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Sustainable Design Toolkits And Resources

“Sustainable” design is a paradigm that emphasizes the impact that design practices and workflows have on the environment with the goal of reducing carbon emissions. The design decisions we make are reflected in our planet’s climate, from the energy consumption of the tools we use to how the products we build interact with the environment and plenty of other things in between. In this collection, we compiled resources to help you understand the principles of sustainable design and how to integrate them into the way we work and the things we make.

Design For Sustainability

The EU Science Hub’s Sustainable Product Policy estimates that over 80% of all product-related environmental impacts are determined during the design phase. But how can design teams ensure that sustainability is at the core of every design choice they make? To help their designers develop design habits about sustainability, IBM published “IBM Design for sustainability.”

At the heart of the framework is the idea that the user, community, and social value should outweigh any negative environmental and social impact in the present and the future. To achieve this vision, experiences need to be inclusive, easy to learn and use, and efficient for both users and overall power consumption.

The sustainability checklist is part of the framework and it gives practical tips for optimizing designs to meet these goals. It’s no rocket science, but the checklist does offer useful considerations that will help improve performance, speed, and responsiveness.

Sustainability Methods and Design Principles

The Sustainability Guide from SVID is an overarching framework for sustainable design and development practices that contains sections wholly dedicated to methods and design principles that are centered around sustainable practices.

The design section illustrates the system-wide lifecycle of the design process, describing it as a circular system where everything in a product design is interconnected and linked by environmental criteria that is embedded at all stages.

The methods section is an archive of tools, resources, case studies, and expert advice that can be used to educate a team, as well as kickstart a team into sustainable environmental practices.

Sustainable Design Strategies

The crux of sustainable design strategies, according to Leyla Acaroglu, is ensuring that the tools we use in a design workflow and how we use them today do not have a negative impact on the planet in the future.

What Leyla does in this extensive Medium post is curate an ecodesign strategy set that covers core considerations for product design that build sustainability into the process, from manufacturing and recyclability to efficiency and modularity. By including these considerations into the design lifecycle, it is possible to develop products and services that reflect sustainable practices, such as a product’s ability to dematerialize, how easily it can be recycled, how long it lasts, whether it can be dissembled by customers, and to what extent it can be repurposed for other uses.

Sustainable Web Design Practices

Is the admin experience as easy and intuitive as the front-end experience? Is the message useful for your target audience? Could a Progressive Web App be an efficient solution? A lot of questions need to be asked when you want to deliver digital products and services that respect the principles of the Sustainable Web Manifesto. The site Sustainable Web Design helps you find the right sustainability strategy for your project.

The strategies are divided into different categories: design, client and project ethos, content and marketing, development, hosting, and business operations. In each category, you’ll find questions worth considering and an explanation of why it matters. Links to further reading resources let you dive deeper into each aspect. A helpful guide that supports you on every step of the design process.

Sustainable Web Hosting Companies

According to some estimates, the impact of the Internet and our gadgets on global greenhouse emissions is similar to that of the airline industry. To speed up the transition towards a green, fossil-free Internet, there’s a question we all can ask ourselves: Are our websites hosted green?

The Green Web Foundation built a checker to help you quickly find out if your hosting provider is using green energy or compensating for its services. All you need to do is enter the URL. If you want to make the switch to a green hosting provider, the foundation also published a directory of 478 green hosting companies in 35 countries. A small step that makes a difference.

Sustainability Score Calculator

So, just how large is the carbon footprint of your website? The Internet uses electricity, of course, but it also relies on data centers that distribute information, and the energy to power each and every device that receives that information. Even a small website has a carbon footprint.

The Sustainability Score Calculator is one way to find out. Employing a methodology that takes energy-consuming attributes into account, this free calculator estimates the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a particular website. It looks at the weight of images on a page, whether web fonts are integrated, and any front-end frameworks in use, among other considerations, to inform its calculations.

The exact amount of carbon dioxide produced by a website can probably be evaluated in a number of ways, and this specific calculator makes its own assumptions. Regardless of the exact inputs used in the results, the fact that the Sustainability Score Calculator can come up with a rough estimate for a website’s carbon dioxide output on a per page view basis is a reasonable starting point for determining just how big of a footprint a site has on the environment.

Sustainable UX Design Toolkit

The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit is a resource produced by the Sustainable UX Network, a non-profit organization that has established a community of designers around sustainable environmental design practices.

The organization developed the toolkit as a Miro board that is freely available to clone into your own Miro account. Not a Miro user? You can still reference the embedded board and zoom into it to view the four-step process that walks you through concept to presentation, providing useful considerations, best practices, and even templates you can use right away.

Sustainability Nudges in UX

In the last few years, customers have become more and more aware of how important environmental friendliness and social responsibility are when making a purchase. But even with increased awareness, businesses still play a key role in informing, enabling, and encouraging sustainable behavior. In his post “7 behavioural UX approaches encouraging sustainable purchases,” Damien Lutz takes a closer look at how e-commerce businesses encourage sustainable purchases and what we can learn from them.

From Zalando’s sustainability filters and Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly Hub to Qantas’ Green Tier membership and sustainable shopping assistants, Damien analyzes different strategies of nudging customers towards more sustainable decisions. Based on his observations from these real-life examples, he summarizes practical behavioral UX tips that help everyone create experiences that promote sustainability. Interesting insights are guaranteed.

