and themes that are easy to support and maintain for a large group of users. From there, if an end user wants to install a different theme, or explore a different application entirely, theyโ€™re directed to Domain of Oneโ€™s Own. Thereโ€™s more freedom here, but it likely involves a request form submission or a conversation with an admin before a cPanel account is granted. Whatโ€™s ultimately happening now is that there are two paths for a user to take. And especially if weโ€™re looking to add a third (Reclaim Cloud for next generation apps or sites that need more resources) itโ€™s important for Reclaim to assist schools with correctly carving out these paths and creating very clear entry points.

This concept has come up in so many different conversations ranging from the visuals and metaphors we use to explain different topics, to how weโ€™re articulating it in support scenarios, to how weโ€™re providing more data for admins to make decisions, to how weโ€™re pulling in these tools to help users choose the path that makes the most sense for them. Weโ€™ve been working on a few side projects to help with these scenarios, and now it feels like the right time to compile everything together.

When a new school comes to Reclaim to set up DoOO, WPMS, and the Cloud, I want them to have a cohesive menu of things that they can select or add to their setup to make it work to their preference. Iโ€™ve alluded to this with support articles like Domain of Oneโ€™s Own Setup Features, which covers different signup workflows and cPanel customizations available for DoOO so a new admin can go through and decide what theyโ€™ll need. Even still, this article doesnโ€™t quite capture everything thatโ€™s available in DoOO anymore, and it definitely doesnโ€™t pull in WPMS & Reclaim Cloud. Where this โ€œmenuโ€ lives or how itโ€™s delivered is still a question mark (maybe as simple as adding in a few more guides) but for the purposes of this post I want to share a running list of some of the other projects weโ€™ve been working on with the help of folks like Tom Woodward and Bryan Mathers to think more broadly about user choices, carving out paths, and connecting tools together.

Domain of Oneโ€™s Own Visuals
the โ€œbeforeโ€ version, which is overdue for a refresh
The Landing Page
  • building on Tom Woodwardโ€™s amazing Chooser Plugin / Landing Page that currently lives at; it also automatically pulls in the list of used plugins and themes on the site where itโ€™s installed, which would be pretty neat for a new WPMS project as well.
you can see this demo live at!

While the landing page can be designed however admins prefer and even framed as a choice between WPMS and DoOO, you could still opt to push new signups to a default starting point. In that case, the above โ€œlanding pageโ€ would actually live on the WPMS directly, integrate with SSO, and be able to reflect what plugins/themes are in use like the demo above. An example domain might be for the homepage and for end-user sites.

If users decide they want more flexibility in cPanel, they would click a menu link that takes them to a homepage for DoOO like This space has its own SSO integration and signup workflow, so users can create or request accounts depending on admin preference.

Community Showcase & Data Dashboard
  • Pulling in Taylorโ€™s awesome work on the Domains Community Showcase site, as well as his Data Dashboard that pulls in last login info for DoOO users:
Demo Community Showcase site available at
Pulling in Last Login data right into the DoOO dashboard for admins

^This dashboard was shared more thoroughly at the end of the last DoOO 201 workshop, and you can watch the final session called Whatโ€™s Next for Domain of Oneโ€™s Own for more info about how it works!

Support Resources
  • considering existing resources like the DoOO Admin landing page and end user support docs โ€“ our struggle with these has always been to keep them updated after theyโ€™re given to admins during setup.

The admin landing page has worked well as a home base for new schools because itโ€™s simple and to the point. But how is this WP install managed or updated long term? Do admins still find this space useful 2-3 years in? What if the landing page โ€œquick linksโ€ were instead pulled into the WP dashboard, similar to Taylorโ€™s Data Dashboard work or similarly to what the Ultimate Dashboard plugin does?

End User support docs are currently available on

Similarly, Iโ€™d love to keep thinking about the future of end-user support docs. As mentioned above, this project gets complicated quickly because it becomes quite difficult for Reclaim to update each documentation site after theyโ€™ve been delivered to an institution. (Especially if the admin makes changes after the factโ€“ we donโ€™t want to overwrite those.) Thereโ€™s a balance of ownership between what Reclaim can do to help and what admins choose to make available as a support resource, but Iโ€™m all for Reclaim providing starting templates where we can.

My latest thinking is that it may make sense for Reclaim to bring these templated guides into our main knowledge base under a new category of our Domain of Oneโ€™s Own section. From there, new admins have two choices: they can point their users directly to those guides, which would have to be pretty generic to work for all/most setups, or admins could adopt articles for their own knowledge base sites. If and when Reclaim makes changes to one of our article templates, admins are notified by subscribing to the knowledge base section (already possible) and by hearing about it in our monthly newsletter.

Speaking of Notificationsโ€ฆ

I also think weโ€™re not far off from really improving how weโ€™re keeping different types of folks notified at Reclaim. In the early days we truly had 1 mailing list for the capital A โ€œAdministratorโ€ of a project to get all notifications. Through the years weโ€™ve been able to start separating out billing, support, SSO, and server maintenance notifications. Weโ€™ve also added the Roundup mailing list and Reclaim event notifications to the mix as well. Itโ€™s not a totally perfect system yet, but Pilotโ€™s newest project setup questionnaire is a testament to how far weโ€™ve come:

The Project Setup Questionnaire is now live at

Pilot killed it with their work to improve how weโ€™re collecting initial information from admins for new server/project setups. How we got by with a .PDF for so long, Iโ€™ll never know. :)
