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Philosophy News Summary (updated)

Recent philosophy-related news*, and a requestโ€ฆ

1. Stephen Kershnar (SUNY Fredonia), whose February 2022 discussion of adult-child sex on the Brain in a Vatย podcast sparked viral outrage and led to his removal from campus, has โ€œfiled a lawsuit this week in U.S. District Court in Buffalo asking the court to declare that Fredoniaโ€™s administrators violated his First Amendment rights by removing him from the classroom after the comments he made on a podcast kicked off a social-media firestorm,โ€ according to theย Buffalo News. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has filed the lawsuit on his behalf, Kershnar says.

UPDATE: Here is the lawsuit and the motion for injunction (via Stephen Kershnar).

2. The editors ofย Philosophy, the flagship journal of The Royal Institute of Philosophy, have announced the winners of their 2022 Essay Prize, which was on the topic of emotions. They are: Renee Rushing (Florida State) for her โ€œFitting Diminishment of Anger: A Permissivist Accountโ€ and Michael Cholbi for his โ€œEmpathy and Psychopathsโ€™ Inability to Grieve.โ€ Mica Rapstine (Michigan) was named the runner-up for his โ€œPolitical Rage and the Value of Valuing.โ€ The prize of ยฃ2500 will be shared between the winners, and all three essays will be published in the October 2023 issue of the journal.

3. Some philosophers are on the new Twitter alternative, Bluesky. Kelly Truelove has a list of those with over 50 followers here. And yes, you can find me (and Daily Nous) on it.

4. One philosopherย is among the new members of The American Philosophical Society, a learned society that aims to โ€œhonor and engage leading scholars, scientists, and professionals through elected membership and opportunities for interdisciplinary, intellectual fellowship.โ€ It is John Duprรฉย of the University of Exeter, who specializes in philosophy of science. The complete list of new members is here. Professor Duprรฉ joins just 21 other philosophers that have been elected into the society since 1957 (the society was founded in 1743).

5. Iโ€™ve decided that some news items I had been planning to include in these summary posts over the summer should instead get their own posts. These are posts about philosophersโ€™ deaths and faculty moves. Regarding the former, it would be wonderful if individuals volunteered to write up memorial notices for philosophers they knew, or whose work they are familiar with, including at least the kinds of information I tend to include in these posts (see here). Recently, philosophers Henry Allison, Richard W. Miller, and Donald Munro have died. If you are interested in writing up a memorial notice for one of them, please email me. Generally, over the summer, these posts and faculty move notices may take longer to appear than usual.

*ย Over the summer, many news items will be consolidated in posts like this.


The post Philosophy News Summary (updated) first appeared on Daily Nous.

Summer 2023 Plans: A Note To Readers

Dear Readers,

[โ€œSummerโ€ by Zola Weinberg]

Iโ€™ll be slowing down the pace of posts at Daily Nous considerably for the summer again, starting this week and continuing through mid-August.

As with last summer, some terrific philosophers are writing pieces for a series of guest posts. These will appear each Tuesday, starting today. Iโ€™m so grateful for their help in keeping DN a lively place over the summer, giving us all so much to think and talk about.

There will be occasional news round-ups and updates, including posts for readers to share news and links, but news articles and the like will not be appearing on a regular basis during this time.

Note that since I wonโ€™t be working on site as constantly as I usually do, comments held up in moderation may sometimes take a little while longer to appear, and emails may take a little longer to be answered. I appreciate your patience with all of that. (Also, I know that email subscriptions to the site are still not working properly; I will try to get that fixed over the next few weeks.)

In mid-August, Daily Nous will resume daily postings about news and issues in academic philosophy, along with its regular features.

In the meanwhile, philosofriends, get some sunshine and fresh air, read an amazing novel, listen to some beautiful music, think new thoughts, and have a great summer.*

โ€“ Justin

(* Unless youโ€™re in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case, have a great winter.)

The post Summer 2023 Plans: A Note To Readers first appeared on Daily Nous.