Green the Web Podcast

Since 2019, UX/UI designer Sandy Dähnert shares her passion for a sustainable web on her site Green the Web. Last year, she started the Green the Web Podcast on all things sustainable design best practices, ecological and social user research, information architecture, user interface design, and more.

Whether it’s sustainability-infused user journey maps, UX/UI factors for a lightweight website, or approaches for greener checkout, in the podcast Sandy shares her deep love of sustainable UX and UI design to encourage everyone to step into green design and play an active role in shaping this new design philosophy. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Sustainable UX Playbook

The Sustainable UX Playbook is a yet-to-be-released work in progress by the same folks who maintain the Sustainable UX Manifesto. The playbook is set to provide guidelines, best practices, and examples to help you and your team adopt an environmentally-centered design approach.

The exact date of when the Sustainable UX Playbook will be available is to be determined, but it will be published to (which currently redirects to the Sustainable UX Manifesto) when it is ready.

Sustainability Figma Kit

The Sustainability Figma Kit that Elisa Fabbian, Rachele Pedol, and Margherita Troilo created helps digital designers move from human-centered design to a more sustainable life-centered design approach. It consists of a learning guide, 23 action cards, and a flowchart.

The learning guide introduces you to the broader context and importance of designing products and services with a reduced environmental impact. The action cards explore problems you might encounter in different phases of the design process and how to solve them. Last but not least, the flowchart helps you find out which sustainability actions can be applied to the specific type of project you are working on by providing useful tips for designing in a more conscious way.

Sustainability Innovation Framework

Sustainability Innovation Framework is an effort from Sebastian Gier that is all about the planning phase of an effort to scope work for projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

The process is mapped to traditional design thinking, helping you start work by aligning objectives and documenting assertions before tying them into user needs. What makes this framework particularly useful is that it helps prioritize the ideas generated by the process by their environmental impact.

The entire framework is available as a collaborative FigJam board that can be cloned to your own Figma account.

EcoCards Game Workshop Toolkit

One of the most difficult hurdles to adopting a sustainable design process is figuring out how to discuss the topic as a team. Getting everyone on the same page about what it means to design sustainably and how to establish a process for it are paramount for any team.

That’s what makes the EcoCards Game Workshop Toolkit such a valuable resource. The toolkit is a collection of three card-based games designed to facilitate team discussion on sustainable design practices. Each game is framed as a “workshop” meant to take place at different stages in the design process, detailing the game rules with a series of steps using a plain deck of playing cards to move the discussion forward.

The EcoCards are created as a FigJam board that can be cloned to your Figma account. They are available in English and French translations.

Team Sustainability Retrospective

OK, so perhaps your team has adopted a sustainable design process that aims to reduce carbon emissions. How do you know it’s working? That’s the purpose of the Team Sustainability Retrospective, a Miro template produced by Paddy Dhanda.

Rather than high-fiving your team for implementing a sustainable system, this set of templates will help you assess whether or not your efforts are paying off in a streamlined five-step process. This way, your team can re-group after the implementation of the design process and properly measure its impact with data that form actionable insights for improving the process even further.

World Wide Waste Book

World Wide Waste is a book by Gerry McGovern, aiming to debunk the perception that being “digital” is akin to being “green.” It provides a healthy dose of statistics about the impact of digital products and services and details the crisis of energy consumption in the world.

For example, McGovern attempts to clear up the misunderstanding that cloud technologies are somehow ethereal elements that are carbon-free, but rather physical data centers that result in large quantifiable emissions. If nothing else, this book will equip you with the information you might need to help convince your team to adopt more sustainable practices with statistics and case studies to make the case.

Sustainable Web Design Book

If the World Wide Waste book is all about defining and diagnosing unsustainable design practices, then this offering from A Book Apart is aimed at curing those symptoms. Written by lead author of the “Sustainable Web Manifesto” Tom Greenwood, Sustainable Web Design is a collection of practical web design advice for everything from how to measure a website’s environmental impact and identifying low-carbon design practices to creating energy-efficient development processes and creating a hosting environment that helps reduce climate costs.

Like all A Book Apart publications, Sustainable Web Design is available in print and digital editions — just remember that the digital copy is not a carbon-free option, as many of the resources in this roundup have noted. Then again, the printed copy also has climate considerations due to the costs of transporting the book to your front door. Just buying the book is an excellent example of the conundrums of sustainable design.

Climate Tech Guide For Designers

If you’re looking for help establishing yourself in a career in sustainable design, Enrique Allen and the Designer Fund team offer the Climate Tech Guide for Designers.

This guide is less about teams adopting sustainable design standards than it is a resource for helping you make a decision about where you work and who you work for. How passionate is the company about climate? What problems is the company trying to solve, and are the solutions based on climate technology and considerations? These are the types of questions that will allow you to find the right fit for your career.

What makes this Climate Tech Guide for Designers especially useful is that it goes beyond company considerations by offering advice for how to position yourself for a career in climate technology, capping things off with an extensive list of companies that demonstrate sustainable practices.

Ethical Design Handbook

The Ethical Design Handbook is a book we offer right here at Smashing Magazine. Written by authors Trine Falbe, Martin Michael Frederiksen, and Kim Andersen, these guidelines serve as a roadmap to learn about adopting and integrating ethical design practices into a business model.

