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Christine puts a positive spin on sore muscles

Last Wednesday, I bravely embarked on a โ€˜6 weeks to restart your fitnessโ€™ plan in my Fitness + app and by Saturday my legs were so sore that stairs became a major annoyance. That would usually be the point when I would take a few days off and then forget to come back to theโ€ฆ Continue reading Christine puts a positive spin on sore muscles

It Turns Out That March *Is* Real!

Remember last month when I knew February was real but, as far as I was concerned, March might be fictional? Good news: March is real! Note: I am reserving judgment on April though. Who knows what might come after March? Could be anything, really. Itโ€™s the very distant future, extremely Not Now. Before we diveโ€ฆ Continue reading It Turns Out That March *Is* Real!

The Great US Adderall Shortage is likely going to last at least for another year

In case you haven't heard, there's a national Adderall shortage. There has in fact been a national Adderall shortage for quite some time now. And there is no fucking end in sight.

Now, in the grand scheme, I suppose that extended-release amphetamine salts are small potatoes compared to cancer, or COVID, or police brutality, or what have you. โ€” Read the rest

Reflections on freewriting in my fitness journal

On Sunday, I made my first entry in my fitness journal and I was surprised to find myself enjoying the process of reflection.ย  Back in January, I was musing about what I wanted to include in my fitness journal but given the chaos of last month, I never did come to any conclusions. But, seeingโ€ฆ Continue reading Reflections on freewriting in my fitness journal

February is real but March might be fictional: Christineโ€™s experiments with fitness planning continue

I confess.ย  Despite my best intentions, I never quite got a grip on Planuary.ย  At the end of December, I really thought that I would be able to take my time throughout January and slowly build a plan for my year.ย  Alas, life got in the way and I ended up taking January pretty muchโ€ฆ Continue reading February is real but March might be fictional: Christineโ€™s experiments with fitness planning continue

Go Team 2023! Choose for your own peace of mind

Today is a bit of an off day for me. I had a few complicated things to do and Iโ€™m not feeling particularly well and I just kind of want to climb under a blanket and take a nap. I had a reasonable amount of things on my to do list today but now itโ€ฆ Continue reading Go Team 2023! Choose for your own peace of mind

Row, Row, Row My Machineโ€ฆ

Gently in the basement. Merrily, merrily, merrilyโ€ฆsomething that rhymes with basement. In one of my recent Go Team! posts โ€˜Make some tweaksโ€˜ I said that I was planning to move my rowing machine up to the living room because my mid-decluttering basement was too distracting. However, soon after I posted it, I realized that thereโ€ฆ Continue reading Row, Row, Row My Machineโ€ฆ