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Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, July 4th

By: Zoe Si
โ€œOh, my God, Janiceโ€”itโ€™s happening again.โ€

Daily Cartoon: Monday, July 3rd

โ€œArenโ€™t you glad we woke up early to nap here?โ€

Bonus Daily Cartoon: It Can Always Get Worse

โ€œAfter last yearโ€™s rulings, everyone kept saying, โ€˜It canโ€™t get any worse,โ€™ and I took that personally.โ€

Daily Cartoon: Friday, June 30th

โ€œRemember: when a wave comes, you yell in delight.โ€

Better Call Someone [Anyone]

The indicted ex-President has gone missing.

The trailer for My Adventures With Superman gives us a new vision of the Man of Tomorrow

How do you solve a problem like Superman? For the last 40 years, Superman's popularity has declined significantly from its former glory. Unlike his Justice League cohort Batman, Supes' stature as a pillar in the superhero genre has continually eroded with each passing year. โ€” Read the rest

Daily Cartoon: Friday, April 7th

โ€œI am the egg man. We are the egg men. . . . So who the hell is he?โ€

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, April 6th

โ€œWhere is your section for books by people who arenโ€™t obviously running for President?โ€

Bonus Daily Cartoon: Back to Barbie

โ€œIf we leave now, weโ€™ll make it just in time to see the Barbie movie!โ€

Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, April 5th

โ€œHow much hush money would it take for him to stop talking?โ€

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, April 4th

The indictment has come down, and the new merch is up for sale.

Daily Cartoon: Friday, March 24th

โ€œLooks like Congress might finally do something about TikTok.โ€

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, March 23rd

โ€œMy new work schedule is threeย days in the office and two days at home dreading going to the office.โ€

Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, March 22nd

Spring has sprungโ€”with a little help.

The March of Intellect: Newspaper Cartoons Satirize the Belief in Technological Progress in 1820s England

Before the Industrial Revolution, few had occasion to consider the impact of technology on their lives. A few decades in, however, certain segments of society thought about little else. That, in any case, is the impression given by the debate over what the English press of the early nineteenth century called the โ€œMarch of Intellect,โ€ a label for the apparently polarizing discourse that arose from not just the development of industrial technology but the dissemination of โ€œuseful knowledgeโ€ that followed in its wake. Was this sort of education an engine of progress, or simply of disorder?

The March of Intellectโ€™s most vivid legacy consists of a series of newspaper cartoons published in the eighteen-twenties. They depict a world, as Hunter Dukes writes at the Public Domain Review, where โ€œextravagantly dressed ladies window-shop for pastel finery and forgo stairwells in favor of belt-driven slidesโ€ while โ€œa child is moments away from being paved into the road by a carriage at full gallopโ€; where โ€œmen gorge themselves on pineapples and guzzle bottles at the Champagne Depotโ€ and โ€œpostmen flit around with winged capesโ€; where โ€œeven convicts have it better: they embark for New South Wales on a gargoyle zeppelin, but still have panoramic views.โ€

So far, so Victorian. One could argue more or less in favor of the world described above, as rendered by artist William Heath. But in the future as envisioned in the cartoon at the top of the post by Robert Seymour (now best known as the original illustrator of Charles Dickensโ€™ The Pickwick Papers), the March of Intellect takes on a flamboyantly malign aspect.

In it โ€œa jolly automaton stomps across society,โ€ writes Dukes. โ€œIts head is a literal stack of knowledge โ€” tomes of history, philosophy, and mechanic manuals power two gas-lantern eyes. It wears secular London University as a crown.โ€ It sweeps away โ€œpleas, pleadings, delayed parliamentary bills, and obsolete laws. Vicars, rectors, and quack doctors are turned on their heads.โ€

Nearly two centuries later, most would side instinctively with the participants in the March of Intellect debate who saw the provision of technical and scientific knowledge to then-less-educated groups โ€” women, children, the working class โ€” as an unambiguous good. Yet we may also feel trepidation about the technologies emerging in our own time, when, to name a current example, โ€œartificially intelligent chatbots have fueled ongoing anxieties about the mechanization of intellectual labor.โ€ Every day brings new apocalyptic speculations about the rise of powerful thinking machines running roughshod over humanity. If no artist today is illustrating them quite so entertainingly as Heath and Seymour did, so much the worse for our time.

via Public Domain Review

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Based in Seoul,ย Colin Marshallย writes and broadcasts on cities, language, and culture. His projects include the Substack newsletterย Books on Cities,ย the bookย The Stateless City: a Walk through 21st-Century Los Angelesย and the video seriesย The City in Cinema. Follow him on Twitter atย @colinmarshallย or onย Facebook.

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, March 21st

โ€œLarry says itโ€™s just a trick to get our minds off those stupid new baseball rules.โ€