Wait, why are we talking about “ethical design” when we’ve been sharing resources on “sustainable design”? Ethical and sustainable design work hand-in-hand, as ethical design relies on sustainable digital business practices in addition to a slew of larger concepts that determine an organization’s ethical practices, from transparency in how data is collected to how inclusiveness is built into a design. In other words, ethical and sustainable design are united by a cause to prevent harm to people. A sustainable design process supports a healthy environment that, in turn, supports an ethical responsibility to care about the impact we have on the planet.

All in all, the Ethical Design Handbook is about leveraging ethical business practices as a market differentiator that can be used as a competitive advantage. Sustainable design principles are part of that matrix, demonstrating that sustainable practices can be aligned to — and even enhance — business objectives.

Ethical Design Resources

Another useful resource to help designers and developers live up to the responsibility of causing no harm and ensure that the experiences they build are inclusive, honest, and safe are the Ethical Design Resources which Lexi Namer maintains in collaboration with the Ethical Design Network and Kate Every.

On Ethical Design Resources, you’ll find articles, books, courses, frameworks, tools, talks, videos, podcasts, and more covering different aspects of ethical design. They help you assess the impact of your design decisions, uncover harmful practices, and support you in making design choices that respect your users.

And if you need more resources, take a look at Ethical Design Guide and Humane By Design.

Wrapping Up

There you have it, a deep collection of toolkits, frameworks, and resources you can use to learn about sustainable design practices and how to adopt them into your own design process. Notice how the collection reveals that sustainable design is a multifaceted topic that considers everything from how we work to the specific tools we use to work. It even covers product design as a whole and the decisions that impact the sustainability of a product, not to mention how business objectives influence environmental objectives.

There may not be a single silver bullet or resource that immediately aligns you and your work with sustainable design practices. That said, the resources provided in this roundup can help you make big and small gains alike, whether it’s reflected in something as seemingly small as the hosting provider you decide to use for your website or something more involved such as integrating environmental considerations at every stage of the design process.

Behind The Curtains Of Wikipedia Redesign

Wikipedia is more than a website — it’s perhaps a cornerstone of the World Wide Web. For decades, the site has provided a model for collaborating online, designing long-form content layouts, and supporting internationalization.

One of the more endearing qualities of Wikipedia is its design, which is known for its utilitarian aesthetics that have stuck around since its 2001 inception. The site has undergone redesigns before, but they are rare and often introduce subtle updates.

This year, 2023, marks the first Wikipedia redesign since 2014. Alex Hollender and Jon Robson led the effort and were kind enough to discuss it with us. The following is an interview that delves into what changed in this latest design, getting into the process as well as design and development details that we all can learn from.


Geoff Graham: When I think of Wikipedia as a website, I think about the design first and foremost. It’s classic for its focus on function over aesthetics, yet often considered a relic along the same lines as Craigslist. How was it decided that “now” is the right time for a redesign?

Alex Hollender: You know, it’s funny, I think people sometimes assume that organizations make these super-calculated, methodical decisions, and maybe some do. What I’ve experienced more often are opportunistic decisions resulting from some combination of intuition and relationships. Nirzar Pangakar, the design director back in 2019, knew what the organization was hoping to accomplish in the coming years and understood that media and content on the internet were changing rapidly. He saw that we needed to set ourselves up with a better foundation to iterate on top of going forward. He also imagined how the website looked to newcomers and thought that making it a bit more familiar to them would offer a more inclusive experience. And I think he also sensed that in terms of the culture of the Wikipedia community, if we let any more time pass before making some changes, the conservativism and ossification would grow more and more intense, and projects like this would only become more difficult down the road.

So it’s not like something was severely broken, or data was pointing us towards a specific problem or opportunity. There were a few concrete things we knew could be improved, but the driving force was Nirzar’s intuition regarding some of these larger things. He had a great relationship with the Chief Product Officer, Toby Negrin, and our team’s Product Manager, Olga Vasileva, and found an opportunity to get the project started. And because it can be somewhat difficult to articulate these sorts of intuitions, Nirzar, Olga, and I made a little design sprint to help others envision and understand the types of changes we could start with and where they might lead us.

Geoff: Wikipedia is more than just a website, right? It’s more like 300 sites where each instance is a different language. How do you approach a design system for a large network of sites like that? Is there a single, centralized source of truth, or is it something looser, depending on the locale?

Alex: Right, so there’s Wikipedia in over 300 languages, then there’s also a bunch of sister projects, including WikiData, Commons, WikiQuote, WikiSource, and others — all of which use the same interface. I’d say the needs are maybe 80-ish percent the same across all of the experiences. Then you’ve got things where specific languages need special functionality, or the WikiData search bar needs something extra, or the WikiSource “article” page has different needs from the Wikipedia one.

There’s, unfortunately, no single source of truth — we don’t even have all of the customizations and variations documented. A big part of being a designer here is just building a catalog in your mind over time. Different people know about different little nooks and crannies and would remind us like, “Hey, if you want to put a button there, you’re going to have to figure out something for project X in language Y because they’ve got a custom feature living in that spot currently.” It’s this very organic, emergent kind of thing where it’s just grown to fit people’s needs in a very unstructured, decentralized way. Super cool but quite difficult when you want to tweak some of the more fundamental/foundational parts of the experience.

Jon Robson: Before I worked on Wikipedia, I’d never worked on multilingual sites. There’s such a fascinating depth to it, for example, how numbering systems differ in different languages, how quotation marks should be considered translated content, how certain projects have content in two scripts, and how some projects add their own cultural flavor to the design. If you look at the Navajo Wikipedia website, they use a Navajo rug pattern which they’ve had since at least 2005.

