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Summer Fun! Finally!

A few days after I wrote my post about pretending that it was summer, the weather changed and it started getting warmer. Now, I’m not saying that my post was a magic spell or anything but I think you can draw your own conclusions there. Ahem…let’s carry on with today’s post. The weather hasn’t been… Continue reading Summer Fun! Finally!

Spring(ish) Walks for Christine and Khalee

You may not have realized it but Thursday, March 30 was a big day. What was so big about it? It was the first day since last Fall that I could wear sneakers on my daily walk with Khalee. And it was one of the first days I could just wear regular pants on my… Continue reading Spring(ish) Walks for Christine and Khalee

Spring(ish) Walks for Christine and Khalee

You may not have realized it but Thursday, March 30 was a big day. What was so big about it? It was the first day since last Fall that I could wear sneakers on my daily walk with Khalee. And it was one of the first days I could just wear regular pants on my… Continue reading Spring(ish) Walks for Christine and Khalee

Christine puts a positive spin on sore muscles

Last Wednesday, I bravely embarked on a ‘6 weeks to restart your fitness’ plan in my Fitness + app and by Saturday my legs were so sore that stairs became a major annoyance. That would usually be the point when I would take a few days off and then forget to come back to the… Continue reading Christine puts a positive spin on sore muscles

It Turns Out That March *Is* Real!

Remember last month when I knew February was real but, as far as I was concerned, March might be fictional? Good news: March is real! Note: I am reserving judgment on April though. Who knows what might come after March? Could be anything, really. It’s the very distant future, extremely Not Now. Before we dive… Continue reading It Turns Out That March *Is* Real!

Mindful March? Sounds Good To Me!

I know, I know, everyone and their dog is tell you to be mindful these days. Mindfulness is touted as a cure-all, the answer to everything and that can definitely get annoying. It’s especially annoying when people get pushy and holier-than-thou about mindfulness, acting as if the only key to true living is to follow… Continue reading Mindful March? Sounds Good To Me!

A tiny tweak in my twist is terrific

Last week, my upper back was tight and I tried a new (to me) video from Heart and Bones Yoga. While the movements were similar to many upper body yoga videos I have done in the past, this one included a small tweak that made a big difference for me. The instructor was leading us… Continue reading A tiny tweak in my twist is terrific

Christine and the two-speed dog

I walk Khalee every day. Sometimes we take long walks and sometimes it is just a quick jaunt around the neighbourhood. Sometimes, I want to take a longer walk and she votes no, turning toward home at every opportunity. All of these walks feel good for my brain and for my body but they don’t… Continue reading Christine and the two-speed dog

Reflections on freewriting in my fitness journal

On Sunday, I made my first entry in my fitness journal and I was surprised to find myself enjoying the process of reflection.  Back in January, I was musing about what I wanted to include in my fitness journal but given the chaos of last month, I never did come to any conclusions. But, seeing… Continue reading Reflections on freewriting in my fitness journal

Social Fitness? I’m here for it!

Until I received this month’s email and calendar from Action for Happiness, I had never heard of social fitness but I just love the idea of making a conscious habit of strengthening our relationships for our own well-being (and the well-being of those around us.) And you know I’m going to be all over any… Continue reading Social Fitness? I’m here for it!

Go Team 2023! If all else fails, please, please, please be kind to yourself.

Well, Team, like the title implies, the single most important thing I want you to have gotten out of these posts is the idea that being kind to yourself is the only way forward. When you are building a habit you are trying to teach yourself something new. Perhaps you’re learning something entirely new or… Continue reading Go Team 2023! If all else fails, please, please, please be kind to yourself.

February is real but March might be fictional: Christine’s experiments with fitness planning continue

I confess.  Despite my best intentions, I never quite got a grip on Planuary.  At the end of December, I really thought that I would be able to take my time throughout January and slowly build a plan for my year.  Alas, life got in the way and I ended up taking January pretty much… Continue reading February is real but March might be fictional: Christine’s experiments with fitness planning continue

Go Team 2023! Focus on your efforts

This is my second-last post for this January series so I am continuing with my plan to reiterate the messages I hope I stressed throughout the month. Yesterday, I reminded you to check your systems. Today, I’m reminding you to focus on your efforts instead of your results. Yes, I know it is really fun… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Focus on your efforts

Go Team 2023! Systems Check

I only have three more posts in this January series so I wanted to reiterate three important things for you to carry with you as you forge ahead with your habit-building. First up: a systems check! Whether you are cruising happily along with your habit building, you are finding each day a struggle, or you… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Systems Check

Go Team 2023! When you just don’t wanna

Team, let’s be clear about something… When you are undertaking a long term project, especially one where it may take a while to see your progress, you are going to have days when you just don’t wanna do the thing. You probably have time and capacity to do it but you just feel so meh… Continue reading Go Team 2023! When you just don’t wanna

Go Team 2023! Choose for your own peace of mind

Today is a bit of an off day for me. I had a few complicated things to do and I’m not feeling particularly well and I just kind of want to climb under a blanket and take a nap. I had a reasonable amount of things on my to do list today but now it… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Choose for your own peace of mind

Go Team 2023! Err on the side of self-kindness

Sorry for the spoiler in the title, Team, but I always want you to be kind to yourself, no matter what. I think that one of the biggest obstacles in developing new habits is how hard we can be on ourselves about the challenges involved. We’re trying to layer a new habit into an already… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Err on the side of self-kindness

Go Team 2023! Get the motivation you need – whatever it might be

Finding motivation is a tricky business. Sometimes we can sail along without it, letting our systems or routines or habits just carry us into the next task. Other times we get discouraged or frustrated or bored or just off-kilter and we struggle to get moving in the first place, let alone to put in any… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Get the motivation you need – whatever it might be

Go Team 2023! Check in with yourself

So, Team, back on January 10, I was inviting you to figure out what knowledge, experience, and information you had gathered about yourself and your new habit/plan at that point. That wasn’t just about noticing (although noticing is good, too), it was about assessing how well your plans and systems were developing and making the… Continue reading Go Team 2023! Check in with yourself

Row, Row, Row My Machine…

Gently in the basement. Merrily, merrily, merrily…something that rhymes with basement. In one of my recent Go Team! posts ‘Make some tweaks‘ I said that I was planning to move my rowing machine up to the living room because my mid-decluttering basement was too distracting. However, soon after I posted it, I realized that there… Continue reading Row, Row, Row My Machine…