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Catherine and Pata test ride an adult e-trike and arenโ€™t pleased

While I was visiting my family in South Carolina last month, my cousin M asked me if I knew anything about adult trikes. She was thinking about getting one for noodling around her neighborhood; she liked the idea of the extra stability of the third wheel, and the setup seemed well-suited for fun and safety.โ€ฆ Continue reading Catherine and Pata test ride an adult e-trike and arenโ€™t pleased

Bowling with the family!

This week was my spring break, which I spent in South Carolina with familyโ€“ my mother, aunts, uncle, cousins, and of course my sister and her kids. Last week I posted about my goals for the week, which included low-key nature walking in state and town parks. I did that, and will blog about thoseโ€ฆ Continue reading Bowling with the family!

Keeping it simple: walking through spring break

Today is my first real day of spring break. After 29 years of college teaching, those two words still make my heart beat a little faster. And yes, they also evoke images of the beach, with blue skies, warm sands and breaking waves. Iโ€™ve spent plenty of spring breaks at beaches: mostly in South Carolina,โ€ฆ Continue reading Keeping it simple: walking through spring break

A-Z: gym classes I would want to take

Before I launch into an entire alphabet of physical activities, let me say what inspired this post: 1) Samโ€™s post on Three Things on a Thursday: Watch, Read and Listen. I watched and then I read, and then 2) I got completely caught up in what I read. It was a blog post by Gretaโ€ฆ Continue reading A-Z: gym classes I would want to take

On the pressure of cooking (reblog)

CW: talk about eating and feelings around the types of food eaten This month for me has been filled with a lot less cooking than usual. My department is hiring an assistant professor, which means weโ€™ve had a cavalcade of candidates on campus for interviews, teaching demos, job talks, and meals. Lots of meals. Andโ€ฆ Continue reading On the pressure of cooking (reblog)

On the satisfaction of pursuing less (with or without dog)

These days Iโ€™m feeling like there is a lot more โ€œmoreโ€ in my life. And itโ€™s not just a feeling. Iโ€™m back to full-time teaching after a semester sabbatical. And during that sabbatical, I did significantly less than I usually doโ€“ both in life and when on sabbatical. I let the cadence of my activityโ€ฆ Continue reading On the satisfaction of pursuing less (with or without dog)

Maybe February is the new January: a case for showing up (late) to the challenge party

Okay, January 2023 is in the books. Along with it are the now finished (or abandoned) January challenges. Our own dear Fieldpoppy just posted yesterday about how her round of January challenges went. TLDR: they went splendidly! Sheโ€™s found a structure and a set of routines that support her in other parts of her lifeโ€ฆ Continue reading Maybe February is the new January: a case for showing up (late) to the challenge party

The Dalai Lama sticks his tongue out often, and other lessons from his Happiness Challenge

January is almost over, and with it comes a slowdown of the New Yearโ€™s challenges that show up in our inboxes and social media feeds. Iโ€™ve got mixed emotions about challenges. The novelty of them can be interesting, and maybe sometimes the intensity and repetition has lasting effects on habits we might want to alterโ€ฆ Continue reading The Dalai Lama sticks his tongue out often, and other lessons from his Happiness Challenge

Is second-hand cake as bad for you as second-hand smoke? On sweets in the workplace

On January 18, The Washington Post was either having a very slow news day or engaging in a hazing ritual for new editors. Why do I think this? Because of this article that somehow got published about how Dr. Susan, Jebb, chair of the UK Food Standards Agency personally doesnโ€™t like it when people bringโ€ฆ Continue reading Is second-hand cake as bad for you as second-hand smoke? On sweets in the workplace

Advance birthday activity party planning: throwing and hitting things

Last night I went to dinner with five friends, all of whom Iโ€™ve cycled with or skied with or kayaked with. In addition to catching up on each otherโ€™s families, jobs, pets and travel, talk naturally turned to the following subjects: For the most part, Iโ€™m minding the shop at home for at least theโ€ฆ Continue reading Advance birthday activity party planning: throwing and hitting things