It was fascinating how during this redesign, every release risked disrupting something small, as it was impossible to audit everything that was happening in all those projects. We had to make peace with the fact that we might not be able to retain them all and that things would break, and we’d iterate and find a happy medium. Often it’s unclear who to talk to about these things within the organization. Some projects just notice our changes and adapt, while other communities are more vocal. So we have to work together to reconcile these extremes. I’ve been impressed with how Alex has remained so stoic as a designer despite the curve balls the project has thrown at him.

Geoff: I imagine there’s a fine balance when working on a redesign for a site that’s as ubiquitous and that has as a long legacy as Wikipedia. How important was maintaining a sense of familiarity with the design for users? And how constraining was that for introducing new design elements?

Alex: Ultimately, we were focused on delivering the best reading and editing experience we could, somewhat regardless of familiarity for experienced users. For example, moving the table of contents from being inline below the lead section to being a sidebar, from a familiarity perspective, was a huge shift, and a lot of experienced users couldn’t get past that. For them, it violated the platonic form of a Wikipedia article or something, like if the table of contents wasn’t inline, then the article wasn’t a Wikipedia article. And while they tried to justify that preference from a functionality standpoint, their reasons weren’t strong, and I think it was mostly about them being uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. Meanwhile, all of the testing and the functional justifications we, and some community members, put forth made it super clear that the sidebar was the better approach. So, that’s how we made that particular decision.

Jon: The table of contents going from within the article to outside the article also uncovered a lot of interesting innovations our community had made for certain articles. For example, in some articles, they’d converted the standard table of contents to a horizontal layout using some inline styles or only listed the top-level headings using display: none in CSS to hide the rest. These customizations were broken when we implemented our redesign, which has opened up interesting discussions about whether customizations should be core parts of the software and how they should work in the new design.

Alex: I think the question of familiarity came into play more in terms of the rollout and how much we could change at once. We were sensitive to the risk of upsetting this very small part of the community that has an outsized influence on our decisions. Our fear was they would try to shut the project down, which has happened with other projects, big and small, in the past. So, for example, we didn’t include an increased font size in the first version of the new interface, even though we (and many community members) strongly believed it would be a significant improvement. We know from past projects that typography is a particularly hot-button topic.

Geoff: Who else was involved in the redesign? What roles did they play, and how did you manage all the work?

Alex: As far as our team goes, it’s about 5-6 Engineers, a Product Manager, a Community Specialist, and someone on Quality Assurance. Pretty much everyone was involved in a meaningful way in terms of exploring design challenges and weighing in on various options. Olga, the Product Manager, and several of the Engineers are better than I am when it comes to thinking about certain challenges. One clear example is accessibility.

There were several community members who were close collaborators and hundreds of others who were more casually involved. The majority of that collaboration happens on Phabricator, which is our task-tracking system. Of course, the timing gets tricky because community members might jump in with ideas or concerns as we’re finishing up a feature, maybe just because they weren’t aware that the conversation had started a few months back or whatever.

And then there’s the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) design team. Each member of the design team has their own product team they belong to, so involvement, for the most part, happens via design reviews. There was a bunch of overlap, particularly between the work we were doing and the stuff the editing team worked on, so I got to collaborate closely with that designer. Also, each designer is assigned a design mentor. So, Rita, who is my design mentor — and who also happens to be an incredible designer and person — was behind the scenes all along, helping me figure everything out.

To me, the whole process felt pretty inclusive. A lot of the time, it felt like the process and the conversations were guiding things more than any one individual, which is both cool and a little scary.

Geoff: Wikipedia has been used to study online text legibility (PDF) because of its heavy focus on content. Yet, there have been so many advances in web fonts and typography since the last significant Wikipedia redesign in 2004, from variable font formats and fluid typography to even newer stuff in CSS from this past year, like the super new text-wrap: balance and a new line height (lh) unit. What design considerations went into the text in the latest redesign?

Alex: As far as I understand, there was a typography refresh back in 2014, which succeeded in some ways but was also super contentious. In terms of design ownership, there’s an unwritten understanding that the volunteer community owns the content, and WMF owns the interface. And while the typography is clearly a fundamental part of the overall user experience of the site, it’s definitely on the content side of the content-interface divide, which makes it more difficult for us to work on.

Prior to this project, a lot of great work had already been done by the Design Systems Team regarding the font stack (which is critical, given all of the different language editions of Wikipedia), how the type sizing is declared (which has a big impact on the experience if you manually change the font size), and other things like that.

For this project, from a sort of 80/20 perspective, I think 80% of the room for improvement was managing the line length by adding a max-width, and increasing the base font-size value (which is hopefully coming soon). We did spend a bunch of time looking into other refinements that are forthcoming.

Jon: I actually worked on that typography refresh early in my career at the Wikimedia Foundation. It was contentious for two reasons. First, we added a limited container width for the content and used Helvetica Neue for the font. The latter was a problem due to the “open source” nature of the project, which the community felt strongly about. We compromised by preferring an open font when available, which I think was Linux Libertine at the time.

That project was a lot shorter in terms of time, and we had more important problems to solve, such as having a functioning mobile site and a WYSIWYG editor. So, no compromise could be found on the limited width front. But I was glad we finally got that in with this redesign, even if it came eight years later. Free knowledge is more a marathon than a sprint.

