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Skateboarder Mike O'Brien performs an ollie while lifting 315 pounds

An ollie on a skateboard is the most important trick to learn. It is a gateway trick. So many other tricks are possible once you know how to ollie—tapping the tail on your skateboard with your rear foot to extend your other foot upward and outward to gain height and length. — Read the rest

The Southern Strategy of Christian privilege

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Though the authorship of this quote is still contested, examples continue to abound, whether liberals refusing to mask for co-workers who might be immune-compromised or want to protect themselves and their families from COVID, or Christians in the United States and other countries weaponizing victimhood. — Read the rest

When you could buy a monkey from the Sears mail-order catalog

This is a true story told to me by my neighbor's mother, Mary Alice, who grew up in South Texas after the Second World War. It was told to Mary Alice by her friend Guillermo, also known as Will.

"My friend Will told me about his aunt that lived in a small South Texas town named Taft that always made orders from the Sears mail-order catalog. — Read the rest

Why have social workers come together to form an activist collective?

As Sophia P. Sarantakos, Assistant Professor at the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work,explains in this Twitter thread, "Over the past many months, a few of us from within professionalized social-change work have come together to create a platform that we all felt was sorely missing and needed within our profession and communities. — Read the rest

The case for getting rid of America's corrupt, expensive, barbaric prisons

"What is the function that people have to be separated from their family? What function does it serve that people can't get jobs and employment in prison? What function does it serve that people do not have access to heterosexual or even homosexual loving relationships?Read the rest

Barcelona the first major European city to suspend ties with Israel over Palestinian abuses

As reported by AJ+ in a short video post, the mayor of Barcelona, the Catalan capital, has made a bold political statement, cutting "ties with Israel over systemic violations of Palestinian human rights."

First proposed in early February, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, explained:

"I have decided to temporarily suspend relations with the state of Israel and with the official institutions of that state—including the twinning agreements with the Tel Aviv City Council—until the Israeli authorities put an end to the system of violations of the Palestinian people and fully comply with the obligations imposed on them by international law and the various United Nations resolutions.

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Crispy and friends have a cat-nip hotbox party

I was curious whether or not cats could see and follow (tobacco) smoke as it billowed and clouded and what they might think as it dissipated and disappeared into the air. Were they confused, intrigued, or indifferent? Did they scoff because nothing compares to seeing ghosts? — Read the rest

She Who Knows, a new trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor

"I sometimes write fantasy, but I'm not a 'fantasy author', just call me Nnedi Okorafor."

The Nigerian American writer Nnedi Okorafor has announced that DAW Books will publish a new novella trilogy titled She Who Knows. The first in 2024 and then the two others after. — Read the rest

Let's make fun of dumb dads

As the hosts, comedians Kevin Laferriere and Evan Kyle Berger explain about their Instagram comedy account, The Dumb Dads, "It's pronounced Dad, the "dumb" is silent." The podcast is "just a couple of dads trying to have a little fun along the way. — Read the rest

How a lost musical hard disk in 1988 boosted Tracy Chapman's career

In 1988, as Stevie Wonder was walking onto the stage at Wembley Stadium in London, filled to its 80,000-person capacity, it was discovered that his hard discs with recorded music necessary for his set were missing. Wonder's performance was not announced beforehand, so he left the stage sad with tears as the concert was to celebrate Nelson Mandela's 70th birthday. — Read the rest

New pillow for middle-aged Italian men who just moved out of their parent's house

Pillows and politics are two words that can lead in many directions. Whether scandals between the sheets or, with new textiles and designs, functionalities, and materials for comfort and health, pillows are expanding their range and utility. In this video from Tommy J.Read the rest

The failed promises of exporting American-style capitalism

How do you define the economic, political, and cultural system named capitalism that organizes the world? A system contested and imposed through media, policies, laws, and forgeries of memory.and meaning.

Consider, as mentioned in a previous post, "capitalism is a political and cultural system; it is domestic and foreign policy; it is a historical narrative, an origin story, and a social system that makes a profit from war, labor exploitation, and extraction while claiming to fight for peace, equality, and sustainability. — Read the rest

The language used by contemporary Christian warriors

The Christian Crusades from 1095-1291 against Muslim and Arab peoples have a continued impact today. Establishing a precedent where wars were fought in the name of a Christian God, wars that led to mass death while accumulating massive amounts of wealth, reflect a history and logic of genocide. — Read the rest

North Dakota Republicans propose $1500 fines for using pronouns that upset them

If your institution receives state funding, a Republican lawmaker from North Dakota, David Clemons, "would fine people $1,500 if they refer to trans people using their correct pronouns, rather than the pronouns they were assigned at birth."

Like Texas and Florida, North Dakota Republican politicians have already proposed some anti-transgender legislation.  — Read the rest

"Growing Chains": Prison Agriculture and Capitalism

Before there were prisons, there were plantations that held people captive andw enslaved. Before enslaved people freed themselves and then were emanicipated, the prison population was almost entirely white. After the Civil War, that was no longer the case as Black Codes and, later, Jim Crow laws ensured that the incarcerated populations would not be over-determined by white convicts. — Read the rest

The earth's core may have reversed direction.

In the 1989 Stone Roses song "What the World is Waiting For," Ian Brown sings,

"Stop the world
Stop the world
I'm getting off

… I'm getting off

… Can't get enough
I'm getting off."

Now, you may have felt a shift recently in the direction of the planet but thought it was a bump in the road or maybe a dizzy spell of social imbalance, given the chaotic news cycle of late. — Read the rest

The long arc of counter-revolution to fascism, according to historian Gerald Horne

If you went to primary or secondary school in the US or watched any mainstream movie that discusses the past, you learned the white-washed patriotic uplifting (for some) story of people persecuted for their belief in a particularly oriented Christian God and their desire for liberty, freedom, and capitalism. — Read the rest

Los Angeles Hip Hop tours and "Temple Tactics" interview show from Conkrete Mike P.

Rap is something you do, HipHop is something you live. — KRS-ONE.

"Temple Tactics" is a Hip Hop video talk show hosted by Los Angeles- based Hip Hop historian Conkrete Mike P.

"Off Tha Map" is a bike and/or car tour where participants learn new geography by exploring "West coast Hip Hop Historical Sites," also organized by Conkrete Mike P. — Read the rest

How did the genocide of indigenous Americans impact the health of planet Earth?

What was the impact of colonial violence, disease and genocide on the population of indigenous Americans when the lost Genoese predator, Christopher Columbus, stumbled into the islands of Taino peoples in 1492? How many indigenous people died? How did they die? — Read the rest