Alex: I do think it’s ironic that Wikipedia, one of the most popular text-based websites on the internet, doesn’t necessarily have a super strong typography practice, at least from a design perspective. Maybe a lot of that has to do with how varied the content is, how many different templates we have, and all of the different languages we need to support. Maybe it would have to almost be a language-by-language endeavor if we were ever to pull it off. I’m not sure.

Editor’s Note: The main discussion and prototype for the project’s typography efforts are available to view.

Geoff: Speaking of the differences in web design since 2004, the term “responsive web design” was also coined in that span of time. Wikipedia has no doubt had a mobile presence for some time, but were there any new challenges to make the site more responsive, given how best practices have evolved?

Alex: We set a soft goal of delivering a great experience down to a 500px browser width. I think it’s fairly uncommon for people to be using desktop or laptop devices with browsers that narrow. But these days, it’s pretty easy to achieve a fully-responsive site with CSS alone, so there didn’t seem to be much of a tradeoff there. Plus, we heard from a few editors that they often tile two or three browser windows side-by-side, so it can get narrow in those cases. The updated interface does feature three menus that can be pinned open as sidebars or collapsed as dropdowns, which is a configuration mainly for logged-in users in order to give them more control over their workstations. And the state of those menus is managed by JavaScript, which presented a slight challenge. Jon wrote a great article a few years ago about why we still have separate mobile and desktop sites.

I think another aspect of making things work well down to 500px was that we wanted to push ourselves to see how close we might be able to get to have one site for all devices, though we’re not quite there yet.

Jon: If I remember correctly, Alex and I had a good back-and-forth about that 500px threshold. In theory, we could have supported a breakpoint below that, and Alex had the mockups ready, but I was concerned that it would slow down development. Plus, the use case was not there as most of our users were resizing browsers, and we could back that up with data.

In fact, during the redesign, vocal members of our community pushed us to introduce an explicit viewport size in our markup because they were annoyed that the table of contents component was collapsing inconsistently in browsers. If you view the source, you’ll now see <meta name="viewport" content="width=1000">.

Note: You can even read the entire discussion about the change.

Geoff: I know front-end nerds will want to know how CSS is written and managed in this latest design because, well, I’m one of them! What does the process look like to make an edit to the styles?

Jon: You have to remember that Wikipedia — and the MediaWiki software that provides it — is quite old and very large, and some of our technology stack reflects that.

MediaWiki is primarily a progressively enhanced web page written in PHP, so we tend to ship HTML with vanilla JavaScript and CSS that enhances it. Our front end is really unusual in that we have no build scripts for our JavaScript and CSS. We write ES6 code without transpiling it, and we use LESS compiled at runtime in PHP, with heavy caching, for our CSS. HTML is provided by Mustache templates.

We are very conservative about what libraries and technologies we use, particularly if they are likely to have an impact on others in the stack. We use TypeScript in the project to validate our code using JSDoc blocks but do not write our code in TypeScript as many of our volunteers do not know the language, and we don’t want to alienate them.

There was talk about replacing LESS with a different CSS preprocessor, but we decided to retain the status quo we’ve used since 2013 because we don’t want to fragment our codebase. We currently use Mustache templates because that’s what we’ve used since 2014, but we hope to eventually phase those out and replace them with Vue.js templates.

All our code is open-sourced, which is pretty unusual and cool! So, if you ever see some visual thing that looks off or could be improved, we’re always happy to take PRs with CSS that fix it.

Geoff: Another nerdy but key question for you: how important were performance considerations to the redesign? What specific things do you look for in Wikipedia’s performance, and what tools do you use to measure them?

Jon: Performance is really important to us, as Wikipedia is global, and we have many projects growing in areas with slower internet connections. We have a performance dashboard that we monitor where we collect global data from our users using the NavigationTiming API. And we run automated synthetic performance tests using This is all public, and anyone can dig into the data!

One of the biggest concerns for this redesign project was how replacing the internal search feature might lose users if it became too slow or unresponsive. We added instrumentation specifically designed to monitor this, and there’s a detailed write-up on how we analyzed the findings with synthetic performance tests.

Besides thinking about performance for specific features, we monitor bundle sizes of our render-blocking CSS assets, and our CI pipeline blocks anything that goes over our performance budget. We also run spikes to see if there are additional ways to improve performance. For example, in a quiet period, we ran a spike, which made our mobile site 300ms faster.

Given that we have hundreds of volunteers and staff collaborating on the codebase,

It’s a challenge to uphold our own high-performance standards. We’re currently working on implementing a performance budget across all our projects to formally enforce this and share the knowledge more widely for everyone to reference.

Geoff: Alex, you’ve noted that one of the goals you defined for the project was to “develop a more flexible interface with an eye towards future features.” What makes the new interface more flexible compared to how it was before, and what future features are you anticipating?

Alex: A small example of a new feature is the sticky header, which is currently only available when you are logged into the site. We built it knowing that for different types of pages, like article pages versus discussion pages versus help pages, et cetera, we would want to put different types of tools in the sticky header. That forethought can save a lot of time and complexity in terms of development.

Another aspect of flexibility, or maybe more specifically, extensibility, is information architecture. The previous interface had two different places for page tools: in the sidebar menu on the left and then above the article title. So, whenever we worked on a new page tools feature, we had to decide where it would go. Creating a clearer and more structured information architecture for the site means there’s one place for page tools, one for global navigation, and so on. I think this will make it easier for us to design new features in the future.

In terms of future features, we’re thinking about reading settings: dark mode, the ability to increase and decrease the font size and line height more easily, and maybe even themes like the Wikipedia apps have. We’re also thinking about ways to help people discover more knowledge related to what they are reading. Other things we might consider are reading features, like the ability to take notes and create collections of articles.

Geoff: Thanks so much to you both for spending some time to share your work with us! Is there anything especially interesting about the design or the work it took to make it that might not be immediately obvious but that you are proud of?

Alex: I think it’s cool to think about super small things that have a big impact. Links are a critical part of the reading experience, and following from that, knowing which links you’ve already visited is important. Previously, there was so little contrast between visited links and black text that this whole sort of navigational wayfinding benefit was missing from experience. Changing the color of visited links was about as simple as a change can be from a technical perspective, with an outsized impact on the user experience.

Another thing I’m interested in and excited about is prototyping, specifically how additional fidelity in prototypes affects the design process. I reached a point where I was predominantly making prototypes with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to work through design challenges rather than relying on mockups. It’s maybe impossible to know what impact that had in terms of the ability for us to have discussions about the designs, evaluate them, and include community members across many languages, among other things. There’s no way for us to know how the project would have turned out or how much longer it would have taken us to arrive at certain decisions if I hadn’t taken that approach, but my inclination is that it was super helpful.

Jon: The thing I’m most excited about is that the redesign project gave us the time to really pull apart a system that was 21 years old and build the foundation for something more sustainable. Fundamental things like introducing design tokens across the entire software stack are going to be powerful tools that we can use to support user customizations that allow people to change font size and enable a dark mode, the latter of which has been a popular request. So hopefully, we can finally deliver that.

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Personally, I get tired of the antics at the start of any new project. I’m a contractor, too, so there’s always some new dependency I need to adopt, config files to force me to write the way a certain team likes, and deployment process I need to plug into. It’s never a fire-up-and-go sort of thing, and it often takes the better part of a working day to get it all right.

There are a lot of moving pieces to a project, right? Everything — from integrating a framework and establishing a component library to collaboration and deployments — is a separate but equally important part of your IDE. If you’re like me, jumping between apps and systems is something you get used to. But honestly, it’s an act of Sisyphus rolling the stone up the mountain each time, only to do it again on the next project.

That’s the setup for what I think is a pretty darn good approach to streamline this convoluted process in a way that supports any common project structure and is capable of enhancing it with visual editing capabilities. It’s called Codux, and if you stick with me for a moment, I think you’ll agree that Codux could be the one-stop shop for everything you need to build production-ready React apps.

Codux is More “Your-Code” Than "Low-Code"

I know, I know. "Yay, another visual editor!" says no one, ever. The planet is already full of those, and they’re really designed to give folks developer superpowers without actually doing any development.

That’s so not the case with Codux. There are indeed a lot of "low-code" affordances that could empower non-developers, but that’s not the headlining feature of Codux or really who or what it caters to. Instead, Codux is a fully-integrated IDE that provides the bones of your project while improving the developer experience instead of abstracting it away.

Do you use CodePen? What makes it so popular (and great to use) is that it "just" works. It combines frameworks, preprocessors, a live rendering environment, and modern build tools into a single interface that does all the work on "Save". But I still get to write code in a single place, the way I like it.

I see Codux a lot like that. But bigger. Not bigger in the sense of more complicated, but bigger in that it is more integrated than frameworks and build tools. It _is_ your framework. It _is_ your component library. It _is_ your build process. And it just so happens to have incredibly powerful visual editing controls that are fully integrated with your code editor.

That’s why it makes more sense to call Codux “your code” instead of the typical low-code or no-code visual editing tools. Those are designed for non-developers. Codux, on the other hand, is made for developers.

In fact, here’s a pretty fun thing to do. Open a component file from your project in VS Code and put the editor window next to the Codux window open to the same component. Make a small CSS change or something and watch both the preview rendering and code update instantly in Codux.

That’s just one of those affordances that really polish up the developer experience. Anyone else might overlook something like this, but as a developer, you know how much saved time can add up with something like this.

Code, Inspect And Debug Together At Last

There are a few other affordances available when selecting an element on the interactive stage on Codux:

  • A style panel for editing CSS and trying different layouts. And, again, changes are made in real-time, both in the rendered preview and in your code, which is visible to you all the time — whether directly in Codux or in your IDE.
  • A property panel that provides easy access to all the selected properties of a component with visual controllers to modify them (and see the changes reflected directly in the code)
  • An environment panel that provides you with control over the rendering environment of the component, such as the screen or canvas size, as well as the styling for it.

Maybe Give Codux A Spin

It’s pretty rad that I can fire up a single app to access my component library, code, documentation, live previews, DOM inspector, and version control. If you would’ve tried explaining this to me before seeing Codux, I would’ve said that’s too much for one app to handle; it’d be a messy UI that’s more aspiration than it is a liberating center of development productivity.

No lying. That’s exactly what I thought when the Wix team told me about it. I didn’t even think it was a good idea to pack all that in one place.

But they did, and I was dead wrong. Codux is pretty awesome. And apparently, it will be even more awesome because the FAQ talks about a bunch of new features in the works, things like supporting full frameworks. The big one is an online version that will completely remove the need to set up development environments every time someone joins the team, or a stakeholder wants access to a working version of the app. Again, this is all in the works, but it goes to show how Codux is all about improving the developer experience.

And it’s not like you’re building a Wix site with it. Codux is its own thing — something that Wix built to get rid of their own pain points in the development process. It just so happens that their frustrations are the same that many of us in the community share, which makes Codux a legit consideration for any developer or team.

Oh, and it’s free. You can download it right now, and it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. In other words, you can give it a spin without buying into anything.

iA Presenter: A Case Study On Product Pricing Considerations

This article is a sponsored by iA

So, you’ve created a thing. That thing could be anything, say a product the world never knew it needed or maybe a stellar SaaS app that makes everyone way more productive. You had a brilliant idea and took the initiative to make it happen. It’s time to put it on the market!

But wait… how much money are you going to charge for this thing? That’s often a way more difficult question to answer than it might seem. I mean, slap a price on the tin, and that’s it, right?

The truth is that pricing a product or service is one of the more challenging aspects of product development. Pricing is an inexact science, and chances are you will not get it right the first time. But where do you even begin?

That’s where the team at Information Architects — commonly known as iA — found itself when tasked with pricing a new product called iA Presenter. iA already had a hit product on its hands, the popular iA Writer app, with its claim to fame being a minimal, distraction-free writing interface. iA Writer is already a mature offering, having been available for many years and having undergone several significant iterations since its initial release. How does a new offering like iA Presenter fit into the picture?

Let’s use iA Presenter to study the considerations that go into product pricing. Its status as a brand-new product that sits alongside an existing product with an established history makes iA Presenter an interesting case study on pricing. Plus, the iA team was generous enough to share a bunch of the research and work that went into their pricing for iA Presenter.

Finding Pricing Parallels

The first step to pricing might be looking at what others are doing. Chances are that you are not the only player in the market, and you can certainly learn by observing what others are doing. I know that’s what I did when getting into the pricing of a SaaS-based app. There were plenty of competitors in that particular market, and mapping them out in a spreadsheet was a nice way to compare the similarities and differences — not only in the prices themselves but the pricing models as well. Some were one-time purchases, but many were recurring subscriptions. Some offered free trials, while others relied on a generous return policy. Some required a credit card upfront, and others allowed you to jump right into the app. You get the idea. There’s more to pricing than meets the eye.

The key is to find parallels between what others are doing and what aligns with what you’re doing. If everyone else is selling subscriptions, then maybe that’s clear enough for you to do the same. Or perhaps it’s more of an opportunity to differentiate your product, offering a pricing model that might appeal to an overlooked segment of the market.

The purpose of finding parallels is to prevent sticker shock by setting a price that is far outlier from what the rest of the market has already set.

iA says it extremely well in a blog post that’s incredibly transparent with their findings:

“As you can see, the pricing ranges from $5 to $25 per user. There are outliers on the upper scale. Some of them offer a free model for individuals or low-usage cases. As you already know, they can do that because they have venture capital or run on an ad-based model (Google). Google and PowerPoint come as part of a suite.”
—iA, “Presenter Pricing (I)

Ah! There’s always a story lurking in the details. Outliers can exist, and they might actually be on the low end of the spectrum. Competing on price alone always feels like a risky call; just ask any company that’s had to play along with Walmart’s aggressive tactics to be a low-price leader.

Identifying Opportunities

Perhaps the most important lesson from my own pricing research is that finding parallels in the market will also provide a clearer picture of what value your product provides. Does your product do something that the others don’t? Is it so much easier to use than the rest that the user experience is where the value comes from?

Add those things to the spreadsheet! The spreadsheet becomes more of a matrix than a competitor list. You can use it to surface what’s unique about your product and lean into it when determining the overall value your product offers compared to everyone else.

Again, the iA team throws a bit of a curveball based on its recent experience:

“Whether a price is low, high, or right depends on what [customers] compare it to. Customers will compare apples and oranges”.
—iA, “Presenter Pricing (I)

Did you catch that last point? You may need to find pricing parallels with products that are tangentially related to your market because you can’t control what you might be compared to. My own pricing journey was on a hosted calendar, and while it has way less in common with something like Google Calendar, customers would inevitably compare our offering to it because Google Calendar is such a common point of reference when talking about anything related to online calendars.

Starting The Conversation

The topic of pricing usually comes up during product development but could certainly come much sooner. The closer the finish line for development gets, the more the reality sets in that there’s work to do to get the product to market, and pricing is one step that simply cannot be skipped — how else will customer compensate you for the pleasure of getting their hands on a product?

You could start spewing numbers until one resonates with you, but that’s rather subjective. Will your customers see the same value in the product that you do? It’s worth checking, and sometimes it works to directly ask your customers — whether it’s existing customers or a target audience you’ve identified.

That’s what iA did when they published the question “How Much Would You Charge for iA Presenter?” in the aforementioned blog post from November 2022. The post provides oodles of context for readers to get an idea of what the iA team was already considering and what they’ve learned from an initial round of research on different pricing models.

What I like about this approach is the transparency, sure, but also how it leads to two other things:

  • Setting expectations
    iA had already introduced iA Presenter in another post that precedes the call for pricing opinions. But in bringing pricing to the forefront, the team is giving existing and potential customers a heads-up of what’s to come. So, even if they settled on a high price point that is an outlier in the market, at least everyone is already familiar with the thinking behind it.
  • Data
    Posing the question means they had opened the door for customers to weigh in. That’s the sort of feedback that can be designed as a survey, with the data helping inform pricing experiments and identify insightful patterns.
Parsing Information

Have you ever had to design a survey? Good gosh, that can be a frustrating experience. The challenge is to get useful feedback that leads to insights that allow you to make better decisions. But the process is all too easy to mess up, from choosing the wrong type of form input for a particular question or, worse, injecting your own biases into how things are worded. Surveys can be as much a balancing act as product pricing!

That’s why I find iA’s approach so interesting. They had the idea to ship not one version of the survey but three. This is what they shared with us:

“We divided our newsletter’s subscribers into different groups of roughly 5000 people each and sent them different versions of the form. The first group received the Version 0 of the form, and each time we updated this one, we sent it to a different group.

In retrospect, it’s clear why, but we didn’t expect the form design to affect the price suggestions so much. A lot has been written about A/B testing, form design, and questionnaire design. But here we were right in the middle of a form/questionnaire experiment and saw how directly the design affected the results. It was amazing to see all of this happening in real-time.”

It was a genius move, even if it wasn’t obvious at first. Sending three versions sent to different segments of the audience does a few things:

  • It considers different scenarios.
    Rather than asking its audience what pricing model they prefer, iA assumed a pricing model and put it in front of users. This way, they get a reaction to the various pricing scenarios they are considering and gain a response that is just as useful as directly asking.
  • It challenges assumptions.
    The iA team put a lot of legwork into researching pricing models and evaluating their pros and cons. That certainly helped the team form some opinions about which strategies might be the most effective to implement. But even all the research digging in the world doesn’t guarantee a particular outcome. Evaluating responses from a clearly defined target audience using three versions of the form allowed iA to put its assumptions to the test. Is a subscription-based model really the best way to go? Now they know!
  • It reveals customer biases.
    Anything you ask will have a degree of bias in it, so why not embrace that fact and let the customers show you their biases in the process? One version of the iA Presenter survey was based on a subscription pricing model, and the team found that some users hate subscriptions so much that they refused to fill out this form and were quite vocal about it.

I love the way iA sums up the patterns they found in the survey results and how those results were influenced by differentiating the surveys:

“We offered a form that required you to fill out monthly and yearly subscriptions plus ownership. […] We offered a second version that didn’t require you to fill out all fields. What happened there raised brows. The price suggestions changed. They got lower. We continued changing the form, and every time, the result changed.”

And with that, iA had unlocked what they needed to determine a price for iA Presenter. From a follow-up blog post that reports their findings:

“All data combined, you decided that iA Presenter should charge the industry standard of 5.- for a single license. Multiplying 5.- times twelve for a year and times three to make it worthwhile would make iA Presenter make a 150.- app.”
—iA, “Presenter Pricing (II)

Aligning Data With Strategy

Great! iA was able to determine a specific price point with some level of scientific certainty. It would be easy enough to slap that on a price tag and start selling, but that doesn’t do justice to the full picture the data provides. Specifically, iA learned that the price point they determined would not align with all of the audience segments they surveyed.

Here’s more of what they were willing to share with us about their audience’s feelings on pricing:

  • The collective audience suggested charging the industry standard of $5 for a single license.
  • Some think that the $50 price for the existing iA Writer app is high. $100 is not that much in Switzerland, but in some countries, $100 can be a big chunk of a monthly salary. That means local pricing adjustments ought to be considered.
  • Suggestions for business subscriptions varied between $10 and $20 per month per license.
  • Students want a free tier of access.

iA is lucky enough to have an internal source of useful data, thanks to the long sales history it has with iA Writer. They found that new customers tend to prefer a subscription model, while existing (or “convinced”) customers show a preference for a single purchase.

So, it’s more like they were looking at different pricing tiers instead of a flat rate. Their audience is all over the map as far as what their pricing expectations are, and a pricing model that offers choices based on the type of customer you are (e.g., business vs. student) and where people are geographically is likely to cast a wider net to attract more customers than they would get from a single price point. So, even if verified students are able to get the product for free, that should be offset by the price points for single-license customers and businesses.

Wrapping Up

What we’ve looked at are several important considerations that go into product pricing. The work it takes to determine a price goes way past subjective guesses. Pricing is one of the “Four Ps of Marketing” that influence a product’s market position and how customers perceive it.

Setting a price is a statement of the product’s quality and the value it adds to the market.

That’s the sort of thing you can’t leave to chance.

That said, it’s clear that determining a product price is far from an exact science. The challenge is to elicit the right information that leads to insights that are more reflective of and aligned with the expectations of the target audience. Will they pay the price you want?

There are many other considerations that go into pricing, to be sure. You might discover that the price the market is willing to pay is unsustainable and does not cover enough of the costs that went into product development or the ongoing costs of maintenance, developing new features, marketing, support, salaries, and so on. You don’t want to enter yourself in a race to the bottom, after all.

iA Presenter makes for a great case study on product pricing. The fact that it’s the type of software that those of us in the web design and development community often work on makes it an extremely relevant example. Plus, iA put so much effort into research and was generous enough to share it with us that it provides a nice recent snapshot of a real-world situation.

And, hey, now that you know everything that went into setting prices for iA Presenter, you should check it out. Do you think they made the right choice? Will the multi-tier pricing strategy work next to market competitors who are more mature and are able to practically give away their stuff for free, like Google Slides? We’ll find out soon as iA Presenter is officially out of beta and has been released to the public on June 1st. You can follow along with their ongoing journey of shipping a new product on their blog or by signing up for their newsletter.
